8/25/24 - Donuts and National Banana Split day


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Dec 29, 2012
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I miss the cool mornings. It's sunny this afternoon and close to 100.

I worked outside and watered some in the backyard.

My neighbor will be leaving Tuesday to be with her mom. Chemo will start the week after next.
Neighbor will come back for some appointments and bring a cat to me. One of her mom's friends
has to move to a rehab center and can't take her cat. I told her I'll take care of it. Unsure when
she'll do that once her mom starts chemo.

17 years ago I moved into this house. It's hard to believe.

I hope everyone is have a good day before the new work week starts
Hello from Mill Creek.... where it got into the 30's last night!!!! I am cold, it will be Tuesday before we have propane for cooking.... I could bake cookies or something to heat the house with the oven.....
wall washing day......
I'll pass on the Banana Split today maybe tomorrow when it should be warmer...... but I want Vanilla, Chocolate and Peach ice cream as my 3 scoops....
Oh, we are having a heat wave now.....hot, muggy, too. 88, so the themometer says. Went to church, was nice, mid 70s. Came out, and it was ghastly hot, I went for the paper, came right home, and out of the nice 2 pc. dress (long sleeves) and into lighter slacks & top. LOL No breeze, just really hot, yukky. Stayin' in, windows all closed, cooler inside, even with no a/c running. Glad there is ice cream in the freezer. LOLOLOL

Robin..........what about baking potatoes, putting meat in covered caserole in oven???
That is awful chilly at night for this time of year. We get into the60s, maybe 50s at night. However there is a HEAT ADVISORY now til Tuesday, and then it is supposed to drop into 70s. In some areas of Wisconsin, they are saying it might reach 100!
My neighbor just told me the woman can keep her cat when she moves.

robin, hopefully you took some winter clothes.

Poirot, stay cool during the heat wave.
Was just thinking........been years since I have had a banana split! When I lived in Illinois, the drug store on the corner had an ice cream counter. You could sit and scarf down dozens of different kinds of ice cream dishes. Root beer floats, sodas, sundaes, and yep, banana splits. (they even did strawberry shortcake....with terrific strawberry filled ice cream.
It looks great! Is that a current picture? The trees look okay and is that green grass I'm seeing?

Our temperatures are moderating slightly. Even though the days are still getting above 100*, it's not as far above. Also, it's surprising how much difference it makes that the overnight lows are now in the 70s*, rather than the 80s*.

I'm trying something different, for me. I'm cooking my supper in a crock pot. I've always had crock pots but I don't know if I've ever cooked anything in one before. I think maybe I did once a very long time ago. I always had big ones, then some time back someone on here was telling about getting a smaller pot so that inspired me to go get a smaller one. (I think it may have been Squirrel). But I wasn't inspired enough to cook anything in it---until today. Some chicken recipe came up on my Facebook feed and it looked good and seemed simple. I didn't have all the exact ingredients but close enough to make do. Of course nothing is ever as simple as I think it's going to be. I knew that the prolonged smell of slow cooking would be a problem for me but against my better judgment I went ahead and started it in my kitchen instead of taking it out to the guest house to let it cook there. Then after it was bubbly hot and the smell was throughout the house I didn't think I could carry it that far--down steps, across a rough-surface yard, around the old shed and carport and into the other building, without a disaster. It's way more than just a few steps out to there.
So I remembered I have an electric outlet on my deck, which I hadn't used in a few years. Before making the big "move," I took a small fan out there to check and make sure the outlet was working. It did for about a nano second, then a spring sort of thing popped out of the outlet and that was the end of that. So I set up a sturdy tv tray out there and ran a heavy-duty extension cord out the door from inside. My chicken is cooking once again. It has two more hours to go. If it turns out any good I'll be encouraged to use the pot again but next time I will think things through and have a better plan. The chicken does smell good. If only it didn't make me sick.....
oops sorry, thought you had electric......
all these years here had propane..heating, cooking................and now, in town here, natural gas & electric stove (which I hate) everything electric....
Poirot, 90*.....I know that's really hot for up your way! EEK!

What a variety we get here. Robin at 30*. Even though I'm tired of hot, I'd still take the 90 over 30. I hope it warms up for you, Robin.

Kat, I hope you aren't too disappointed about the cat. Or maybe you're relieved. I bet the lady is very relieved to be able to keep her pet.

Ah, Poirot, soda fountains in drug stores....Those were the days. I'd love a banana split, only without the banana. One of our drug stores used to make those. They called them "ship wrecks." I think other places did the same.
Hi everybody. Checking in before getting a late supper. Brother is wearing me out, but I'm a good kind of tired for a change.
I have a retinal specialist appointment tomorrow morning. Then we'll be going out of town in different directions most of this week to visit relatives. I'm looking forward to somewhat of a rest when he's at his 50th reunion activities on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

OC, Yep it was me who posted the crockpot I have after Poirot said she couldn't find a smaller crockpot with a cook timer.

I made swiss steak today in the crockpot for 1:00 Sunday dinner. My brother was intrigued by this crockpot version, and ordered the same one on Amazon to arrive at his house tomorrow as a surprise for his wife. They don't use theirs because they have a huge 8 quart one.
He also told me to buy an egg cooker for them for Christmas after I made hard boiled eggs yesterday. I love mine. I've actually gone through several over the years. It is so nice not to have to deal with a heavy pot of boiling hot water.
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Kat, thanks for moving my post. My supper was good!

Squirrel, I'm so happy to hear you are spending this time with your brother. I understand how he may wear you out. That's what my daughter does to me. But it still is good to get away from the stresses of our normal routines, whatever they may be, and to be with someone we love. Your Swiss Steak, and the boiled eggs sound good. I always appreciate your tips on cooking.