8/21/24 - Donuts and Excessive Heat Warning Day 2

Good morning everyone. I have an electric heater going in my kitchen. The low temp last night was 49°F. Brr But I refuse to turn the furnace on

I've been prepping for my brother's visit, and I'm worn out. The hard wood floor in his bedroom got a good cleaning and polishing yesterday. I just need to make his bed before going grocery shopping today.
Not looking forward to the long drive to the airport tomorrow. The airport and entry drives are all torn up as the new terminal is under construction.
rs, I avoid the airport!!! That is, driving to it. Fortunately, we have a shuttle bus from the island to the airport. If I have visitors flying in I have them take the shuttle to the island and I can meet them at the local gas station where the shuttle bus will drop them off. Sooooo much less stress!
Good morning all..... the mowers are out.... I just hope the toads make it another week as it is fun to watch the BEAST hunt.....
I will be flying, the first time since March 2020, and when I land I will have to take a cab to my sister's house as they NEVER drive to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) to pick someone up. In an effort to ease driving around LAX the cab line is now moved OFF site, so you take a bus to the cabs then stand in line to take a cab.... cabs drop you off at the cab line.... if your car displays Uber/Lyft signs and you drive to a gate, your license is noted and you get a huge fine... but so far none of these brilliant idea's have helped with the traffic that is LAX.

May your Wednesday be magical...
It was 59 degrees this morning, now 71. A refreshing change. But the heat returns on the weekend.

rfsexton: I am sorry you are going through a heat wave. Hoping it does not last much longer.

redsquirrel: Wishing you an easier drive than you describe, but it will be nice to have your brother visit you.
Robin: Safe travels, and love the picture. If the "unicow" had a unibrow, we could name her Frida COWlo.:rotfl:

Everyone have a great day!
A chilly morning, but no walk for me today because of my procedure. It's sunny today in the low
80s and humidity.

My friend took me for the procedure and she made my soup when we got back. I'll have
something else later. I took Fenix out before I left, I'll take him out again later this afternoon.

I got an email from Fenix's mom last night. She's taking a leave of absence from school starting Monday
(school started yesterday) through Dec. Her mom has to have chemo. Her mom lives on the other side
of the state so I won't be taking Fenix out for awhile. She told me in July this would be her last year. She
may chance her mind since she'll miss half of the school year.

rf, I hope you get relief soon from the heat.

rs, good luck going to the airport tomorrow. How long will your brother visit.

robin, good luck Friday. I've never been to LAX. I usually went to Burbank airport when I went to LA.

Wild Woman, enjoy your "fall" weather.

I hope everyone will have the best good rest of the day.
Robin, that is one strange-looking cow! I hope the toads make it too. Seems like they'd go off and find a safer place to stay but there probably are predators wherever they go. I have Texas Spiny Lizards and Whiptails here. Much as I enjoy watching the Loggerhead Shrikes (Butcher Birds), I've been hoping they will eat the mice instead of the lizards.
When I was first reading about your thoughts on getting to LAX I thought you were saying you'd get a taxi to take you to the cabin. Somehow I skipped over the part about your sister's house. I guess taking a cab to your cabin would be possible for enough money. Way back in the 1940s or '50s there was a man in our community who was known to drink a little too much. There was a story--true, as far as I know--that he once went to Fort Worth and got drunk and hired a taxi cab bring him home...150 miles! That may not have been as outrageous as it sounded but he was by no means a wealthy person and for the time and the place it seemed almost unbelievable.

Wilde Woman, your temperatures seem almost unbelievable to me right now! Enjoy!

Squirrel, how exciting to have your brother come and visit! I bet he'll enjoy your cool temperatures, if they hold out. I hope you don't make yourself sick by overworking your body in preparing.

Lil0, your island sounds like an ideal place, so long as the shuttles keep working. You have access to all the necessities without living right in the middle of them.

Squirrel and Robin, I feel for each of you having to deal with airports. Robin, the first time I ever went on a commercial flight was the summer of 1961. Two friends and I had attended Pepperdine College (it was not a university at the point) that summer. One's parents had taken us out there but we flew back to Fort Worth--out of LAX. Very exciting. We were all dressed up in nice dresses and high heeled shoes, so excited!
Now I would rather be tied to a straight chair outside in this miserable heat for an afternoon than to have to go to a major airport for any reason!

Sexton, I know your humidity is a lot worse than mine so I shudder to think of how hot it must feel there at anything over 100*. It's been running around 107*- 110* here for a few days now. Last night at around10:00 o'clock it was still 88*.

My a/c in the house kept getting worse in performance each day. I had it set on 60* (which I never, ever do) and it was still in the 80s* inside the house. So I finally called the company yesterday and they had someone out here first thing this morning. Yea! My house is cool again. Once again, it had lost freon--second time since May. He thinks he found the problem this time and has to order a part but he put in freon and said it should work until he gets back with the part. It sure feels nice for now. But I'll enjoy it even more tonight.
Boy, that is weird about losing freon.Hope all will be well. In the 70s here, so.......no a/c running.

