9/5/2024 - Donuts and National Be Late for Something Day


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Finally a day I can support. Today I purchased the ticket for the trip to1 Phoenix, and no he doesn't need me to go with him.... he will arrive before 7 am and his appointment is at 1pm so where is he planning to go? He will figure it out on the spot.... Okay..... I'll stop asking questions....
Vinnie with is annoying off and on limping will need to be checked out but.... now to find a time that his doctor can see him as it's not really at this point an emergency...
At least the weather is holding not hot but warm..... blue skies and nice......

It is 74 with a high pollen count but sunny with a light breeze.

Robin: I never heard of THIS one! I could not resist the image below, for obvious reasons. I wish Vinnie well and glad it is not critical, but still needs to be checked out. Enjoy your nice weather!

Everyone have a great Thursday, whether you are late or on time or early for appointments.

We have an annual audit at the residential treatment center today. I was one of staff interviewed. I have been nervous about it people were praying....it's important to the facility to give right answers. Lots to remember. The lady found out I'm a retired special ed teacher then I was golden
Another cloudy, cool morning. It's partly sunny now and in the 80s. There's a chance of rain later.

I used my trimmer after walking this morning. Busy time at the little library. Storytime for preschool
kids is an hour earlier this year. I get to hear the stories and kids singing.

robin, good luck getting Vinnie to vet. Remind HB to take his phone charger on his trip. He might need it.

rf, I hope the rest of your day is a good one after your audit.

Wishing everyone a fun rest of the day.
I went to hang out at ActionS. We had a pretty good lunch. Back home... took Boomer out....now resting. I pulled a 10.5 hour shift yesterday, s9 getting up at 6am was so  NOT cool. If I doze off all is cool
oh, my gosh rf, that is a long, long day, for sure. Hope you dozed today. (I fall asleep watching TV, early.........and it screws up the next day, as I was awake 5 a.m. and could not fall back asleep, tho stayed in bed trying. Now will have to fight to stay awake tonight, or will go in a pattern. Tis still pitch dark here til nearly 6 a.m. (
Good afternoon everyone. I was told that it was a beautiful day, but I haven't seen it for myself. Stuck in my windowless office all day isn't where I wanted to be today. But I'm finally caught up with all reports but one, and my coworker took that home with her to finish up her part of it.

I'll be on the road all of next week with 2 schools each day. In fact, that goes on through the 24th. Not a happy camper, but I have to just go with it. No point getting worked up about it since I'd only be hurting myself.

robinsnest - That's an absolutely perfect day for my brother . He's always late for everything. I don't know how he ever made it to work on time. His friend took him to the airport this morning, and told him he'd pick him up an hour earlier than he really would just so he'd be ready on time.
Hubby's brother & his wife were just like that...always late, & thus we learned to tell them the family dinner or whatever was an hour earlier.........lol. Eventually they caught on to that, sooooooooo, we just started to eat without them. (This was after one Thanksgiving, when it was over an hour past the set time......so finally everyone sat to eat, food was becoming too hard to keep warm.......and when they finally arrived.....2 hours late........they's eaten at her parent's already!!! Can you imagine...not calling, notifying, making the entire family wait, and they were eating elsewhere. ) I think they figured they'd "eat for lunch, since her parent's time was noon......and then come for dinner at his parents which was set for 3.
Squirrel, I'm laughing about your brother's friend telling him an early time so he'd be ready. I feel for your brother and also for everyone who has to wait on him. It's always a struggle for me to be on time but I usually make it. Morning appointments are the most stressful things. It really stinks that you've spent all these years working in windowless rooms! But you're right about not getting upset over the travels--or any conditions. We only hurt ourselves when we get upset.

Robin, I hope Vinnie will get better soon or else have an easy fix for the limp. Poor little guy. Well, those Cowrollas do make me smile. They must be pretty manageable. Doesn't look like they even have bits in their mouths and not even regular saddles. I can't tell what kind of a get-up is connected to that blanket. So do these brave "cow-boys" really need helmets? I don't think I ever saw anybody ride cows before except for bucking bulls in rodeos. When I was about 16 my cowboy uncle talked me into getting on a big wild steer. It didn't take long for me to go flying and that was the end of my riding any bucking wild thing.

Poirot, I agree it was so rude not to let the family know they were going to be late and would already have eaten. That has become one of my biggest pet peeves. Not about meals, since I don't cook meals for people, but people in general not letting somebody know if they're going to be late or worst of all, not coming at all. The past few years of having to deal with contractors, home repair people, etc. have opened my eyes to how indifferent people are about doing what they say.

Squirrel, I wonder if your brother flew over my house on his way from DFW to Palm Springs. Could be. When my youngest son was still at home he and his dad were into electronics and they had some kind of radio that could pick up all sorts of things, including airplane radios. We would listen to pilots on the big airliners as they were coming or going to DFW. I've always wondered how long it takes to get from here to there in a jet plane. Takes nearly 3 hours driving but I'm guessing it would take a fraction of that in a jet.

Sexton, the past day or so for you may not have been cool but clearly you've still got what it takes. Good going--on handling all that. I'm guessing you are valued as a considerable asset to that organization.

Poirot, I share your sleeping issues. Also, I can't stand getting up when it's dark, so even if I wake up early (as in anything before 7:00), I'm reluctant to get out of bed because it's still pitch dark.

Kat, wow, you're still getting rain. Ours is all gone. I hope you enjoy the stories and kids singing. I can see how that might go either way.

Wilde Woman, and so are the days of our lives. :)
I'm getting a spot of rain now. It's not going to be much. No rain again until late next week. Sat and
Sun night it's suppose to be in the 40s. wow.

OC, I understand your frustration about not getting calls. I've been trying to get a locksmith to make a backdoor
key. I called place 2nd time last night. I was told woman called and left a message. I told him no. I told him she
could call this afternoon. I finally called office after 3:30 since she didn't bother.

rf, I hope you got a nap this afternoon.

rs, I hope your brother has a safe trip home and you'll have a restful weekend before your busy time starts.