5/3/23 - Donuts and Pigeons

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Not a bad day in NY with 52 degrees and sun, light wind.

I am noticing the sunrise each morning, no two are alike. The colors are stunning. Stop and smell the roses or watch the sunrise. We can't take nature for granted.

I have an enclosed terrace and, alas, have many pigeons roosting on them. They do leave their calling cards, but at least most of it stays on the other side of the screen. They also tend to travel in pairs. On many occasions, they are not ashamed to "do what cones naturally," and I have a bird's-eye view. It is actually quite comical. I wonder if I should always name one of them Alex.:rotfl:

Good morning everyone.

Another dreary rainy day here. We had snow last night and early this morning, but the ground was too wet so it melted.

Working on reports again today, and have a migraine. The usual person the culprit.

WW - Thank you for the laugh about the pigeons. Though I bet you aren't laughing when you have to clean off their mess. Brady or Eric would also be good name for other male pigeons.
Good morning. Wilde Woman, "light" wind is the key word in your weather description. Wind velocity is a big factor for me in whether the weather is pleasant or not. Your post is interesting. I had imagine you closed in among too many tall buildings to be able to see a sunrise or sunset. The balcony would probably give you some advantage in what you are able to see. Pigeons, oh my.... I don't have any pigeons but the turkey vultures are back roosting on an old, tall tv antenna next to my house and their calling cards fall down and slam into my windows on that side of the house. I don't have screens so it goes on the glass. Do people feed the pigeons? Or can they just scavenge enough to survive? I don't know what pigeons eat except I see people feeding them from park benches in the movies. It seems like it would take a lot to feed as many as there must be in such a large city.

Squirrel, snow, at this late date? At least it didn't hang around long, although I know you'd rather have that than the dreary rain. Migraine, go away! How you (migraine) are despised!

My grandson left yesterday afternoon. We met his dad, who took him to let him spend a couple of days with his best friend south of the DFW metroplex. The original plan was for him to go there first and then spend a couple of days with me but something came up so it got reversed. It didn't matter to me but it meant a lot more driving for his dad. The two of them will be coming here on Thursday evening and leaving early Saturday morning to fly back to Washington state. Grandson and I had a wonderful visit. Since the visit was only a couple of days we had enough things to keep us busy so he didn't get bored.

Squirrel, about migraines, an odd thing happened to me yesterday. I'd had a moderate migraine all day, not bad enough to shut me down, but enough to make me irritable--on the verge of being grouchy. I took a pill but had waited too long and it didn't help. I was so totally exhausted after an exceptionally busy couple of days, my niece insisted on going and driving for me to take my grandson to meet his dad. We got to town a little early so went to Dairy Queen to get drinks. Since I don't drink caffeine that late in the day, I got a cherry lime, a rare treat. As I began to sip on it the migraine began to lighten. By the time it was all sipped away and we got home, the migraine was gone! That was most unexpected and oh so nice. I don't know if it would ever work again but I will keep it in mind.
It's a beautiful day here with sun and in the 70s this afternoon. I'll be going out soon to work in
the flowerbed.

I went to the church library today. Afterwards to the post office to get brother's mail sent to me. The
clerk hardly looked at the paperwork. I should be getting lots of mail soon since it's been sitting at
post office over 20 days. Then I went to Goodwill and dropped off the bags I filled yesterday.

I'm not sure when I'll get to the bank. I'm behind on doing my flowerbed since temps kept going up
and down. Then I missed a week since I was sick.

The past week or so in the trees by the ditch the song birds are singing. I don't know if they've made
nests or not. There are goldfinches and blue birds besides the ones I usually see.

Wilde Woman, I'm glad you're able to enjoy nature where you are.

rs, sorry to hear you got snow and a migraine.

OC, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your grandson.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
redsquirrel - Good one about other names for the male pigeons! Actually, can't get to the mess, as it is behind the screen on the ledge. All I can do is take a spray bottle of water to get it to move off the ledge, but it hardens fast. But I don't want it to land on any open terraces under me. When it rains, it usually washes most of it away, though.

OC - While there is one building, of the others in the complex, in my sight line from the dining room where I work, I can see out the terrace door across the boulevard and the sky. Also, outside my small bedroom window, no obstructed views, so that is where I can see the sunrises and sunsets. Between seeing the sky, trees, pigeons, and when outside, the squirrels, that is my dose of nature.

Kat - I am not exactly urban, not exactly suburban, sort of a hybrid.
Busy Day unpacking. Last night was the first night with Vinnie at the new place. Second night at the new place. My bedroom is finished execept for wall art. I have 6 boxes of framed pictures and about 20 that were too big to fit into the boxes. I worked from 6:30 till we broke at 3 to get something to eat. Found a place nearby with a dog friendly patio!! so Vinnie joined us instead of watching from the car. Got home did some more unpacking, sat in my chair to rest and two hours later!?!?!?! woke up. Still need to put up the shower curtain rods, I took a bath today and don't understand the enjoyment of that activity. Of course getting up and out was challenging, but at least I am cleaner now than before. I need a new shower head, can't stand the one they have. I'll store it till I move out.
Can't find the TV remote, thought I packed it in the box with the TV but it wasn't there. Can't find the boxes of stuff from my bathroom. Found the boxes of stuff from my office but haven't put it into the office yet. Will have to soon. I have a huge chair I have no place for.... but I'll find someplace. Didn't want it when I got it and still don't want it. I wanted the couch but I had to buy the "set".
Tomorrow will be spent at storage emptying the van of empty boxes and a table as we set that unit up for my holiday stuff and assorted other stuff (please insert any word that you wish for other stuff)

Tomorrow will be Star Wars Day.... May the Fourth (force) be with you......