My daughter lived in L.A. area for a couple years, and I went to visit once, flew into the airport. She was there to meet me........but when I was flying back home, her hubby drove me, dropped me in front, said bye, and back home he went. Got a bit lost inside, but fortunately made it to my correct gate. But since I didnt do any of the driving, can only say airport itself was bedlam inside, so can imagine...since we are talking L.A. what it was like outside. Did not do much sightseeing because of horrendus traffic. LOL
104* here, to reach 107*. Tomorrow 111*. No rain in sight. Hope you fare better, Sexton. Yes, a hot tropical storm sounds terrible.

Poirot, I bet it's been a while since that trip you took to LA. I used to fly alone too but it was a very long time ago for me. There's no way I would try it now. The situations in airports have gotten much more complicated, from what I'm told.

Things have gotten complicated everywhere and I've been isolated in the sticks for far too long. When I was visiting my daughter recently she and her husband took me downtown on Saturday night to eat at a Mexican restaurant. The parking was valet only. One side of the restaurant was almost solid glass and this side was very close to the street, just a sidewalk in between. There was an unending line of slow-moving traffic and the sidewalks were FULL of people, some walking from somewhere to somewhere, others mingling, visiting, etc. I think some were waiting to get into the restaurant.
The other side of the restaurant was solid glass too but it looked out onto patio tables and beyond that, as far as you could see in either direction was a beautifully kept park, which had a street running underneath. (None of this was there when I lived in Dallas in the 1970s). It was lovely, really, with children running and playing--tossing a ball on the open grassy area, younger ones rolling around on a splash pad. No playground equipment, just kids running around, probably in more open space than they had at their homes.
After we finished eating we went outside and stood/walked around on the delightful grassy area for a while. Beyond the park/restaurant area were tall skyscrapers in every direction. It was like a little "oasis" in our immediate surroundings. A lot of things were going through my mind. I wondered what would I do if suddenly my daughter and son-in-law disappeared? (I wasn't worried that it would actually happen, it was just a thought). I don't think I even had my cell phone with me. Nothing at all was familiar to me. I've never in my life taken a taxi and I sure don't know anything about Uber, etc. I wouldn't even know how to take a bus and they don't have them all over, just one of those fast transit things with limited places to get on and off.
It was just a moment of silly thoughts but also a reminder of how out of step I am with how so much of the world lives these days.
seating on sidewalks happened during COVID, seems they were allowed to have people sit outside, with glass or canvas barriers from the street, I've eaten at a few in Los Angeles when we did the sisters' birthday a year or two ago.... When I was in New York with my sister and we attended a party, we left in the wee hours of the morning and needed to get a cab and our "handler" had gone back inside we never figured out why, we were supposed to have a car but that didn't happen anyway I leaned my very drunk sister against the wall and went to hail a cab.... she stumbled out after me to tell me I didn't know how to do that..... HA!! proved her wrong.... I got a cab we got to the hotel safely and she went to sleep right away.... I personally hate airports but they are in this instance a necessary evil.... I can't drive two solid days to get there....
Yes it was a lot of years ago, can't remember where hubby had gone, but he came to L.A., we drove down to the border, walked across, stayed an hour or so, and went back. I think we drove to Vegas, just so I could say I've been there. Want to laugh, put a few coins into one of the machines, (hubby would not put even one coin in any of the machines, but of course, my quarters did not do me any good.....we left. (Am not a gambler, at all) We drove back home, stopped at my sis in St. Louis, and continued on. Lots of driving, we took turns, but he did most.
I drove down to Chicago (400 miles)a few times......but 8-9 hr. drive was a bit much. Once I stopped at Janesville, stayed in a motel overnight, and drove rest of way in a.m. Last time I drove down, was about 4 or maybe 5 years ago. My BFF said then as I was leaving........this is probably the last time you will come down here. I said probably. And it was. 3 years ago, my hubby passed, and 2 weeks later, my BFF. That was a hard time. Still is. (Cookie & I grew up on same street, lived directly across street from each other, met in 4th grade. ......and before I get really too maudlin, will say I really miss her.........and wish Days would somehow have 2 characters with a long and very strong friendship. )
Robin, I love Vinnie's expression. A look is worth a thousand barks!

Sorry no rain, Sexton. Any more chances?

Poirot, I remember when my dad was the age I am now and he'd mention all his friends being gone. I understand better now how he felt.

Mrs. Clean, the pain of losing your friend is still so fresh. I'm so sorry.

Robin, I bet you've always been the one in the family or a group of friends who can take charge and get everybody through to the other side. You seem to always know how to handle whatever situation presents itself.