9/4/2024 - Donuts and a Cat Story

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
First off I'm thinking about our Kat. I know she and I have posted a new thread at the same time more than once in the past, so will it happen this time??

Nothing going on here. It's a dreary kind of a day, very overcast and wet, though not raining. I don't mind. After the long summer of seemingly endless sunshine and heat, I'm still able to enjoy cloudy weather for now.

When my son was here Sunday night I had the outside lights on, which I usually do not. We looked out and saw a cat next to my water hydrant. First cat I'd seen on this place in probably at least a decade. My son went outside and the cat started following him and meowing. It was soon clear that this cat had been somebody's pet but how did he get here? Did someone dump him on the county road? I'll never know but I gathered up some cooked hamburger meat and an egg and put it out. Next morning I was hoping it would still be around. One of my niece's cats had disappeared a few weeks ago and I was hoping this might be it. I described it to my niece and it sounded like the one. But the cat was nowhere around the next morning. My niece told me it might have gotten up on a shelf in the old shop and could be sleeping there. She said to go out and call kitty, kitty. I did and immediately a loud meowing sound was coming from the shop and the sleepy cat soon appeared. To sum it up, my niece came right over. The cat was not hers. It was a female, not a male, but she couldn't get over how the cat looked exactly like hers except it was a good bit smaller, a juvenile, not a much bigger cat like hers. Disappointing and probably confirms that a coyote or bobcat got hers, as she had suspected from the beginning. But she eagerly took the young lady home with her and we were all happy. She put her in her nursing home for cats building, where she has a few old ladies with dementia. (I'm not kidding)! Fed her good and made her comfortable, will keep her there until she is adjusted and can be transferred to a more suitable group. She goes to the vet next week for the basics.
Good morning (almost afternoon here) everyone.

Still playing catch up and putting out fires.

Coworker is back, and she insisted on doing the screenings in our northern county today. Her daughter has a "maybe" diagnosis of POTS... Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. She has to have the symptoms for 6 months before the cardiologist can give that diagnosis. Her heart rate elevates to over 200 and her blood pressure goes down even when sleeping so has a monitor. This is usually the result of a virus especially the flu or COVID. The girl has never had either unless she was asymptomatic.

OC - That is one lucky kitty to have come to the right people so she'll be cared for.
Almost OC, I decided to wait a little longer.

Another cloudy, cool morning so far. I worked outside a little this morning. I'll be out again Friday.

I finally took a box of my brother's maps to the post office. I got an address last year, but didn't mail right away.
They wanted maps before 1980. There were was a lot of maps dated after that. I wasn't sure how to get rid of
those. I knew too many to recycle. I decided awhile ago to mail them all to the group. They can sell them or
do something else with them. I still have some to mail, but not as much today. 20 pounds.

OC, I'm glad the kitten found a home. How many cats does your niece take care of?

rs, I'm glad your co worked is back to help you out? I hope they find the right diagnosis for her daughter.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Good day to all..... It's mowing day here..... so lots of noise. Vinnie has retreated into HB's office/room to avoid the loud large machines..... HB needs to go to Phoenix for an echo cardiogram, he wants to fly in and out on the same day.... I'm sort of like you got this message via voicemail could you call the doctor and find out if you need to do something before the test? Will they drug you during the test? because I can find a flight that gets him in in plenty of time before the test, but really looking at the online suggestions of things to do spending 2.5 hours in a pressurized tube at 30k feet isn't exactly one of them....it's a good two day drive so two nights in a hotel, plus gas it could be cheaper for one to fly....ah.... he's bull headed and will do what he wants.... so I'll cope with the aftermath.....
The nights here are lovely.... I'd love to be able to sleep with the windows open but the BEAST goes into BEAST MODE at every slight noise....
waiting to hear back from the maintenance crew to fix the patio door....they started last Friday.... an update would be nice....ya know?

Happy Wednesday to all....
Wilde Woman, enjoy your day.

robin, how's Vinnie doing? Is he still limping? I wish HB would see a doctor where you live.
Speaking of glass doors, a few days ago, a car drove into a house, into the living room, came to rest against the sofa. Owner had a door cam, so there is a video. Shattered the glass doors, broken furniture, etc. If I can get the clip to post here, will do so.

Robin, why does HB have to go so far out of town for the echo cardiogram???
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HB likes his cardiologist and refuses to move to a doctor in town..... now why he couldn't have had this test while we were in Phoenix in July is beyond me.... what if the test shows he needs immediate surgery? anyway he called his doctor's office and they said if all goes okay he will walk out an hour after the test.... so I just booked him on a flight that leaves at 6 am on the day and returns at midnight of the day..... and I guess we will go with the all things will go well...... because well, why not..... I'll just hope he doesn't need to have any sort of work done, valve replacement etc in Phoenix....
Poirot, I saw that video on tv. I think this happened in Texas?? but can't recall the town. The house owners and their pets were right there but if I remember correctly, there were no serious injuries.

