8/23/2024 - Donuts and Mockingbirds

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Another hot one in store here. Should be around 110* with heat index of 114*. But starting tomorrow night the overnight lows are expected to be 78*, with daytime highs gradually going down to around 100* by early in the week. Hey, it's a beginning!

The mockingbirds are obsessed with the water pan. There are about six of the birds, probably a young family. They play and fight in the water. It's surprising and disappointing to me that no one seems interested in the mister. I saw one lone little titmouse sitting on it one day, and yesterday I did see a couple of mockingbirds sitting where it sprayed on them so maybe it just takes time.

I went outside and walked around a little bit after sunrise. Will mostly stay inside for the rest of the day. Lots of little things that need doing in the house.

Is this your traveling day, Robin? I wish you the best in this endeavor to clean up the cabin mess.

Wishing all of you a good day, whatever your circumstances.
Another cool morning here. This afternoon, sunny and high in the low 90s. Starting tomorrow
the heat returns.

I waited awhile after my walk to work outside. I watered and picked up stuff in the backyard.
My last day to take Fenix out until next year.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a big garbage container at the condemned house. They started
emptying it today. Maybe the house can be saved once it's emptied.

robin, I hope you have a safe trip to California.

OC, sounds like the mockingbirds are enjoying the water. Stay safe in the heat.

rf, sorry you didn't get much rain. I hope you'll get cooler weather soon.

Wishing everyone a splendid rest of the day.
Cloudy & overcast here this morning. Had our usual 5 minute hard rain around 8 a.m. But, right now, 10:30, it is raining again! That is a surprise, hard enough tis making puddles. Early a.m. rain only got about half the patio, but now the whole area is covered. LOL. Tis 66 outside currently, we may get to low 70s, and then comes the sun and heat again. We need the rain, so not minding.
oops, just hear a thunder roll. was not expecting that.

Robin.......hope your delay is not too long, but better safe.......Also Hate when flying into a storm........Fasten the seat belts and hold on. Bless those pilots.
OC: Enjoyed reading about the mockingbirds. The video below is for you! Hope your temps cool off and stay that way.

rfsexton: Glad you don't have a heat advisory today and hope you get more rain.

Kat: Nice that you got out and hope the weekend is not as hot.

Robin: Safe travels!

Poirot: Great that you got badly needed rain.

Let's all have a great Friday. I can't believe next week is Labor Day weekend already.

Wow, Wilde Woman, that's definitely a different version of an old song! If I hadn't purposely listened closely I would never have recognized it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.:)
I keep forgetting about Labor Day. It's almost upon us. EEK!

Robin, I hope you've made a safe landing by now.

Kat, is Fenix's mom taking a semester off or what? Just wondering why you won't be walking him anymore until next year. Interesting about the condemned house. Keep us posted.

Poirot, your weather sounds more like what we have here in October or November.

Sexton, that little bit of rain must have left you with a lot of humidity, to feel like 101* when it's only 87*. I bet you've gotten even warmer by now.

It's sure enough been a quiet day here. I'm enjoying having my a/c working. I don't know what the temperature is. My big thermometer outside always seems to register higher than what I see from other sources, which are all anywhere from 20 to 60 miles away from here. Right now it says 115* but my cell phone says 107*. Either way, it's plenty hot so I'm not going outside.

I rarely ever get hungry for a specific food but this afternoon I was wishing for a piece of pecan pie. No chance of getting that, and I don't have a lot of sweets in the house. I wasn't wanting ice cream, which I usually do have in the freezer. I could also probably find some cookies in there and maybe even a piece of cake that's been in there for a long time. But cookies and cakes are my least favorite desserts. Pie and candy are my favorites so maybe it's not strange that I don't often have those--if I'd had those, I'd probably have already eaten them! I do often keep a couple of Heath bars so I ended up eating one of those.

At some time in the past my traveling son put the app on my phone that follows his location. I never paid any attention to it and had forgotten it was on there. When my daughter brought me home from Dallas recently she was cleaning up my cell phone--getting rid of old messages, etc. (most of which I'd never even seen) and she noticed the tracking feature her brother had put on there. So now I've started looking at it during times I know they are moving from one location to another. It's kinda fun to watch but then when they stop, I start wondering why did they stop? Some things catch my interest, like today and how they've been traveling across one of the states up in the northeast and it seems every few minutes they are going through a different town. It's so unlike out here, where it takes at least 30 minutes to get from one town to another.

Sorry to bore you with my trivia. I guess I'm killing time because I don't want to get up and work at anything. But yesterday I had a mystery solved. Living as isolated as I do, it often gets my attention when I hear noises I can't identify. I'm not afraid, although somethings when it's at night, it can be temporarily unsettling, depending on the type of sound. So lately I've been hearing a thud against the windows. Not one thud and then stop, as when a bird is flying and crashes into a window. This thud has been going from one window to another. So yesterday I was sitting at my work table in the sun room, when I heard the thud at the glass door that goes out to the deck. I looked up and there was a roadrunner, head cocked, looking in at me in the curious way that roadrunners do. Of course, now all the unidentified thuds of late made perfect sense. They go around to different windows looking at their reflections and pecking at them. It hadn't entered my mind because I hadn't seen any roadrunners lately.
OC, I mentioned the other day Fenix's mom mother has to have chemo. Her last work day today.
She's going where her mom lives to take care of her. Interesting news about the roadrunner.
Just got back, had run out to the store. Wanted to get some apple pie, they were out. What they did have was Pecan Pie......LOLOL
Bought sliced strawberry swirl cake instead. Sun came our for about half hour...is gone again. Looks like it is clouding up again. quiet around here. But some folks are taking advantage of the nice temps and breeze, and taking walks. Or walking to wherever they are going.
One thing I do miss since we moved into town, are all the different birds and animals that I'd see..........plus the beautiful lake out front. I will say, I am very close to the forest, so get to see some......deer, couple elk once. hawks, eagles, rabbits, once I thought at first was big cow...from a distance......was a MOOSE! lol.
I guess it was a tradeoff......as now, when older, closer to the doctor, medical center, supermarket, Walmart, church, Hubby wanted to live closer into town, and was insistent we do so. After he passed, just wished the lake house had not been sold.
And we had this huge grassy meadow in the back, but.......now they built homes there. Built a couple new ones across the street in front.........which I was not too thrilled with, until I realized they now block that view of the back of Walmart. Tis funny, how close it is, but to get there, I have to drive over 1/2 mile. LOL (Chain link fence is between this community and the W. parking lot. We have a few big ponds here , but not close to me. (This used to be a golf course, in fact I golfed on it a lot) So there had to be ponds to catch those errant golf balls. HA.
Poirot, I like hearing about the things around you, and also what it was like at the lake. I can't imagine living with a body of water like that in view. Now, your present location, I think I'd rather look out and see houses than the back of Wal-Mart. I wish you could have beamed that pecan pie down to me!

Kat, I don't know how I missed seeing that Fenix and his mom were going away to help her mother. I hope all goes well for her.

It clouded up here this afternoon. Didn't rain but having the sun blocked for a while was nice, even though the temperature didn't drop much. My niece said it rained a little bit at her house.

Robin, I hope you've made it to your sister's by now!