9/13/2024 - Donuts and Happy National Peanut Day


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
National Peanut Day is observed on September 13th every year to celebrate America's love for peanuts. The fact for groundnuts get popular enough to have their own day of celebrations is extremely rare.

better night last night with the beast.... heading off to an elementary school to pick up some hours to help pay for his vet bill......
Have a great day celebrating the mighty peanut.....
Another cool morning. It's cloudy and will only be in the mid 70s today. Warmer weather starts tomorrow.

I worked outside about an hour this morning. I worked on other side of yard getting stuff away from the
fence. I almost got done. The sprinkler was on since we didn't get much rain yesterday. I'll be inside
this afternoon working on studies.

robin, I hope your day goes well at school. I'm glad Vinnie is feeling better.

I hope everyone has a good day and nice weekend.
A sunny 77, should be the same all weekend. Yay!

I love peanuts. Actually, need to buy some.

Robin: Glad THE BEAST is improving. Have a good day at school.

Kat: Enjoy the nice weather and your garden.

Let's make this a great Friday.

Still morning here, barely. I've already worn myself out. Had to load up more than two weeks worth of trash and take it to the community dumpster. Always a relief to get that done. The local farm store (basically a gas station) is next to the dumpster. The farm store owner is in charge of the dumpster. I grew up with him, though he's a little older, my sister's age. His g-grandson, age 15 and homeschooled, was hanging out with him so he came out to see if I needed help unloading the trash. There are still some very nice young people left in our crazy society and he's one of them. I've seen him around his whole life, he's pumped gas for me , etc. but we'd never had occasion to really get to know each other. We talked up a storm for at least 20 minutes and ended up with him showing me his bass guitar and giving me a demonstration of his playing it. It was great visiting with him. He's got several siblings plus a foster sister and another foster, which they recently adopted. I'm not around young people much these days so this was nice for me and he seemed to enjoy it as well.

Now I'm about to eat leftover Mexican food from yesterday and then I have to go to the town across the river (25 miles) to the bank. Had not planned on this but it's necessary.

Hope you all have a good afternoon. My favorite way to eat peanuts is to put them in a Dr. Pepper (has to be a glass bottle). Grew up on that but don't think to do it often now.
With no rain for ages, we are very dry up here.........and, of course, are contending with a few wildfires. Today was 80°, sunshine all day, plus the "definite" rain for today/tomorrow, has been changed to "possibility" of a few showers or sprinkles. And of course, have not happened, Heck, the humidity out there is only 53% currently. Sigghhh. Yesterday, all day was thinking it was Wednesday. Lost a day somewhere.
Will be nice when TV programming goes into a schedule with new episodes, instead of the constant Re-Runs. Yawnnn.
Planned to do laundry today........not done. Ran out to store as was really out of just a few things, so guess I can forgo trip to supermarket on Sat., and do laundry, then perhaps I will be caught up. (Always go to supermarket after church on Sunday, get newspaper, and pick up a few things, so, Sunday will be different this week.
Am a fan of Wheel of Fortune.......and give the new host (Ryan Seacrest) credit, is doing a pretty good job of replacing Pat Sajack.
Sure wish we all get a cool down soon........ Take care all.......
Howdy... work was different.... I was left a job that was supposed to last most of the afternoon.... yep took me less than an hour do to it. Oh well.... but then the phones and kid pick ups started to take off co I was busy....
HB is not feeling well, stuff nose and all.... so now trying to feed him will be even more challenging.... This weekend will be slower than normal.....

Have a good weekend...
Does HB like soup, Robin? Or mashed potatoes. When my hubby was really sick he couldn't stomach much else. Oh, and ice cream too
HB is into chocolate shakes.... I try to make a cup of broth I'll ask sometimes I get a yes, I purchased popsicles , but they make him too cold. He does love soup..... I'll make some potato soup for tomorrow. He does like mashed potatoes, I try to add cheese to get some protein but that's a no go. He just isn't hungry.....
I'm so sorry, Robin. He must be miserable and it's no fun for you either. Hope he improves soon.

Poirot, your weather is sounding like Texas. Well, not quite--we're going to reach 100* again tomorrow. But it seems odd for you to be warm and dry this time of year.

I've had a busy week. Either some workers here at the house or me going to town nearly everyday. I'm not used to this much stimulation but I'm glad to be getting some things done. Still, I'll welcome a quiet day tomorrow, if it works out that way. No plans.