8/24/24 - Donuts and Can Opener Day


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
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Can Opener Day....where would we be without those handy devices

I could use some prayers related to work. I deal with teens in CPS custody. They don't like the fact that I follow the rules. They are trying to push my buttons constantly
Can opener day? Yes, I wouldn't want to be without them but it IS amusing to have a special day assigned to them.

Sexton, I'm asking God to keep his peace in and around you today. Bless you for being willing to work with these youngsters who are in troubled situations.

Robin, you may not have access to internet where you are but I'm wishing you and your sis a good, productive day. I saw on the news this morning that there is snow in the CA mountains--Sierra Nevadas?? I think you had mentioned the possibility. They said there could be up to 3 inches! But it would melt quickly.

Nothing specific planned here for today. Going back to can openers....I remember my mother once had one mounted on the wall--actually, the outside of an upper cabinet. I once found some like it online and entertained the thought of getting one myself but decided against it. I still use one similar to the one in Kat's picture. I've never had nor wanted an electric one, although I've learned to never say, "never," as a lot of things get more difficult for old hands and fingers to manage.
Good morning....thanks for the warm wishes....thoughts for you rf...
I have a special can opener for folks with little to no hand strength. I've always had manual openers..... but the cabin had an electric opener....one morning years ago my mom opened a can of coffee and the boys were fascinated by this machine.... in the end we had a weird couple of meals... fruit salad, tuna , green beans ...they loved the electric opener.
Warmer when I walked this morning. It's going to be partly cloudy all day and in the 90s.

Three men are back at the condemned house this morning. They were smart today and
wore coveralls over their cloths. The trash container was overflowing before they came
this morning.

On the way to the library, I noticed a black spot in the grass. I've seen it before. This morning,
it moved. It's a cat. On the way home, I stopped to see if I could get it. The woman who lives
by the road says it's a mother kitten with three kittens. She has the kittens in the culvert, but
come out at night. The woman has tried to get mother cat, but she can't do it. I just wrote
the local humane society. Maybe they can help out since they have to crawl in the culvert.

I need to catch up on my studies since I got behind.

rf, good luck today with the kids.

OC, I hope you have a restful day.

robin, safe travels to the cabin.

I hope everyone has the best day they can have.
My son has been here, and gone, is just up for today & leaves tomorrow. He got a drag for the gravel?sand road, and needed to get a couple bolts that evidently broke or something this morning when he dragged the road. Amazing he drives here just for the day and half. No fishing this time, so boat is still tucked in the garage. (tis 3 1/2 hrs. one way. )
Poirot, I'm glad you got to see your son, if only for a short visit. My daughter and oldest son live 3 hours one way from here and they rarely spend more than a day and a half when they come. I feel bad for them to have to come so far (they don't have other things to do here like your son does) but I remind myself, if they weren't driving here they'd be driving somewhere. They don't stay at home when not at work. They're always going, going, going. They always have to leave here to get back in time for something else--a wedding, a party, a graduation, the list goes on and on. The entertainment life has never appealed to me. I'd find it more interesting if they were going to drag a road! :)

Kat, I bet those guys at the condemned house were hot in the coveralls--but still, a good idea for the situation they're working in. I hope the humane society can find a good home for the mother cat and her kittens. So many dogs and cats are having to be put down these days because so many are being turned in and they can't find homes for them. The systems are overloaded. I only know this because my niece is friends with the animal control person and also, she fosters some animals and keeps track of what's going on at the shelters. I'm glad she wasn't there with you to see the mama cat. She would probably have crawled in the culvert herself to get at the cat and kittens.

Robin, I'm glad you checked in with us. I love the story about the can opener and the weird meals. That sounds like my two youngest grandsons.

If I'd had any rain in months I'd think I have one foot stuck in the mud. I can't seem to get anything done. I got so sleepy before lunch I took a nap, slept so hard it took me a minute to figure out whether it was night or day when I first woke up! I think I'll try to clean up my work table and read my Sunday school lesson and then I have to cook something for my supper.

Sexton, I hope your day isn't too stressful.