9/17/24 - Donuts and National Pet Bird Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Whoa, where is everybody today? It's not even a weekend. Kat, glad to see you. Thanks for starting the thread.

I had to hit the deck running this morning. HVAC guys were coming first thing to install my new mini-split in the sunroom. They were finished and gone by 11:30. It is wonderful to have that room cool again. It's where I do paper work, among other things. Have been having to drag things into the main part of the house for the past week or so.

Just as they were leaving, my g-nephew and his girlfriend showed up to do some more of the demolition/clean up of what used to be a laundry room in the old garage/shop, but has for some years now been a haven for raccoons and other critters. There is still a lof to go through in the bigger part of the shop but with this room torn out and cleaned up, it is no longer scary to go in there. There's a skunk living in there right now. Yesterday it ran out frantically a few times, confused over having his home torn apart. Didn't see it today so hoping maybe gone. I never sprayed even with all the commotion.

Squirrel, definitely, pets! I love it!
Good Tuesday to everyone....
I've been to Costco to get HB's different Covid drugs..... Now he doesn't want to go to Phoenix because he has covid.... I asked him to contact his cardiologist and see what she says.... before we cancel flights and stuff......That was a couple of hours ago... he still hasn't done that..... I want to harm him.... then I have the dog that isn't supposed to run, jump, play ball you know be a dog.... I'm slowly losing my mind.....

The football game last night ended at half time as the other side wasn't able to field a full team.... that was nice.... outside of the injured player and the ambulance on the field... poor kid out of town and hurt badly enough to need an ambulance ride to a hospital... our team won not that it mattered much.....

Happy Tuesday
Another cloudy day and in the 80s. The sun is suppose to come out tomorrow. I've
been enjoying the cloudy days.

I took a small time out from the summary and planted a mum plant. I hope it does
well in the new section of the yard. I got my studies done for my class tomorrow.

OC, I'm glad your sunroom is cool again.

robin sorry your day isn't going to well. I'm glad you got to the game last night.

I hope everyone has a dandy rest of the day.
LAST night the sky was so bright, it was like daytime. Figured must be the full moon.I have to outside to see the moon, as it is not visible from inside thru windows. I love the Harvest moon........hope it shines big and bright tonight.
Yes, it's going to be a great view.

September’s full moon — rising elegantly and looming large in Tuesday evening’s eastern sky — will be one to pause and admire. Not only is it a supermoon, but a partial lunar eclipse will occur as the moon becomes full at 10:35 p.m. Eastern.
Often called the harvest moon, it comes as the nights grow long and temperatures cool in the Northern Hemisphere. Given that the moon rises near sunset, it will be reaching peak fullness at a time when it already appears larger low on the horizon due to illusions and the way our brains process the view.

It’s called a supermoon — or in this case a super harvest moon — because it will be full at a time when it is unusually close to Earth on its elliptical orbit.

The entire partial lunar eclipse can be viewed — as long as clouds cooperate — in most of North America (except Alaska).

moon 91624.JPG
I took this picture last night....
I saw part of it out my front door. I don't think I saw that much cover. It looked like
the moon had a cloud on it.