9/10/24 - Donuts and Birthday Cake

Happy birthday, Robin, wherever you are. I've lost track. Also, once again, I so enjoy the unique cakes some of you find and put up on birthdays. Always perfectly designed for the person with the special day.

Sexton, is the coastal storm going to impact you very much? I think the worst of it will be next to Louisiana. I don't have a good grasp of where the different towns on or near the coast are located but I'm thinking you aren't that close to Louisiana.

Nothing much going on here. It was 52* this morning. Another very sunny day, low humidity returning with a gradual warm up from near 90* today to mid-90s* by the end of the week.
cannot get over how warm (read hot) it is.......weather forecasters were right.......We are 80 and very humid....Which means maybe a couple of sprinkles later on...note I said MAYBE......lol
Went to pick up prescriptions doc ordered yesterday, and when I got home discovered two of them were for pills I had nearly full bottles for .........grrrrr. Only new thing is some salve for my burnt finger. Oh, well, now, won't have to refill those two prescriptions for 6 months. LOL
Another cool morning in the 40s. It's sunny and in the 80s this afternoon. Tomorrow AM in the 60s.

I had my haircut and did summary today. I worked on Bible study I need to finish this week since
Bible study I do in person starts tomorrow.

OC, I hope they got your A/Cs working properly yesterday.

Poirot, your pharmacist isn't smart if you got pills you already have.

Wishing everyone a nice rest of the day.
State Fair Pictures

Dropped beast off at day care and then went to the state fair. HB can't walk far and refused wheelchair or scooter assistance so we don't go as far a field in exploring the fair as possible.
Thank you for the wishes for a happy birthday it's been fun so far....
as for what the beast got me.... a Vet appointment tomorrow that will cost money lots of money if X-rays are needed for my little limpy fellow....