8/31/2024 - Donuts and What Happened to August?


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Hey where did August go?? How can it be the last day? Last night was Friday night and you know where I was???? Yep, at the high school football field. Grandson in addition to being in the band is now playing..... it was a scrimmage night.... 3 other schools were invited and each played 8 plays then left the field then the other teams took over, it was fun to watch. It was a perfect night to be out watching football......

I hope everyone's weekend is amazing.....
Oh, it's a long, long time......from May to November......but the days grow short when you reach September..............(love that song)
and it arrives so fast..........schools are in session, leaves are turning, some even falling, but Septemer does give us a holiday, right at the start, to move us out of lazy summer days, and into what becomes busy times.........Enjoy the weekend, everyone.....
Robin, grandson must really be an achiever to be in both band AND football. Seems to me it's usually one or the other for many. I hope he has a great season and enjoys both to the fullest!

Poirot, fall is not my favorite season. For some reason it makes me feel melancholy. (Even more than usual). But I do like that song. I also think of the song, "Try to Remember," another one I really like.

I hope this September will bring us some rain. The first round missed us yesterday. More chances to come. I think the high today is supposed to be 89*. I still need to take a shower and get dressed.
It's cloudy and in the 80s. Still waiting on the rain. Maybe some today.

Another busy time at the little library. Nothing special planned for the weekend.

robin, is grandson able to be in the band during football season?

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Hi all, just a quick pop in to say hi.

Been on holidays this week camping, visited my parents and enjoying the warm weather

I'm skydiving next weekend, our friends chemo is not taking so spending as much quality time with him these days, and Calgary is back on Stage 1 water restrictions til end of September.......more cracks that require work I guess. Unbelievable. I blame the Stampede for going ahead with 1.2 million visitors to the city and stressing the system for the half billion it brings to the city.........but NOW on the backs of Calgarians to sacrifice to reduce water usage.

Have a great day everyone.
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Fickle weather today. Started out rainy and overcast, then the sun came out, 77 with high humidity. Light train predicted for tomorrow, but Labor Day is supposed to be nice.

Robin: You are SO right about where did August go...it seems like it just began. Glad you enjoyed the football game. Thank you for posting that wonderful video!

Poirot: I love that song, too. The days are getting shorter already. Daylight Savings is 11/3.

OC: I hope you get some badly needed rain.

Lil0: I will join the "Try to Remember" fan club.

Kat: I trust you are recovering from your injuries and getting better every day.

rfsexton: Sending good vibes to prevent weather events for you.

Muzza: So nice that you had time with your folks. I am sure your friend knows how lucky they are to have you in their corner and hope their medical challenges improve. The best to you with your water situation.

Wishing all a lovely last Saturday in August.

Rain and thunder has finally arrived. It looks like a slow moving storm so it might last
until around 7.

Muzzaman, sorry to hear about your friend. Sorry to hear about water restrictions again.
Enjoy next weekend skydiving.

Wilde Woman, I hope you get Monday off.
Robin, that big boy with the wooly mane and ample horns could look scary but he's really just an overgrown teddy bear! Cows do love to have a good back scratch (not that any of mine would stand still for a person to get that close--they just tear up trees and things to scratch themselves).

Wilde Woman, I prefer your palm tree to the falling leaves, but everything has its season--even people.

Muzz, it's so sad about your friend and his treatment not working. You are a good friend. It's troubling to hear about the water problems being mishandled. No doubt the economic factor of continuing with the Stampede weighed heavy on the situation and maybe they figured they'd buy some time to deal with the water issue. I hope it can be worked out. Water restrictions are no fun and worse yet, running without is unthinkable!

Kat, I'm daydreaming about getting three hours of rain. I hope you get just the right amount. I've been wondering about you today--your bumps and bruises. How are you feeling?

Sexton, feast or famine seems to be the name of the game. I do hope those systems near you don't develop. At the same time, they may be the only way we can get some rain up here, if they hold together long enough to sling some of it this way. Those things usually swing to the east and go toward Dallas and points east rather than continuing in my direction.

Poirot, thanks for posting those songs. They sure do stir the emotions! I may have to listen to them again.

Lil0 and WW, I bet "Try to Remember" triggers memories for each of us. I know it does for me.

It's around 90* here, mostly cloudy. Some look like rain clouds but nothing to count on, from current conditions.
Poirot: Thank you so very much for posting those sweet videos. Yes, I misted up, how could I not?

OC: Yes the songs definitely awoke memories in me. Grateful there is such an unending supply of memories available online.

Kat: I do have off on Monday, thank you! I am sorry for your pain. In time, you will be back to yourself. When I fell on the sidewalk and few years ago and hurt my elbow so badly, I never thought it would look normal again or that the pain would go away. But it did!