8/26/24 - Donuts and International Dog Day

Warm weather has returned. It's almost 100 this afternoon with humidity.

A busy time at the church. I stopped on the way home and dropped off some of the
recycling. I'll be sorting the rest and drop off probably on Sat.

OC, I hope you're having a good day.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the rain.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
Good afternoon, still kinda morning for me..... a warmer night, so that was nice. Propane is still scheduled to come tomorrow so we should be able to cook by Tuesday..... but will it's been nice supporting the local establishments that rely on summer trade...

Cal-Fire still has a large presence here in the cabins. That is both good and scary.... why are they here? will the fire kick up again? wait they are here to stop the fire from kicking up again......

I hope everyone has a great day...
92° here currently. Hope weather forecasters are right and we drop down the rest of the week, upper 70s and low 80s. Fingers crossed.
Good evening everyone.

It definitely has been one of those days. My retinal appointment went OK though the doc did find a tiny change in the cancer. Still encapsulated, but a change. I have to go back in 3 months instead of a year.

As usual, the imaging and scan gave me a migraine. My brother wanted to go out for breakfast and I just wanted to go home. I was stuck because he'd already arranged for friends to meet us.

Poirot, you can just keep those 90s up there. We're to have it the rest of this week with a heat index over 100° each day.