5/2/23 - Donuts and traveling


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today is my travel day to my brother's apartment. Travel time is an hour one way. I shouldn't be staying long
at apartment. I need to bag the pile of stuff we left behind the one Saturday, April 15. I'm going to post office
to get his mail. I don't have proper paperwork yet, but I need to try anyway.

robin, I hope your unpacking day goes well. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Rain expected, again, in NY, and a chilly 48 degrees. Rain, rain, go away, DON'T come back another day.

Kat - Wishing you the best with your journey and tasks. Well said about Robin. I think "slow and steady wins the race" applies to so much in life.

Happy Tuesday to All!

It was still cloudy & overcast this morning, and I thought......sheesh, another "maybe rain" day, but, the sun came out, there are blue skies, white clouds, still chilly, but won't complain since we finally see the sun.
Read that Gordon Lightfoot passed away.....he sang "the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald". I saw that ship once. When we vacationed up here, one year drove up to Duluth, walked around the lake front a bit, and there were ships anchored. I only remember that particular one, because when I saw it, thought immediately of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It was a shock to me when that was the ship that went down in that bad storm on Lake Superior.
Thought I'd hear it played yesterday since all our TV comes from Duluth...but did not.
Good morning everyone. Still raining here. Sorry, WW, it'll be coming your way for quite a few more days, too.

Met with the Mutual of America account manager this morning. Will leave everything the way it is for now though I've lost a lot of money in the last 2 years. By law, I'll have to start taking distributions in 21 months. I sure hope the economy improves in the mean time, but I won't hold my breath.

kat - Be safe driving to the apartment. I hope the place has at least been "bombed". Don't bring any critters home with you.

WW - We'll get up to the 70s this weekend so you should get that on Monday or Tuesday.

Poirot - I hadn't heard that Gordon Lightfoot had passed away. Wondered why the radio stations here were playing his music last night and this morning.

OC - Enjoy your time with your grandson. I bet he's happy to have time with you and your niece.

robinsnest - I wish I could help you unpack. Somebody else needs a good swift kick in the rear to get him jumpstarted.
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fOR some reason, Robin, I thought you were buying a house in Witchita, but since you talk of the landlord, guess not. The thing about unpacking...you may find a few things you'd want to throw out, but they would be saved if unpacked by someone else. Best of luck. As said, slow and easy. As long as the frig & stove are working, you only need a few dishes, pots and it will work. A bed & linens for it.....soap & towels in the bathroom. Besides some clothes, you can make do for a week or more as you unpack. God Bless.
I got home around 12:30 from my trip. I stopped at post office in brother's town to see if I could get
his mail, but I didn't have the correct papers. The supervisor told me I could fill out forms in my town
to get his mail sent to me. I was trying to be nice and pick it up there. I wasn't surprised an hour after
I got home the lawyer emailed the papers I needed.

I put nice clothes, etc in three big garbage bags to bring home. I'm leaving the bags in my car until I go to
Goodwill tomorrow. I sprayed bags before closing to kill those nasty bugs. His neighbor is filling up his
garbage can every week with stuff. I'll be back down on Sat with two friends. I asked her to pick up
clothing on the way to the bedroom so it won't be so messy when we clean out stuff in that room.

The neighbor did a nice job getting bathroom and kitchen cleaned up. I cleaned out the front closet that
had coats and other stuff too. The place will still be messy when I'm done, but it will be better than when I started.

Wilde Woman, sorry you're getting more rain. My area didn't get the spring rain we usually get.

rs and Poirot, sorry to hear you're still getting rain.