8/29/24 - Donuts and National Lemon Juice Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today's the perfect day for lemonade

We have been overcast since early this morning, and very windy, too. 70°, maybe rain in the evening. Tomorrow the sun should be showing up. Gotta say, the forecast is so up and down now. today 70° is the high, Saturday will be 80°.....Sunday back into the 70s, and then highs and lows in 70s for next week. LOL. But really ...who knows?
Dr. appt. this afternoon.....gotta give that tiny bit of blood again. Next week is the wellness exam....the bigger visit. But seems those are just a "check" ing thing. They don't seem to pay attention if you have a specific problem you mention. We''ll see if that still holds true. Different doc now......
It's partly cloudy this afternoon. It's going to be close to 100 again. Big weather change tomorrow.
Rain in afternoon and cooler temps next week. It will be in the 50s and 60s at night.

A busy day at the little library. I stopped at the small grocery store and guess what I saw. Christmas
stuff up next to Halloween.

rf, I hope you get rain if you need it. Are you working more?

Wishing everyone a nice afternoon.
Wishing those of you who need rain get it and those who don't, don't.

Robin, I hope you are well on your way home or there by now. Sorry you were having weather issues. Not a fun time to fly. But at least you're getting there before the insanely busy weekend begins. I just got a note from my son and he's flying into DFW on Sunday. I wonder why he couldn't have waited till another weekend. He's known for a while that he's been needing to come for business reasons. He'll be in Dallas for the week but plans to drive out here on Sunday evening and then drive to Dallas on Monday afternoon.

I went to town today and got a new tire put on my car and did grocery shopping at Walmart and United. It was hot, got a little over 100* but gets very hot inside car while parked. I think we are going to stay in the 90s* after today and may possibly get some rain over the coming days.
Been overcast and gloomy all day, still is, even seeming darker than normal at this time. Pretty windy all day. went for the finger blood *bleep*, it bled a bit more than usual, so am still wearing the bank aid. But the report was good......yayyy.
Next tuesday. different doctor, and the full, in the arm blood draw. Yuk. Was supposed to see the doctor right after, but........they changed me to the following week.
My nose is running a lot in the morning........then rest of day.... all is well. Unless I go out.........am thinking must be some sort of pollen, or ragweed, or something. Been so lucky all my life, never had any sort of allergy from the outdoors.
Yes, I suffered a lot from migraines, tried prescription meds once, did not help. Then my sis suggested something......stay away from chocolate and eggs, I think she said wheat........but at the time, I did not use wheat bread, but as much as I loved chocolate, gave it up completely. (want to know how hard it is, as it seems everything is made from chocolate, has chocolate frosting, etc. Church has coffe and cake after the service......that cake was always chocolate. No hot cocoa, so comforting in the cold, snowy weather. LOL. Plus, no fried eggs, sunny side up, omelets, soft boiled eggs, no hard boiled ones at Easter. But..........it worked. This was years ago, I am tempted at times to try and see..........but remembering how sick I used to get, how horrible the migraines were, nope! The weird thing about eggs........no problem with them being an ingredient in making or prepping food.....cakes, cookies, etc. O.K. am stopping the blathering about my late in life allergy problems. Take care all.
Poirot, a lot of women quit having migraines at midlife so there's some chance you could eat those foods now, but I understand completely about not wanting to chance triggering a dreadful migraine. I've passed on many foods for that reason.
Also, I can attest to how weird food allergies and migraines can be--like you tolerating eggs cooked in cakes, etc. but not alone. I can eat eggs cooked just about any way, even poached, but I get headaches from eating them boiled. Another really strange thing--I can eat white meat chicken but dark meat gives me migraines. I've tested allergic to chicken and egg whites but I do eat eggs and white meat chicken.
I'm glad your blood report was good!