8/30/24 - Donuts and where's the rain?


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Dec 29, 2012
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Forecast was rain today. It was cloudy when walking, but so far nothing. Rain gone from forecast today. Rain
tomorrow hopefully. The cold front came through so the high today close to 90. Next week, highs 70s or 80s.

This morning not a good morning. I met my friend and I had her bigger dog today. Gracie weighs 80 pounds.
All going well until we rounded a curve and a puppy further down saw us. Puppy had lease, but ran toward
us before mom could catch it. Anyway, I was trying to hold Gracie and then I fell on my face. Lucky for me,
she pulled me off the sidewalk. The house had a leak in their yard and the area I fell was on dirt.

I finally let go of the dog. The three dogs seemed to like each other. I stayed on the ground and said I fell
on my face. My friend slowly turned me over. No blood, but I have a bruise and partly swollen eye. I have
bruises and scrapes only on the right side. I guess the ground higher on the right side. After a few minutes
I stood up. The woman was horrified I fell because of the puppy. We told her it was ok. They have a fence,
but gate broken. Maybe they will fix now. I told her I had eye appt today anyway and he can check out the eye.

At the doctor's office, everyone looked at my bruise. The doctor did extra tests to make sure my lens after
cataract surgery were still in place. I could tell the swelling getting worse before I got home. I keep several cold
compresses in freezer and put one on right away. The swelling better. I'll have to do that several times a day.

robin, I hope Vinnie is ok.

I hope everyone has a better day
Good afternoon. No Donuts by mid-afternoon? Wow!

Robin, did you make it home?

Everybody else okay?

Who has a big holiday weekend planned?

Nothing planned here until Sunday night, when my son is supposed to arrive. I'm looking at my tracking thing and it appears they are traveling through New Hampshire right now. But they won't be driving here. He'll fly into Dallas alone.

There have been some clouds here today, a bit milder, in the 90s*. Possibility of rain for the next few days. I've been following the Texas Dept. of Agriculture Commissioner online, as he's been urging Texans to take measures to protect our water supply. Not as a political tool but rather he offers practical suggestions on solutions. A few cities are already implementing them. Running out of water is a sobering thought. Personally, I've always wondered and have said it here before, why can't pipe lines be run from areas that get too much water to areas that don't get enough?

I hope all of you are well and here's wishing you a pleasant weekend!
Oh, my goh, Kat, what an awful time you had. Lucky you had the eye dr. appt today, and could be checked over. If that puppy was on a leash, wonder why the owner wasn't holding it?
Hopefully, this taught that lady a lesson about holding onto her dog on the leash. I hope you know who she is........Kat, one never knows about an aftermath. You sound pretty beat up, even if it wasn't on the sidewalk. Praying all will heal well.
OC, enjoy your visit with your son. I posted donuts at 2:30 since no one else did. Did you start a
new topic and not see what I posted?

Poirot, the puppy on a lease in the yard, but owners just let it run around. Yesterday, the puppy
came out after we walked the dogs by so no big deal. They're getting a tie down stake and plan
to use that. They need to take puppy to school.

The husband and wife came by to check on me. She bought me new sunglasses since mine broke.
It's probably good I was wearing them when I fell. I've been putting cold compress on my eye every
two hours. I sleep on an elevated pillow so that will be helpful.

No holiday plans for me.
No plans for me either, tho I am thinking that perhaps my son will come up to the cabin (at the lake) since it is a 3 day weekend. Maybe not, he can go fishing where he lives as well. We'll see. Am sure this area will be busy, so many lakes and the weather is beautiful, with no rain forecast, and temps in 70s (tho they say 80 on Saturday). Anyway, folks love to just be out on the lake on days like what is coming up .......hopefully!
Oh, Kat, I am so sorry this happened to you! (I must have been posting at the same time you were earlier). Poirot is right, you sound pretty beat up, so please be alert to how things are healing. I know how disciplined you are so I don't doubt you will do whatever you need to do, like putting on the ice, etc. I also agree, it was so good that you had the eye appointment and were able to get that checked out. Please keep us updated on how things are going.

I just came back here so soon to tell what a dumb thing I just did. It doesn't seem like much after hearing what happened to Kat. I locked myself out of my house. Was just going out to the storage building right quick to get something, didn't realize the lock was turned when I shut the door behind me.
I had no phone, no car keys--or house keys--or anything else, and I'm in the middle of nowhere. It's around 90* and feels like the humidity is 900! Thunder clouds all around, though not raining yet. Out of my house of many windows there are only two that will open. I was hoping at least one of them would be unlocked. Took the screen off the kitchen window and to my relief, I was able to open it--but only a little over halfway. I got a step ladder and managed to scrunch myself through. So thankful and relieved to be back inside with my creature comforts.

Kat, yes, I did look and didn't see that any thread had been started so I started one but I see it got merged to this thread, which is great. Sometimes I just overlook things.

Poirot, I hope your son comes. People here go to lakes too. I think this holiday is like a last-chance-at-the-lake thing for many.
rf, sorry to hear how you're feeling today.

OC, you need to put a key outside in case you lock yourself out again.
O.C. I am surprised you even lock your door during the day.........being you are are in the middle of nothing. (Yes, locking at night, of course).
Gotta tell ya, tho.......Just yesterday I saw a video clip of a locked out woman, attempting to get back in her house thru a window. Evidently she could only get the top part of the window down....., soshe then tries to get in via just the top window, gets her top body half thru, falls over, her boobs fall out of the strapless dress she is wearing, you can see them thru the glass......her sister is laughing hysterically, so hard she cannot help.......(she finally does) click on the link....hope it works.......

Sexton, was it last year that you lost your mom? I pray for your healing and comfort. You'll never stop missing your mother but the first few years are especially hard.

Yes, Kat, I've been meaning to put a key somewhere outside the house for some time. Need to do that.

Oh my stars, Poirot, what a crazy video! That woman didn't seem to be bothered at all by it being out there for everyone to see. I'm amazed that she didn't seem to get hurt. Her entrance was quite a bit trickier than mine. But I was glad I had decided to change out of my big, loosely flowing house dress into some below-the-knee pants before I went out there. Not that the dress would have revealed anything or that anybody would have seen it, but I might have gotten tangled up in it.
We went for many years out here without ever locking doors at all. But the world has changed. It seems no place is truly remote anymore.
Yes, I made it home okay sort of, I made it home, but on the way home HB missed the turn off then got lost trying to get around detours and trains, needless to say it was journey.... the flight into Denver was bumpy as it always it and then the entire flight to Wichita was turbulent. Vinnie with this off an on limp is going to wait till next week to be seen by his doctor. While I was going HB was too busy to water my plants...... really?? apparently he was very busy.
I got up and got the summary done... it will be an early night....
Old cowgirl
It was September 2022
I miss her so much
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