8/28/24 - Donuts and Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Another nice day here with sun. It's going to be close to 100 again with humidity. A slight
chance of rain this afternoon. Cool down Sat with rain.

I stayed home today to work outside. I worked in the front flowerbed. I haven't been
there since before my toe surgery. I used trimmer and moved dirt. I'm going to
water tomorrow AM.

I'll be inside this afternoon except when someone comes looks at trees I want trimmed.

I hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day.
I'm having a nice pop up thunderstorm. I won't have to water in the AM.

robin, I hope Vinnie is ok.
After reading the comments here I just paused and thought back over some of the pets I mourned over my lifetime. Quite a few, including horse, rabbit, bird, turtle, guinea pig, and of course cats and dogs. The worst ending for any of them was when I was 16 years old. We had a big beautiful collie dog, beloved by all of us and especially my dad. I was hauling some mesquite fence posts my dad had cut in the pasture. It was summer, very hot. When I stopped to close a gate, unbeknownst to me the dog crawled underneath the pickup truck to get in the shade. As I drove away, the truck ran over him and killed him. I still get a queasy stomach and tears in my eyes thinking about it. Telling my dad was even more heartbreaking. He didn't get angry or blame me. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to and I didn't need him to.

Robin, are you on your way home? I hope Vinnie gets better quickly.

Kat, it's good you don't have to water your plants. How is your toe doing?

Sexton, did Boomer's infusion go okay the other day?

I went to a funeral this morning. The wife of a man who goes to my church. I didn't really know her. She'd been sick for a long time. Only 64. Sad for her husband and family.
OC, sad story about the collie. My toe is a lot better. I don't have to soak it now. I keep band aid off at
night and wear one when I go out walking, errands, etc.
Boomer's infusions go well. The vet reduced him from 3 a week to 2. So that's progress. Friday, hr has a Spa Day at the vet. Includes bath, express anal glands clean ears, and brush teeth