Robin, I had an echo-cardiogram about 15 years ago. It was like a scan and I don't think there was any preparation needed but I forget so many things..... Of course I too think flying to Phoenix for it seems extreme but I don't even try to figure out why people do what they do. I have enough hangups myself and sometimes my own don't even make sense. I sure hope the test for HB goes smoothly with no need for followup!

Wilde Woman, happy Wednesday... :)

Kat, that's interesting about the maps. It's always hard for me to throw away things like maps and books. But most of mine are too old and not in good enough condition to give away or sell. I have no idea how many cats my niece has. I don't even know how many buildings she has. Nothing new or fancy. She just collects old stuff and works on it herself all the time, to make it weather proof and comfortable for the cats. She's not trying to get any additional cats and is letting the population decrease naturally but she can't allow an animal to remain homeless and starving when she sees it-- like the one at my house. I would have let it stay here and I would have fed it but it would have to stay outside and without any big dogs around it would be easy prey for coyotes and bobcats.

Squirrel, I can't help but wonder if the co-worker's daughter had the Covid vaccine. I hope this is not too controversial to post here, and if it is, someone can remove it. But I've heard of a lot of young people who got heart problems from the vaccine. It just seems strange that she has something that's usually the result of flu or Covid but she never had either. Regardless of the cause, I so hope she'll get better with time.
OC - Just asked, and she DID have all of the previous COVID vaccines. The last one was September, 2023.

rf - I hope your work day remains quiet.

Poirot - That car crashing in the house was scary.

robinsnest - Yep, my first thought was why HB didn't change to a cardiologist near you.

kat - It is good that you can get a little money for things that your brother collected.

WW - This fall weather is definitely beautiful!! Though I could do without the mid 40's at night
I've read some people get heart problems because they had Covid. We will probably never
the truth about it all.

rs, I'm not getting money for maps. They're suppose to repay me for shipping, but nothing
for the maps. I couldn't throw them away. There were some dated before 1940.

robin, men can be so difficult. I wonder why his doctor won't recommend someone closer
because a doctor in your town will need to know his medical history if something happens.
That car crashing into a house happened here, in this town, not all that far from me. 4 people injured, plus the drive. A couple of them were children, but all are o.k. Driver NOT IN CUSTODY, so the paper says, & "the car was driving at a high rate of speed". I can't seem to copy the article, also has the pic of the car just before it hit the house. Even had adress of the home.

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The police think it was impaired driving, are investigating. Happened last week Wednesday. The driver already has had 4 OWI convictions, suspensions, etc. bUT the last was in 2019
Apparently there are more vehicles crashing into homes than we realize. I just looked it up. The one I had in mind happened two days ago in Phoenix, Arizona. Showed man and woman about to sit down at their tv trays to eat dinner. Three big dogs eagerly hoping for a bite. Vehicle comes crashing through like an explosion.

Then I saw that a car crashed into a home in Temple, Texas three days ago. Driver killed.

Bottom line, there are too many driving who shouldn't be. Also too many who break the law get turned right back out to do it again.

Squirrel, thanks for answering about the vaccine. Sounds like there's probably no way for them to find out the cause and I guess it doesn't matter unless it could help to figure out the best treatment.

Sexton, quiet at work is good, I think.

Looks like the rain is gone. I got nearly half an inch today.
Several years ago a young woman was driving too fast missed a turn drove into a house backed out leaving her right front tire, drove two more blocks at still a high rate of speed and lost control of her car again this time taking out my mailbox and front yard fence. My fence and oak tree stopped the car, she climbed out and tried to run from the incident, neighbors caught her called the police and my son. We were out celebrating his birthday. she was 21 and this was her second DUI. She did over 90 thousand dollars of damage to house one, 4 thousand dollars of damage to my house. State Farm wouldn't even go after her, so I had to go to court and say I wanted to be paid back. I'm #4 on the list should she pay off the folks the folks before me or win the lottery. The house she hit just prior to my house put a lien on her checks to get paid back, or well their insurance company put a lien on her pay check, any money tax money back from federal taxes or state taxes.

While in Phoenix the house on the other corner had a car drive through their back yard fence twice into their yard. We were lucky as we weren't actually on the corner as several cars ended up on the drainage yard next to the house.

I agree.... some folks shouldn't be out driving....