8/27/24 - Donuts and Storms


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, hope it is good where you are........here, yep, it is storming. Yesterday around 10 p.m., white flashes began to light up the sky, and with 1/2 hr. a humdinger of a thunder and lightning storm began, rain pouied. By 11 the storm had let up, went to bed. Woke up 5:30, dozed off and on, by 7, knew there'd be no more sleep, lol. It was sort of grey skies, which suddenly turned way darker, rather scary, and then winds began, egads, blowing sheets of rain off the roofs, trees swaying so much, thought they would come down. Gotta say it seems like all different things are hitting. Yes, poured rain, still raining. Winds died down, thank goodness.....but very dark, it is lightning a lot, is around 8 a.m.
No idea how long this will be going on. My car goes in for oil change, tires rotation, etc, and checking something or other on the door that Ford sent letters out. They will come & pick up the car, but not til noon. Sure hope these storms will have quieted down. Lightning flashes still going on. Have a good day!
Cool and clear in the mountains..... waiting on the propane man..... we are currently in the middle of his time slot for the day.....
the sounds of chain saws and trees crashing is something we will have to get used to for the rest of this year and most likely into next summer as they try to harvest what wood they can from the burn zone....
The BEAST is at day care today.... HB had had enough of him......

I hope everyone has a great day...
Another sunny day here. It will be close to 100 with the humidity.

I worked outside a little bit before I did the summary. I'll be inside this afternoon.

Poirot, I'm glad you're getting rain. It's nice the dealer will pick up your car.

rf, I hope you got more rain.

robin, I hope the propane guy comes on time.

Hopefully, everyone will have fun rest of the day.
Robin, I'm chuckling at HB having had enough of the beast. No doubt a whole different world for them with you not around. I hope you have better endurance for the sound of chainsaws than I do.

Sexton, I hope you get enough rain but not too much. I know you get greater amounts down there than we do up here. We're hoping for some by the weekend.

Poirot, those storms sound scary. That's the one disadvantage of being surrounded by the beautiful tall trees. Glad they are picking up your car instead of you having to get out and take it. They may adjust the timing if a significant storm is in progress.

It's time for renewing hunting contracts for the year. My lady hunter, who manages one group, is stopping by today to take care of it.

I've been having migraines for a week. Crawling back in my hole now. Have a good day, everyone. Hope Squirrel is holding up under all the running around.
They came for the car, actually, couple hrs earlier, which was fine........and they called to remind me of the pickup. So I got car out of garage, onto driveway.......and thus saw my flag was hitting the ground. The wind had been so strong, it BENT the pole where it slid into the holder, and the outside light attached to house was slid sideways (probably by the flad pole. I straightened the light fixture, and tried to remove the pole, not strong enough, but leaned it against the light fixture, and fortunately the guy came for the car, asked me for pliars and straightened the pole as best he could, got it back in the holder, so it is now drying in the holder. Was soaked. It stopped raining, but is still overcast.
Will try to buy a new pole, but not sure. Stores seems to stock those close to Memorial Day & July 4th, but then don't see them any more.
FYI, if you live in Texas, make sure your name hasn't been taken off voter lists.
Pass this on to everyone you know so they register again to vote if name gone.
@Mrs. Clean after every federal election the parties do a voter purge of people. If you missed voting you might have been purged. It's safest to check to make sure you are still on the roles. In my case, I moved so I had to register in my new state, then I was on vacation for the presidential primary and didn't vote, so I checked and yep I'd been removed. I'm back on now. Some states are more diligent that others in purging.
Texas took off a million names. that's a lot.
sounds like they make sure the deceased don't vote!
Yes, there are those who would vote 2 or 3 times, using the names of people who had moved or died, so I guess if the person had not voted, the names are removed in an effort to prevent that sort of thing.
Most people don't realize they need to see to it that their deceased loved one's name gets removed from the records. I'd never thought about it myself until I kept getting voter cards for my husband after he passed. Even then, I had to contact them two years in a row before they quit coming. I'm glad Texas did this. There are too many people these days who are willing and eager to use those identities as long as the names are still registered. But I agree, it's never a bad idea to check to make certain you're still registered.