9/2/2024 - Donuts and Happy Labor Day

Partly cloudy today with high humidity. It was chilly this morning and I wore pants
when I walked.

I went to church as usual today even though no one else there. I can get in all the
buildings. I did my usual stuff and decided to dust the floor in the sanctuary. I
noticed the same stuff on the floor so no one else is doing the floors. I did one
side this week.

I hope everyone is having a nice holiday.
Sunny & cool today...but it warmed up a bit this afternoon, into the low 70s. and it's darker a little later in the a.m., and earlier in the p.m.

Yesterday, I accidently slid off an easy chair, just as I was sitting down, landing on the floor on my butt. You know that commercial "I've fallen and I can't get up"? That was me, now I was sprawled and unable to get up, surprising what you lose as you age. My phone was in the other room, I had no way to get any help. Well, fortunately, my floor is a big nice wooden one, so, I slowly scooted across, on my butt, to my little office, pushed my rolling desk chair up against the wall under the window, but unable to pull myself up. (same in living room) Finally managed to roll over on my knees, pulled me up at last, then sat in the desk chair, called friend who lives across the street to come over in case I wasn't able to walk well. She held my hand, got into living room, sank into chair. I have a walker, so used that rest of the day and today. My one knee hurts, a result of the roll over to knees and getting up. So, am walking with a bit of limp, mostly due to holding that leg with sore knee straight when I walk. One gets surprised when body parts don't work right as we age. LOL
When told my friend how I scooted on my butt, she remarked it was lucky I had this nice, wooden floor. (she has one herself, but covered parts with huge throw rugs. ) What griped me was my old landline phones (now disconnected) were just a foot or so away from where I landed on the floor.......but my cell (gifted to me by my son, who had my phone # transferred to it, figuring I'd always have it with me (no, I just don't) . So it was way across in another room. Grrrr.
Poirot, sorry you fell. At least, you landed on your butt and not somewhere else. Fell better soon.