9/14/224 - Donuts and waiting for the bug man


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
The landlord arranged annual bug spray is supposed to be today. He's late, we have to be out of the house for an hour after he sprays. Still waiting for the guy to come fix the door, he's a bit late too as he was due here Tuesday.
HB isn't any better, I'll covid test him in case he picked it up at the fair, then I'll have to take precautions, but I'm thinking it's just a cold. I'll try to get him into his doctor on Monday but that will be an uphill battle.
Vinnie is driving me nuts, this rest business is for the birds. He is so full of energy that it's driving us to new levels of how to entertain a dog without allowing him to run, jump or be a dog.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday we are back into the high 80's today. But the overnights are wonderful. So it's all good....
"a bit late????" Today is Saturday.......sounds like he has changed his mind???

These guys who figure they will "be fine" can drive you nuts........, don't need to see a doc or anything.

Hmmm, you really have to leave house for an hour? I'd make it longer and open all windows upon return. (actually, am such a scaredy cat, would not even go thru it in first place. )Good luck, hope everything gets done that is planned.....
It was in the 60s this morning. It's partly cloudy and will be in the 80s this afternoon. It will get
in the 90s later at then end of the week.

Busy day at the little library. I left before all the events started today. The library is having a celebration since
they're paying off their loan early. There is a silent auction and bake sale sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Later in the day, they're burying a time capsule. I took a hot dog before I left.

When I got back from shopping, my mower was here. He sent email after I already left. I went back to see when he
was here last. 18 days ago. I didn't ask where he was and he didn't volunteer any information.

robin, does Vinnie have to rest because of his foot? I hope HB starts feeling better.

Wishing everyone a good day.

Video about little library paying off loan.

Kat, it will be nice for the library to be debt free! I enjoyed seeing where you spend some of your time. Hope your hot dog was good. Glad your mower showed up.

Robin, I'm sorry HB isn't better. Yesterday I almost asked you if he'd been tested for Covid but decided I shouldn't always be bringing up a negative view on things. But I thought of it because when I had Covid, it hit me in the nose and stomach. Runny, stuffy nose/headache, and nausea/vomiting, leaving me with no appetite for quite some time. Sure hoping for him to get better soon, whatever the cause.

Poirot, I'm on the same track as you--Tuesday to Saturday sounds like a no show to me. I've spent a good chunk of the past 20 years waiting on people who promised to come and didn't. On the other hand, I did give up on one too soon months ago. I went ahead and got somebody else, who came once and never came back to finish the job. I so regretted not waiting on the other one but recently I had a need and called him again. He's been here twice already and is to come back and finish next week and so far he seems to be the best I've ever had. We hit it off from the start and feel like old friends already.

I too would be in big trouble if I got a bug infestation. Don't know how I could come back to a house that had been sprayed or bombed. But I wish you and HB the best on it, Robin. I know many, many people have it done and don't have any problems with it.

Gotta put my sheets in the dryer and try to get a couple of other little things done. It's awfully hot outside--stuffy hot--but cool inside my house except for the sun room, which is suffocating. (Was nice for a few hours this morning though). The HVAC owner lady left me a message late yesterday saying they've gotten everything needed and will be out Tuesday morning to install the new unit out there.
Congrats kat on the library paying off their loan....

Bug man has come and gone..... as for the door man.... ya.... after asking for updated via the ap, the only way they will take work orders, nothing has been updated... so we wait a bit longer for them I guess....

HB is not feeling any better... sadly.... I got him a milk shake from Braum's so at least he's had something "nutritional"
Thank you for updating us, Robin. It's good HB was able to have the milkshake.

I still haven't put my sheets in the dryer. I sat here and dozed off briefly and had a "dream." Maybe the shortest dream ever. I "heard" my mother's voice say my name in a very loving way. That was it. It woke me right up! Lately I've been dreaming more about my parents and my sister than I ever did in the past. Living here in the house where I grew up, I'm always surrounded by memories of them. Always good memories. Now back to reality and sheets.
Oh Robin, I'm sorry! I wish he could get help sooner. I've heard ads on tv about some of those treatments need to happen within five days. I don't know how long he's been sick. Anyway, I'll be hoping for good results. You two have been on my mind all day! Thanks again for letting us know......Glad you are negative, hope you stay that way. You need your strength!