9/4/23 - Donuts and Labor Day


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Dec 29, 2012
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Wishing everyone who has the day off a good day.

Another hot one here. Bad night of barely any sleep. 2 hrs. then woke, tossed and turned for the rest of the night, with a couple of potty breaks. Yuk. Was gonna stay in bed, but then, if I fell asleep, would not be able to sleep tonight. Vicious circle. LOL
Hope everyone has lovely weather, with a nice, relaxing day. Doubt I will be out with temp in 90s.....but who knows? Mother Nature may be in a good mood. lol
I was pleasantly surprised to see the thread started. Thanks, Kat. I'm not sure how people celebrate Labor Day. It used to be a last "hurrah" before going back to school. But now most schools--all in Texas--start back well before September. Even the colleges do now. I guess there are a lot of cookouts and visits to the lakes or enjoying 3 days off from work one way or another.

Poirot, I hope your forecast turns out to be in excess of the reality this time. The 90s* can be dreadfully hot if you have humidity.

Sexton, that's wonderful news for your area--for all of you and especially the farmers and ranchers. Praise God from whom all blessings flow......

Another 103* day expected here. Southwest wind keeps the humidity down but increases the fire dangers. I drove a quarter of a mile, more or less, and dumped my food scraps. It would be interesting to have a night camera at that spot, since I usually take them to the same place. I bet all the wildlife around knows about it. But the only thing I saw this morning in the area was a big turtle. I always wonder if they know where they're going. They spend most of their time in and around the tanks (ponds). I felt sorry for this one because it is so dry and they're usually only seen out and about after a rain. Worse yet, as I was leaving, this one had made a turn and was heading in a direction where there is no source of water for miles.
Good late morning..... today while on clean up patrol... I ALMOST stepped on Private Toad.... and in the process almost sprained my ankle... the Toad Hunter chased him to my direction.... I hadn't been paying enough attention to the Toad Hunter.... he was very proud of himself..... Last night while outside I saw a firefly.... just one.... there may have been others but I saw just one.... according to Hunny Bunny this triggered memories of growing up in this area... there were supposed to be many fireflies.... interesting.... where did they go??

We will be close to if not over the triple digits today....

Happy Labor Day to all....
Brutal heat/humidity today, feels like July. We will be suffering through this heat wave until Friday.

Went out for one hour today, back home at 11:30, in for the day.

Everyone who is off, please enjoy your day!

Good early afternoon everyone.
My house is holding at a comfortable 73° while outside it is already 90°. I had all of the window fans on intake by 6:00 this morning to pull in the cool air. Once both the inside and outside temps reached 73°, I put all but the bathroom and back hall fans on exhaust. Now just cool air from the woods is getting pulled in and warmer air goes out.

I really don't want to work in the schools while temps are in the 90s the rest of this week.

robinsnest, I can't even imagine seeing only one firefly at night. (Called lightning bugs up here.)

There are hundreds in my yard every night, and that's not counting the ones in my woods and the woods across the road. It is really something to watch when they synchronize their flashes to the sounds of the crickets and peepers (tiny frogs that "sing" at night).

OC, maybe that was a desert tortoise? Supposedly they live in your part of Texas, and can go a year without water.
It's cloudy and in the 90s this afternoon. It's going to be the same weather all week.

I got a lot done outside this morning. I'll be outside again tomorrow AM. I got bit by mosquitos.

I decided the other day I'm going to work Thurs at the small library. I'll try to go to church library
before my Bible study.

robin, I haven't seen many lightening bugs this year.

OC, I put lettuce pieces in separate area of compost. Something likes the lettuce I leave out.

Wilde Woman, stay safe with the humidity.

rs, take care going to schools this week.

rf, I'm glad you got rain in your area.

Poirot, I hope you sleep better tonight.

