9/19/2024 - Donuts and Argh, It's Talk Like a Pirate Day


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It's a nice day at the moment will be a hot day in a few hours..... Friday will follow with heat and humidity..... then rain about game time.... how fun is that? Ya, not much....but that is a tomorrow thing...

I don't have anything planned for excitement today, I finished my book last night so perhaps I'll get into a new one....
aHOY. MATIES....no one walks the plank today. LOL

So, it was all cloudy and dreary at 7, rained rather hard it seemed at 8, and by 9 the sun was out, shining brightly, sky as blue as can be, and now, it is 10 and some white fluffy clouds have shown up, here and there. No idea what's in store the rest of the day. Have a medical appt. early this afternoon, so hope it is still nice then. Hope you all have a good day...........
Shiver me timbers!

Not shivering quite yet, 76 sunny degrees. I don't think I'll walk the plank today, since I just did on Tuesday.:)

Unpleasant pigeon activity today. I noticed a mangy looking pigeon whose feathers had been ruffled, maybe in a park brawl, just perching on the bottom lower ledge behind the screen, not moving, even when I slammed the terrace door. I thought maybe it had died. Then a larger pigeon flew over, and they started fighting, and feathers were literally flying. The larger bird managed to bop the head of the mangy pigeon, and it flew away. The bully pigeon took off shortly thereafter, but not until I saw a bunch of feathers flying around which eventually flew off the terrace.

That's my pigeon story for the day, and I'm sticking to it.

Everyone enjoy your day, and if you happen to see a pirate, say hi, they like that!


Egads, WW........you got some tough birds out there, lol.

I miss those old pirate movies, silly, but fun. Errol Flynn having a sword fight, Treasure Island, Blackbeard, heck they are not even on TV anymore.............or else I am unaware when they are. That was the days when Studios reigned......MGM, Paramount, Columbia, Warner Bros., RKO..............all long gone now.
It's sunny and in the 90s this afternoon. A/C on. It's suppose to cool down Wed with rain.

A busy day at the little library. I came home to order checks for a one of my financial places.
I found out my account was transferred without any notification to another area. I guess if
I need to talk to advisor he'll have to come to me since I'm not going there. I got checks
ordered. Maybe one day I'll get letter to tell me about the move.

robin, I hope you can rest today. How's Vinnie and HB doing?

Wilde Woman, enjoy the nice day.

Poirot, I hope you appt. went well.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
Charles Vane.JPG
I watched a Starz show Black Sails about pirates.... Above is Charles Vane.... my favorite pirate on the show.... he was not someone you'd want to emulate he was bad.. but ever so sexy (Zach McGowan brought him to life)
Kat, that's very strange about the transfer. I hope all the loose ends get tied up.

Sexton, I'm thinking pirates might not have a vry long attention span. haha.

Robin, hope you find a good book. Relaxing sounds like a great idea, after all you've had happening.

Poirot, the funny thing about your weather is how dramatically it changes in one day. Within a few hours' time you get a little bit of everything! Yeah, the same thing happens here in Texas some but lately not so much. We've had an overabundance of full sunshine and hot breezes. Hope your appointment went well.

Wilde Woman, your pigeon story is about the most entertaining thing I've heard in a while. At first it sounded pretty funny but it took on a darker side by the time they went out of your view. I'm wondering if the pigeons have been observing some of the big city human behavior that we see on tv. Whatever the reason, your story fascinates me. I've never seen birds fight like that.

It's another scorcher here today. Should reach 100* with heat index of 106*. By Sunday the lower 90s* and beginning Monday we are to see highs in the 80s* for the week. Yea!! My critter viewing was pretty dull compared to what WW saw, but it was a bit more of a diversion than average. When I opened my curtains out back I saw a doe and two fawns just behind the yard. Later, when I went out to feed the birds there was a squirrel in the yard. Thinking it was Earl I spoke to it and told it to come on up to the scaffolding. Instead, it ran way up in the pecan tree, as though afraid. I figured Earl must have been replaced but then in a little while I went back out to clean up some debris in the grass and a squirrel came right up close to me and buried a pecan in the ground. So I'm confused. The mockingbirds have been playing in the water pan all morning and I saw two Eastern Bluebirds and took a picture of one sitting in a swing.

I need to do some decluttering. My home repair guy is coming back tomorrow.

Robin, that guy looks like he could hold his own among pirates or just about anybody else.
Kat, you have more patience than me. A bank here screwed up some stuff with my checking account, and when I realized, corrected it, but It was several things, ..........I opened an account at another bank, got the new checks, and closed down the account at the one that made the errors. I had banked there since I moved here years ago, but it was just...........too much. I liked it, of course, but nope, was too much.

Blue skies here, sun all day, 80°. We finally will be going into the 70s this weekend. Did rain this a.m. But not for long. I was hoping it was going to again, but nope. Now they are saying this evening, lol. We will see. We have NO fall colors in the trees. Not at all. The leaves just dry up, fall off the trees. No idea what to make of the odd weather.