9/12/24 - Donuts and National Milkshake Day

HB loves Chocolate milk shakes they are actually the only thing I can get him to eat most days....
we are getting warm again and having a dog in lock down is so not fun. we were up for an hour early this morning.... with stomach issues.... poor little guy.....he's resting now....

so many things to do today and I've not got the energy to do any.... maybe I should try the chocolate shake donut idea????
I cannot resist a good milkshake and it has to be made with real ice cream and fruit.

Robin, I hope Beast starts feeling better soon. How was the rest of your birthday?

We had temperatures over last weekend hitting 34*C (93.2*F) and stayed in the high 20's to low 30s for a few more days after that but now we have pouring rain which we needed back in July and August but we'll take it now.

Over the weekend we met my parents and some friends to camp then on Saturday, myself and a buddy went skydiving. While the first time was fun and had no nerves, this time was even better because I did it with a friend. I have to say though, I had butterflies in my stomach that I didn't have before as I watched my friend take some deep breath and rub his hand together as we climbed up to 10,000 feet. I was sitting beside the door so when that door flew open, hoo boy, my stomach dropped because you felt a bit of the pull when the door opened. IT was an amazing jump and I got to steer the parachute the whole way when it opened. Next summer, I'm hoping to take the 10 step course for my solo jump certification.

Not much is really happening. Tonight I start my indoor beach volleyball league and playing co-ed 3's with 2 new people that I've not been on ateam with before, then after that, I'm going to head over to my buddy's house to watch a movie and spend the night. This is out friend who is battling cancer so will be nice to spend that time with him.

This weekend is looking a bit drier than today and we're hoping to get one more camping trip in when our friend returns from being away at school in Norway for the last 2 years. Forecxasters are syaing it'll be a warm fall so fingers crossed.

have a great day and weekend everyone.
Terrible news

It got cooler when my friend and I walked this morning due to the hurricane coming up my way.
The middle of the state got rain early. There's a chance my area will get rain this afternoon. It's
cloudy and in the 70s now. Warmer this weekend.

A busy day at my house. The man and his brother came this morning and trimmed my trees. It was a
surprise since he said he emailed me. He must have left something off when he sent it. I had several
trees trimmed. I will have them come back later this year or before March to top other trees. They
climb them since they don't have a truck.

This afternoon, I had a key made for the backdoor. It never had one. I had it keyed to use same key
in front. I was surprised how young the man was. He said it wouldn't take long. He was here over
an hour. He finally said he was an apprentice and someone else had to look at keys and lock. I was
surprised he came back in and brought an older man with him. Thank goodness a supervisor comes
along. They finally got the new keys and lock to work.

I was busy at the little library today with all the books to put on the shelf. I stayed longer than usual
and I didn't do anything extra.

robin, is Vinnie limping because of his stomach issues? I hope he feels better soon.

Muzzaman, I'm glad you had a nice weekend with your family and friends. I hope the rain will help
with the fires.

I hope everyone will have a nice rest of the day.
It's so unthinkable that anybody would start a fire on purpose. It seems to be a strange attraction for some people, for reasons most of us cannot understand. So horrible!

Muzz, wow, you have a lot going on in your life. Glad you enjoyed your jump. I hope you have some quality time with your sick friend tonight. So sad for him and for all of you.

Robin, I hope things will get better for you and your two guys. I feel for HB because I know what it's like to need to eat but don't have the appetite for it. A milkshake sounds good. I never hear of anybody having regular milkshakes these days but lots have smoothies or protein shakes or whatever.

Wilde Woman, that chocolate milkshake does look good!

Kat, funny you and I were having locks changed/fixed at close to the same time. Yesterday my new handyman came and put all new hardware in two of my doors and we also found working keys for my other door. He also did what yours did--he made both the back doors use the same key. He did several other things for me too, and will come back next week to finish.

I don't know if I told this or not, a couple of days ago. My mini-split compressor was dead and couldn't be fixed. I'm having to buy a whole new unit, inside and out. The cost of one has almost doubled since I bought that one nine years ago.

I went to town today and got a long-overdue haircut. Then ate at my favorite Mexican food place before shopping at Wal-Mart and United. It got to around 90* but felt so much hotter when getting into a hot car. I bought some frozen foods and they were almost thawed by the time I got them to the car and into the cooler I had inside my car. We're supposed to reach 100* or above for tomorrow through Sunday.
I think Vinnie's tummy issues were more of the sedative they gave him along with the IV anti inflammatory medication.

We had Chinese food for dinner tonight.... we won't be going back....I'm generally not picky but from the fried rice, to the chicken to the egg rolls nothing was really good tasty.... Oh well, if we hadn't tried it we'd never know.... now we do....
Elmo's must be a local place for you, tho have heard of Bluebell ice cream up here...
Oh man, Robin, that little steer is a troublemaker! But a cute one for sure. And I could be the one in trouble. That door and the door "knob" and locks are just like the one that opens out to my deck on one end of the sun room. Then there are French doors that go straight out to the back steps--the same kind of doors and hardware. Storm door in front has full glass and same knob also. I've had calves come up the steps and put their nose to the glass. But after seeing that clip, what concerns me is that raccoons come up to the back door in the night and leave paw prints all over the glass. Now I'm sure if I didn't keep that door locked at night they would have already opened it and come right in! I'd way rather have a calf come in.

Looks like we've found the real, true-life cookie monster! Watching that cow leap and lunge for the cookies will take me to bed smiling. I think it would be safe to say that was not her first time to come for cookie treats. Too funny.

I hope Vinnie feels better soon.

Poirot, I'm surprised you've got Blue Bell up there.

Sexon, how nice, to have a local place that makes real ice cream shakes. Do they make sundaes and other stuff too? I used to love Coke Floats and Frosted Cokes, and most of all, Chocolate Sodas.