3/6/23 - Donuts and Taxes

OC - Good luck with your appointment and hope the weather is nice today.

45 sunny degrees in NY, good way to start the week.

Wishing all a very productive Monday.

Good morning everybody. Another chilly day in the low 40s here. Rain will start again this afternoon.

Cindy should be here soon with my clean laundry. I'll owe her a lot when this foot ordeal is over.

OC, I hope your tax prep goes smoothly so you don't have a lot of back and forth this year.

WW, the photos you post always brighten my day.
Yesterday at the Garden with HB family was fun and we had a good time, they are from KC so they really enjoyed the warmer weird weather.... on the late news last night they had a chart with the first 80° day in our area... the earliest was January 1, Average Feb 12th and latest April 6th, there is an outside chance that we might get to 80 this next Sunday....I knew it has been colder than normal..... but no one knows what the weather Gods plan on bringing this year....
We did meet this little guy while walking the garden
friend posing for pictures1.jpg
what a Prairie dog was doing in the bush seemed odd but there were 3 of them grazing in the shrub/bush.....cute little critters....

Today I have a doctor's appointment and then we have a baseball game.... whoo hooo.....
Another sunny and warm day. After lunch, I'll be in the flowerbed. The weeds took over
during the winter. My plan is just work behind the bushes and get out leaves/weeds. It
will be a slow process. Rain Wed and Thurs.

I got out early for my walk and had a haircut this morning. I'll be taking Fenix out soon.

robin, I hope your doctor's appt goes well. Enjoy the game.

OC, I hope your trip to the CPA went well.

rs, sorry to hear about the rain. I hope you get sunshine soon.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your day.

Wishing everyone a fun day.
Robin, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you were successful in convincing the doctor. I can't believe it's gotten warmer here than there. We've already had a few days--off and on--in the upper 80s*. I love the picture of the prairie dog. My dad said there were a lot of them here in his younger days but they got rid of them because horses would step in their holes and break their legs. :sad:
Kat, once again our weather and forecasts are similar. You are wise to get ahead of the growth in your yard. Just overnight I can see things are going to get out of hand here soon but I can't call the mower yet because the grass is getting tall in some areas and is still flat in others. It will be a mess by the time it's all long enough to mow.

Squirrel, I was thinking about you and your foot while I was in town today. I hope the pain has subsided to a tolerable level. I'm sure Cindy is not keeping score but it sure is kind of her to be there for you and I know you appreciate her and she probably knows too.

Wilde Woman, the flowers are pretty but what is the thing they're draped around? (I'm probably showing my ignorance by asking).

My appointment went well. I sat with the CPA for about half an hour, while she went through everything. Two things that are always a big relief for me: Get the cattle worked and get finished with taxes. It got up to 86*, sunny with not much wind. So nice! I did a few other errands and was pretty tired when I got home, after being up late last night and early this morning. I did some clean up for a while but I think I'm finished for the day. The days are getting noticeably longer now. I just have to find something to eat.
well..... I proved I was alive but she wouldn't renew my seizure medication.... something they have done for the past 15 years..... I have to see a neurologist..... that office called while I was at the game.... seems the URGENT appointment means I can't get in until May 15th, I run out of pills Friday....as in March 10th.....they will do a "bridge" of 30 days medication until the appointment..... I had to take and pass a drug test in order for them to do that.... can we say annoying...... I have no way to fight this.....

On the bright side the correct team won the ball game and looked good doing so....