3/4/23 - Donuts & Thick Fog


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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good morning, and what a surprise for me.......got up, opened the blinds and was greeted with thick white fog! Can't see across the street, nor can barely see the big pines out back. It never did snow yesterday, Yayyyy. No new snow overnight on the walkway. I've seen fog in spring or summer, you know, the grey London like fog, but boy, something new for me. I sure hope no one takes a chance and ventures out in their cars/trucks...seems it would be extremely dangerous.
Just heard weather.......guess this fog is gonna hang around here for the next couple of days, plus they added in 1-3" of snow MAYBE, tonight, tomorrow, even Monday! They only said fog all day, not mentioning thick and white. LOL
Stayin in, for sure
Boy, oh boy, Poirot, you sure have had your share of white weather, be it snow or fog. Nice day for a white wedding? We don't get much fog in NY, outside of my own brain fog.

Periods of light rain in NY, 41 degrees, bleak but not too bad.

Wishing one and all a pleasant Saturday.

I was surprised this morning when I saw fog outside. It's clearing off now. It's going to be in the 60s
today. Sun and Mon in the 70s. I may work in the flowerbed Mon. I have to be careful since it's
probably gooey like the yard.

Yesterday afternoon, I started on my tax return. Mine takes awhile and I still need a financial statement.

Poirot, be careful if you have to go out in the fog. This morning, too many vehicles didn't have their car
lights on when I did errands.

Wilde Woman, happy day to you.

Wishing everyone a pleasant day.
I had a pretty heavy fog about a week ago but not to the degree you described, Poirot. Definitely sounds like people there need to stay inside if possible.

Wilde Woman, seems like your rainy, 40s*, days are hanging around and going on and on. No wonder you pick out such cheery flowers to post. I really like the color of those (roses?).

Kat, I can't think of anything much less appealing than digging in a gooey flowerbed! You've sure had a hard time getting all the tax statements you need this year. I hope you can wrap it up before much longer.

I've got to spend about 30 minutes more to finish up what I need to take to the CPA, and none too soon, as my appointment with her is on Monday morning. It's in the 60s* here and sunny. The wind is out of the south. One could get whiplash from the continuing changes. Yesterday it was from the north, today, the south, and by tonight it changes to northwest.....and so it goes. Looks like we have possibilities of rain from Tuesday through the rest of the week.
OC, I do my tax return in pencil first. I should have plenty of time to get it ready.
April 15 on Sat this year.

Wilde Woman, no outside time today. I'm going to vacuum and work on tax return.
Well, the sun struggled a bit, but managed to show up for a while, cleared most of the fog away, but the skies are cloudy and grey now.......more fog is in store tonite, tomorrow.....a guessing game ensues.
Good Saturday morning to all..... the spot on my face is growing as the doctor said it might... it is sore and itchy as he said it would be.... but the bad part is gone it just needs to heal.....
Bright sunny day here.... we are already 60 outside so it should turn out to be a good day.... HB is buried under blankets as I've opened the house to get new air inside.... he HATES it when I open the house up..... I grew up with open windows and open doors (with screens) when ever it was possible..... he prefers caves dark gloomy and no air circulation..... oh well.... he will survive.... the furnace is off till I finish this air switch..... Vinnie loves the open house as now he can bark at things he sees in addition to things he hears..... I'm working on making him less reactive..... it will take time....
Living in Sacramento we deal with Tule Fog low thick fog that makes it very hard to see to drive.... I hate driving in fog.... I don't mind slowing down and not over driving my headlights, but it's the idiots who scream down the road still at 60+ that terrify me.... so I'd try to stay in if I could.... be safe fog people.... be safe....

Happy Saturday.....