9/16/24 - Donuts and National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day

Yummm, I love cinnamon-raisin bread. Unfortunately, it is not allowed on my menu. sigh.
Good morning to all,
Autumn in the air here. Gray sky, cool, light rain off and on.

Some drama here yesterday -- up the highway a few miles. Some guy in dispute with his girlfriend decided to escalate. For some reason, he thought that cutting down a power pole would keep the police from getting him. ??????? Anyway, the highway was shut down, and law enforcement from several neighboring counties came to help. The guy barricaded himself in the house. The drama continued all day yesterday and into the night. I think it was around 2 o'clock this morning that they finally had the guy in custody. No injuries beyond what ever he did to his girlfriend to initiate this whole scene.
The pole was toppled at about 5:43 yesterday morning. That was when my power went out for about a minute. Power to folks nearer to this incident might still be off. I'm not sure. Also, the last report I saw a few hours ago said that the highway was still closed as they had not yet got the power pole repaired. That highway is the north/south route for the whole island. Can't get there from here if the highway is closed.

Wishing you all a more peaceful day!!
it was a thrilling and exciting weekend here that's for sure..... NOT
Vinnie is not happy with his continued restrictions
HB is not happy he has called his doctor and left a message, they will call back when they have time!! Ya, I'm not asking again.....
I am however going to the Grandson's football game this afternoon.... It will be outside, I will test before I go, if positive I'll get to stay home with the happy duo....
I have to run to the store today, I may just pick up some raisin bread.... that sounds yummy....

Happy Monday to all...
Another cloudy day here. It will be close to 80 with high humidity. It's going to be
cloudy until Wed.

I like cinnamon raisin bread. It's been awhile since I bought any. The price too high.

A busy time at church. I had to walk to several buildings more than a couple of times
which is unusual. I left my step counter at home so I don't know how many steps I'll
have today. I had over 4000 after walking this morning so I probably have over 10,000.
Studies this afternoon.

Lil0, it's lucky you didn't loose power all day.

robin, I hope you can get to the game and not be stuck at home.

Poirot, take care with the warm temperatures.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon everyone. Almost time to go home, and I'm beat. This was the most "Mondayish" Monday. Worked by myself today when my co-worker called off at the last minute, and I had 2 schools that were quite a distance from the office. Then the school nurse was over an hour late getting to the first school. (She had a parent show up late for a conference, then she went to the wrong school!) I couldn't even start screening because she had my roster. The teachers had no idea if any of the parents had opted out so I couldn't do any of them until I had that darn list.

Oh well, must finish these reports that I have to give to the nurse at tomorrow's school. Please save a slice of that cinnamon raisin bread for me.
Between all the crazy nuts and the downright evil ones, strange drama seemingly has permeated the entire country. Lil0, I hope you are able to stay home until all that mess is resolved and repaired!

Robin, I hope you tested negative. Much as I would not want to sit through a football game, it might be preferable to staying home with two ailing guys. But I do wish both of them speedy recoveries.

Kat, thanks for the reminder about the step counter. I haven't thought to use mine in a while. I know I never get in near as many steps as you do. It would be a dream to me to do 10,000. This summer I've really been lazy, staying in my "cave" with curtains closed to try to block out the sun and heat. I've spent a good bit of the summer without a/c, due to one breakage after another. Tomorrow they are coming to put in my new mini-split in the sun room. That will be a relief. It's been like an oven out there.

Poirot, don't send any of your summer here. People here are getting pretty tired of it. We're to reach 96* today. Somehow that almost feels worse now than 100* did a few weeks ago. Guess it must be pyschological or else more humidity??

Oh my, Wilde Woman, that bread does look good! I used to love cinnamon-raisin bread, probably still would. I can't even remember when I've had any of it. I agree, it's good regardless of what you put on it.

I feel like I've been spinning my wheels today. Thought I'd go to town to get a couple of things I didn't get last week. Then realized I was getting a package of supplements in the mail and they would be baked by the time I got home. I'd gotten up late (8:45) and was running behind anyway.............
Well, I got interrupted by several things. That was about three hours ago so I've done nothing but talk to people since then.

Squirrel, I hope you got everything caught up and are at home to rest by now.