8/22/2024 - Donuts and let's start the day with a thunderstorm


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Because why not.... then when it gets to be 90° out it can be steamy too!!! Everyone enjoys steamy, right???
Not to mention that when the sky rumbles the BEAST becomes velcro to protect me.... he's sleeping peacefully now..... I'm still trying to work the kinks out.....

Laundry and getting the suitcase packed day..... there is a slight possibility of snow at the cabin this weekend.... better chance further south of us, Yosemite area which is weird but cold is good when working a fire.... A new fire in the Los Angeles area could possibly add a few miles to our trip north Saturday.... and that same LA fire could threaten my older sister.... I'm sure she'll be calling daily to update me.....

rf I hope you've gotten some relief from the weather..... it can't be good for Boomer to have oppressive heat.....

Good Thursday to all...
coming to the end of our little cool down, in low 70s today, then we will begin climbing upwards again, guessing the warm air from the west will be arriving on it's journey eastward. Sunshine, nice breeze. Am sure the tourists here are having a wondeful time...........tho with schools starting so early now, those with children, who'd love to be up here, are busy. Quiets down a bit in the stores, park, streets, etc. One thing I see are leaves beginning to turn, a bit early for that, but probably the lack of rain over the summer. One thing for sure, the fishermen are enjoying being out on the lakes. :)
Another beautiful day. Started out in the 60s, now 74. A refreshing change that I can live with.

Robin: Steamy weather is definitely not desirable. But when there are thunderstorms, how nice that THE BEAST is there for you.

Poirot: Enjoy your cool weather while you have it.

Everyone enjoy your day, and this one's for you, Robin:

Another cool morning here. After walking, I put Miracle Grow on the rest of the new plants.

A busy day for me. Library time AM and this afternoon I see the musical Hamilton. I'll have
to leave in less than an hour. It's almost three hours long with intermission so I may
not get home until close to 5. I'm home all day Friday.

robin, I'm glad you got rain. I hope the Beast will be ok while you're gone. Safe travels.

Poirot, I hope you won't get summer temps again this year.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your pretty day.

I hope everyone has a joyous afternoon.
quick question.......I don't see it up here, but.....do gals with long hair have it draped down front over each shoulder......in your area? Seems those females on Days always do, so just wondering if it is something rather common, or just "soap" style.
Poirot, most of the female news anchors and commentators, and others I see on tv, have been wearing it like that for a few years. Some of them are wearing "extensions" to embellish this look. I'm not a fan of the hair hanging down the front but it seems to be one of those things that is popular and well liked by many. My 22 yr. old granddaughter has long hair and she wears hers that way. Other than that I don't see it in person often because most of the women in my community are older and the younger ones aren't into the "in thing," unless maybe it's the teenagers.
Was a nice sunny, in the low 70s day, with a lovely breeze, and now, at 4 p.m. sun is gone, so has the blue sky, is clouding up a lot..........temp dropped a bit.........just checked forecast,,,,,,yep, rain is said to be on it's way. Radio has been off, so this is from online. Hmmm. Tomorrow, too, .....well, like I said, then on the weekend we start climbing back up....into 80s.