Take care everyone.
Good morning, all! I'm having a weird morning. I was aware of growing anxiety that I was trying to get under control. Then, I'm not sure what happened -- i.e. I don't remember. Evidently I called 911 and also texted my older daughter -- telling them that I thought I was having a stroke. This is all a blank for me now. The medics arrived, and I talked with them. One of them went down to the end of the street and brought my younger daughter up. [The one who currently has COVID]. The medic pricked my finger for a drop of blood. What the heck would that tell them???? My daughter reminded me that I am to leave on a trip to Canada in a couple of days. I was surprised to learn this!! This is scary stuff, folks! Is this what they call a "brain fart"? Sounds funny, but is anything but funny when it happens. I'm feeling sort of OK now, but unnerved by the incident. It feels like this trip is jinxed -- with so many things happening that seem geared to derail it.
Lil0, you definitely need to call your doctor tomorrow! That was a weird incident that needs to be checked.

This is way different than a brain fart . That is a much lesser thing like forgetting someone's name or walking into the kitchen and forgetting why you went in there.

When they pricked your finger, they could've been doing a quick test for low / high blood glucose or the enzymes that show a stroke just happened.
Lil0, take care of yourself.

rf, I'm glad you got more rain.
Lilo, agree with squirrelly, call your doc...glad your daughter was able to come.

Yayyy, rf. for the rain.

I hope I can solve my mailbox problem. Have always had a hard time with the lock, but this was 4th try today, and it just will not open. Bet if anyone saw me, they were wondering if I did not realize there was no mail delivery on a holiday. LOL
And I cannot see the mail person , as I have an appt. around noon tomorrow. I honestly do not know what to do. No idea if the post office will change or fix the lock, or if the manager here of the condo area does that????
Good morning, all! I'm having a weird morning. I was aware of growing anxiety that I was trying to get under control. Then, I'm not sure what happened -- i.e. I don't remember. Evidently I called 911 and also texted my older daughter -- telling them that I thought I was having a stroke. This is all a blank for me now. The medics arrived, and I talked with them. One of them went down to the end of the street and brought my younger daughter up. [The one who currently has COVID]. The medic pricked my finger for a drop of blood. What the heck would that tell them???? My daughter reminded me that I am to leave on a trip to Canada in a couple of days. I was surprised to learn this!! This is scary stuff, folks! Is this what they call a "brain fart"? Sounds funny, but is anything but funny when it happens. I'm feeling sort of OK now, but unnerved by the incident. It feels like this trip is jinxed -- with so many things happening that seem geared to derail it.
Please take care Lilo, you are loved. You did right calling for help, and texting your daughter. Keep us posted please on how you are doing!
Poirot, the condo manager should be able to tell you.

Lil0, I can only agree with the others. Please don't leave on a trip without getting checked out by your doctor. I'm so sorry things are going haywire for you. Please keep us updated.

Kat, you may have a bunny eating the lettuce--unless your compost is constructed in a way they can't get to it.

Sexton, YEA!!

Robin, I'm glad you didn't step on Toad, and even more glad you didn't injure your ankle. I haven't seen lightning bugs in a long time but that could be because I rarely go outside after dark. We had fun with them as kids. This may not be true but I have a sense that they are more likely to be around in years when it isn't so dry.

Squirrel, I wish I had known all your tricks for cooling a house without a/c when I lived in soggy, humid PA years ago. I was not prepared for living with no a/c in that kind of heat. It seemed primitive to me at the time. (This was a new house in a very nice neighborhood. Even old and inexpensive places in Texas were air conditioned by 1975). Please tell me the schools you go to are air conditioned.

Wilde Woman, I'm sorry you've got another week of heat. We do too.
Well, as soon as I told my friend about what happened this morning, she said we need to cancel the trip. I cried. But I know she is right. I just took a COVID test and it was negative. So, I still have absolutely no explanation for what all is happening to me. I have a mild headache off and on across my forehead, a bit of a queasy stomach, and feel a bit chilled. That is why I decided to try the covid test. So much yet to learn.
Lil0, I'm sorry you have to cancel your trip. Hopefully, you can go later and you have a new passport.
Lilo you absolutely must go to doctor TUESDAY
It could have been a TIA or some sort of seizure activity
If my mom or dad had ever presented symptoms such as these, I would have had them taken straight to ER.