9/20/24 - Donuts and National Pepperoni Pizza Day

Morning, ALL...........Sun is finally coming out, after early morn cloudy & overcast. Gonna have sunshine the next couple of days, but.....no 80s.....yay, more 70s and even 60s! (high 60s). Have a couple errands later, and my son is to come up for a few days.....but, he stays out at the lake (I am in town) I think hunting for something starts on Sat. , probably ducks...and there is fishing. So he will be busy.

Yes, getting darker a bit earlier now, but interesing, I really did not sleep all night, so the moon was always shining brightly thru the closed blinds, thus room not dark. Then, around 4 a.m. it suddenly was dark........no idea what happened to the moon,, stayed like that til around 6 when dawn began to appear. Right now the sky is so clear blue, not a cloud anywhere, sun is very bright. Hope everyone has a beautiful day. The big mums outside the window are still in full bloom, won't last much longer, but as I already mentioned, no fall color in the trees, just die and fall off.
Summer has arrived back in my area. It will be in the 90s today and tomorrow with high humidity.
Rain still in forecast for Monday. I hope it rains.

I weeded the front bed. I have a little bit left to do. I used sprinkler to water backyard. I'm getting a
new sprinkler since the one the landscaper bought has timer on it. It's annoying since sprinkler won't
go w/out timer on. I'll give back the one I don't want back to him and get credit. Sunday I'll be using
my new trimmer. I'll be studying and maybe rearrange things the rest of the day.

I don't like pepperoni.

rf, how is your job going? Are you getting some time off?

Poirot, I hope your son comes to visit. Enjoy your cooler weather.

robin, I hope all is well at your house.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the day.
Good morning....
from my poor understanding the trees need cooler nights to change color..... otherwise the leaves just fall.... I have a Maple tree in Sacramento that had green leaves then brown leaves, boring, that had to be raked one year we had an early cold snap and we had green leaves one day and the next morning brilliant red leaves.... the tree was amazing looking..... but red leaves are just as annoying to rake up as brown..... in case you wanted to know....
kat.... my youngest son has broken the "key" to pepperoni..... you need black olives as they cut the heat/spice of the pepperoni's....... and really you never doubt an 11 year old who has a strong conviction on a food. So for the next few years it would be a pepperoni pizza with half black olives for the boys and a small vegetarian for me..... Now I have to find a place where I can order pizza without the red tomato sauce as tomatoes and I are no longer friends.....
The beast is better maybe? I think I saw him holding up his leg like it hurt, but maybe he just was standing like that because he like it?
HB may be a bit better but if he doesn't walk around more to build up some strength he's not ever going to recover....last night after midnight he was sitting on the couch in the living room coughing.... did he take his cough medication??? no..... so okay.... men, don't understand them....
I may go to the football game tonight, I was going to go to the one on Monday but Grandson is playing tonight....

Happy TGIF to all....
I put fresh water out for the birds this afternoon. There are six or seven blue birds having a bath.

FYI, I don't like black olives either.

rf, I'm sorry you had to work today. I hope you get the weekend off.

