9/11/24 - Donuts and Patriot Day

September 11, 2001 I was waking up in Sacramento, as habit I turned on the news, It was 6 am in Sacramento, 9 am in NYC. I watched in horror. Dressed, and went into work, taking my portable black and white TV, we watched at work. There was a training session that was to happen at our 10 am and no one was prepared, the districts were calling saying they couldn't come, one by one the group dwindled. Management told me to turn off my TV and answer the phones. They hadn't been ringing my boss took the TV into her corner office and had it on so we all moved into her office. Shock, I couldn't donate blood, the blood bank didn't have any appointments, I was a regular and they told me they'd still need my donation in 4 weeks, I kept that appointment. Later in the year at a wedding in Virginia, I found out 3 of my ex's cousins people I knew who worked in the towers all had stories of how they missed being at work, parent teacher conference, overslept, dental visit.
I've been back to the hallowed grounds. It is moving.
I remember that day. I was teaching in Houston. I had just walked into the building. Ms. Buchanon walked out of her and said a plane had crashed into the tower. I walked to the office to sign in thinking that was a bad accident. It soon became clear after the second tower was hit that it was no accident. We kept our classroom TV on. Workers who were working on the exterior of the school had stop in get inside for safety. A student asked me, "Are they going to come and kill us too?"
Watched a big retell of it all, mostly testimony from firemen, some who were trapped and trying to get out down the stairs, .....I think it was 3 or 4 hours, this morning, on History Channel.
I was just leaving for a preschool when the director called to say they were closing due to the plane in New York City. I went back in my office to turn on the tv that I used to play educational videos at health fairs.
My Mom also called me to tell me what was going on. The rest of the day was spent watching the live coverage of all of that day's terror attacks.
Aww, Robin, please thank HB for me! I watched it over and over. Love how she's spitting it all over toward the end. I don't know what that thing is but it looks like it would be a fun thing to have around for the animals, if it were only activated when they try to slurp at it. It must be some kind of sprinkler or irrigation system, I'm guessing.
I keep a rubber livestock water pan out for the birds and other critters. When my cows are in this pasture near the house that's the first thing they go for. One or two big slurps and it's empty.
I recall waking up to get ready for work and had the news on when I heard a plane went into a tower and I thought that was weird. I hopped in the shower and went to work at the Hyatt where I bartended at. When I arrived to work, I walked into the lounge that was filled with so many people glued to the tv. A day none of us will forget.

I think I have shared this before but my parents godson, took the photo of the towers coming down which was used for the cover of Time magazine. He normally is a wildlife photographer, I believe but happened to be there and he said his instincts took over, he snapped a photo and ran.

Also, right now in Calgary, the musical Come From Away is being put on which is a musical based on when planes were landed at various places. THis story takes place in Newfoundland where a town swelled in population and how they pulled together to provide stranded travellers refuge. I have not seen it but I've heard nothing but great things about it.
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Watched a lot of coverage from that day on the history channel yesterday. What they had was mostly ordinary citizens' videos, and comments........no pro news stuff. How frightened those in NY were, how all thought it was terrorists, how everyone was trying to reach their spouses, family members, how afraid because of all the skyscrapers there, figuring they were all targets. People crying (yes, so many men!) as they watched the towers deteriorate. And how, with all the papers floating down, so many thought at first it was a celebration, the Yankees were world champions or something. How they poured out of the area, on foot to escape, how brave the firement & police who went into those buildings that were hit to rescue people. Road were filled with firetrucks, ambulances, no regular traffic at all. Those of us in the rest of the country really had no idea how bad it was there.
I remember from back then .......that 3rd hi-jacked plane, that was headed for D.C. ......and the brave passengers aboard were able to get ccontrol of part of it......and it crashed into a big field in PA. I think that was made into a TV drama......... I remember that all aircraft in North America were ordered to land immediately, the nearest place. And one landed up in Canada, where the citizens all pitched in to house and feed them, took such good care of them all. God Bless them all.