5/17/23 - Donuts and The Big Chill

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Sunny and 56 in NY, will go down to 45 tonight. I like it! I prefer fresh air to air conditioning, so this drop in temps is refreshing.

Glad the work week is half over. As I get older, I tire more easily and have less patience for sitting in front of a compute screen all day. That being said, I am still very grateful to have this job and never take it for granted.

Wishing all a fantastic day, whether you work, play or do both.

Good morning WW and everyone yet to check in.
It was down in the low 40s last night, and we're to have a frost tonight.

I have some good news...my orthopedic appointment went very well yesterday. I've been discharged from the fracture protocol! Woohoohoo. I only need to wear the brace and use the quad cane if going somewhere with uneven ground such as a fair or flea market. My foot, ankle, and leg are still swollen more than twice their normal size, but that should go down within the next 2 weeks. I'm supposed to expect some swelling if on my feet all day at a school. I can live with all of that as long as the brace and cane are no longer mandatory.
A very crisp 42 this morning...........but the sun is trying to break thru the clouds, fingers crossed. Hoping there will be no need for the sweater I am wearing now, later on this afternoon. Got errands this a.m. one of which is the finger *bleep* blood test. (when on a a blood thinner, must have at least once a month. Sigghhh. Restless sleep last night, felt like a few 10-15 naps between hours of tossing and turning.
Hope your day is a lovely one. Take care.
Good morning..... the beast needed a potty break at 5 am today I got up got dressed well enough to take him outside at least, and we went, as soon as we stepped outside I realized I hadn't put my shoes on.... the concrete was ah... shall we say cool.... he did his business quickly and back into bed I followed.... I will not forget shoes again!!!!
Still moving stuff around.... we have the 16 foot pod filled with boxes and ah... goodies still to arrive. It comes Saturday, my hope is earlier in the day than later as they are picking it up empty on Monday....then the move will be finished and I will only have boxes to empty.....

Happy Wednesday to all....
A quick good morning before I leave for the day. Taking my car for one of the endless recalls. Have to to go 65 miles and my niece will follow in her car so we won't have to sit in the car dealership and wait for hours. We have errands to do in the city, since we don't get there very often.

Looks like a pretty day here. In the 60s* now, will reach the 80s*, sunshine and very little wind.

Great to hear your good news, Squirrel.

Wishing a good day for all of you. Poirot, I had a bad night of sleep too. Not good for driving but I've already rescheduled this two times. Want to get it over and done.
Another yucky day here with clouds and in the 60s. I'm still deciding if I should work outside or not.
I need to, but it's not going to be pleasant. It's going to be in the 50s Thurs early AM. If I stay in,
I'll work on my studies. Tomorrow will be a nice day, but in the AM I'm going out of town again.

I went out this morning. I went to the church library and the bookstore. The store bought all the books
I took from brother's apt except two. One day I need to take books out of my house.

rs, that's great news about foot, etc.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the sunshine. It should be sunny here tomorrow.

Poirot, sorry to hear you didn't sleep well.

robin, I hope you'll find room for all the goodies coming Sat.

OC, I hope you were able to get all your errands done.

Wishing everyone a good rest of the day.
Boy, was out and back 3 or 4 times so far. Different errands. Still cloudy, windy, and chilly, wore a jacket. Did get to have lunch with very good friend from Illinois who is up here on vacation. That was really nice. But for me.........there is so much road construction, moving to one lane, detours, and actual road closures currently, it is truly difficult to get around this small town, get to where you want to go, and at times, impossible. Frustrating, to say the least. I would not drive anywhere if it was not necessary to get there NOW. ...lol!!!
If it was just in one area, you could manage, but it is all around, different highways, 4 lanes, two lanes, some are really just one way now.
Poirot, it sounds like all the bad winter weather must have damaged streets all over your town. Sorry you have to cope with the repairs.

Kat, I'm glad you were able to sell the books.

The weather was beautiful here today. I got home around 5:00.