robin, I hope you're able to get to the football game.
Thanks for the info about pepperoni pizza day. It’s absolutely my favorite type of pizza. It also seems to be the favorite in pizza ads. Whether it’s an ad for Red Baron, Digiorno, Pizza Hut, or Papa John’s, the pizza shown always seems to be pepperoni. In fact, in addition to Wanchai Ferry, the writers should have shown Caroline pushing her favoite brand of pepperoni pizza.
Don't like pepperoni, don't like sausage, so cheese pizza is my thing. However, between those other two mentioned, I will take sausage, thank you.
And now, here is a bit........I grew up in an Italian neighborhood, with a very best friend whose parents were born and raised in Italy. (My Polish Milwaukee relatives never heard of Pizza , lol)
O.K. we all make spaghetti sauce however we make it.Maybe with meatballs, maybe just browned ground beef. Once I married, you had to also use Italian sausage. Fine, it pleased my half Italian hubby. My kids all love it (except one just tolerates it, lol). I always use Italian sausage, (in addtion to the ground beef), just adds that special flavor to the spaghetti sauce. However, since my hubby passed, there is no one to eat the sausage, unless my son is visiting. But he lives nearly 4 hours away, so, not often. (I do blather on, don't I?). I live in Wisconsin, German, Norwegian heritage mostly. Getting around to that I would end up disposing of the Italian sausage when I defrosted a container of homemade from the freezer. That annoyed me, wasting food, even tho I used it for flavor for the sauce. Upshot, I rarely make spaghetti sauce any more, My family all lives in other states, mostly down south, so no, am lucky if they visit once a year. I only drive here in the area. . My husband loved it all..........ate it all. Kielbasa, Italian sausage.......name it. And I have gone on too long, sorry, my friends.
Nope, not sorry...gonna add a few bits. My mom was from Milwaukee, came to Chi town to nursing school, met dad, married, stayed, had 2 female children, divorced dad, had custody of kids. Her Milwaukee family was wonderful, my sis and I spent our entire summers staying mostly with one aunt, but a week or so with others. So ....let's remember that in those days, divorce was not easy, or acceptable.. My mom was able to work, being a nurse, dad paid child support, not much but did so even after we were grown, on our own.......until mom passed.
Was so lucky with my Milwaukee relatives, who took care of us (me & my sis) all summer, until school started in Chicago. Am so grateful my children were all able to meet my Milwaukee family (their's, too) enjoy them all, have good times, great memories. Time goes by, things change, loved ones are no longer with us....my aunts, uncles, cousins are gone, God Rest their souls. But the memories live on. I hope you all have memories you cherish. God Bless!
Poirot, I always enjoy reading about your family and your life. I hope your son visits you! Yes, I have the good memories too. Living in the house I grew up in, memories pop up everyday. Until you get to the stage we're at, one cannot realize what it's like to have spouse, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and most cousins gone.

Kat, I'm glad you can get credit on the sprinkler you didn't want. I wouldn't want anything on an automatic timer. This must be "bluebird month." I've had two of them hanging around my water pan, along with the mockingbirds, for a few days.

Brisbydog, I've never heard of the cut and crisp pepperoni. Sounds good.

DrBakerFan, interesting about pepperoni usually being on the pizza ads. I hadn't thought about it but that does seem like the way I've seen them too. Also interesting you see the same kinds of pizza I do, though way across the country from me.

Robin, what you said about needing cooler nights makes sense and it doesn't conflict with what little I've observed. At my house there are wild China Berry trees across from my driveway, lots of them. Their leaves turn gold. I also have a big Chinese Pistachio tree inside my yard. Some years its leaves turn a breathtakingly brilliant color of gold, with a slight tinge of orange. But other years it's dull, and yet other years it, along with the China Berry trees, just turns brown and drops the leaves. When this happens it's usually in August when it begins, rather than closer to October as is the ordinary. My sense is that the early no-show drops happen in unusually hot/dry summers.

It was another triple digit day. Monday we're supposed to start getting a change. My handyman came around noon today and worked until 5:00. He's going to have to come one more time. He's been fixing a number of things for me that have been neglected for a long time. He's such a nice guy and seems to know what he's doing.

Sexton, seems like you have to do extra shifts a lot.

Robin, I hope HB takes his meds and gets over that cough soon, though coughs have a tendency to linger. Hoping the best for Vinnie too. Also pulling for grandson's team to win.

I think Robin's grandson may be onto something about the black olives with the pepperoni. At least I like the idea of it. I wonder if that would also work with other, hotter, foods, such as Mexican salsa, etc. Robin, too bad about the tomato sauce being off limits for you. That would pretty much ruin pizza for me. There's a pizza place in the town across the river from me that makes it without any to notice. Took me two visits there to figure out what I didn't like about their pizza. Not long after that I was at my daughter's in Dallas. She got some take-out pizza that was the same way. It too was a local place, not a chain. I'd never had anything like these before. Don't know if it's a new thing or what.

My favorite pizza is Mexican Pizza. Red Baron makes a decent one for home but they don't have them available often. I also like the Supreme Pizzas, with just about everything on them besides anchovies or non-traditional things, such as pineapple. But if I want just one topping other than cheese, it's got to be pepperoni! I like how pizza places can make each half a different topping for people who don't want the same thing. I always want pepperoni but my niece doesn't like it. She always wants sausage or hamburger, neither of which I will eat on a pizza. My daughter has to have Canadian Bacon. I don't care for that. Tastes like lunch meat ham to me. We didn't have pizza here when I was growing up. I first heard of it when visiting relatives in California, in the mid-1950s. By the early '60s I saw it here in the big cities and finally it got out to these smaller areas not long after that. My mother never made any kind of Italian food and neither did friends or relatives we visited.