9/1/24 - Donuts and September Morn

Happy September.... the birthday month for my family..... my grandmother, no longer with us, my niece, me, both my sisters, two of my cousins. December must have been a wild time way back then.....

I'm enjoying the next few days of coolness.... need to get some work done on the plants on the patio and clean up the bedroom for when they all come back inside.....

I hope everyone has a great Sunday
tis 65° here right now, very windy, feels cooler than it is. Yes, wore a light jacket and actually zipped it up, that wind is hard to deal with. Went to the store, was surprised how crowded, plus they did not have enough help. Only 2 cashiers, then one went on break, so the one that was left really did great. Long lines........even the self check out had lines. You can tell it is a holiday weekend. So many cars, too many impatient drivers. I didn't get a couple things, but not going back out, nope. For a big store, it's a shame. I noted to the cashier that it was a shame she had no helpers today. She sighed.......but guess some of the part time are off to college, family get-to-gethers, holiday doings, etc. Sundays not usually like this at the store. Usually 3 or 4 cashiers........plus at least a couple baggers. Not today. Hope you all are enjoying the weekend, and if you have to travel tomorrow, .....be careful out there!
It's been partly sunny or partly cloudy so far today. The high in the 80s, but humidity is back.
My friend told me we had an inch of rain yesterday.

I worked a little bit outside this morning. Then it rained for about 20 minutes.

robin, happy birthday to your family for this month.

Poirot, I hope you have a nice afternoon.

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
:rotfl: Robin, you know I always love the cow clips! That last one was just biding her time. A sinister sneak for sure! The first one....Eewww! But I do often feel sorry for cows when they have an itch, and with all the flies, ticks, etc., and yes, sometimes snotty noses, they do have plenty of reasons to itch.
September used to be full of birthdays for my family too but they're all gone now.

Kat, thanks for another great song. Another oldie but goodie. Interesting that there are a lot of songs about September.

Poirot, I would have thought most people would have gotten their holiday weekend shopping done before today.

Sexton, if I get a cold front I'll gladly send it to you. I'm never ready for cold! But we are having a bit of a cooler spell and I do enjoy that.

I got a half inch of rain yesterday. Not much but it was so nice and refreshing to watch it coming down. Still some chances hanging around.
I wrote the above hours ago but my son came in before I got it sent.