3/27/24 - Donuts and The Winds Are a Changin'


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Good morning all. We are finally going to be getting into positive temperatures after a few a week of colder weather and snow last week and will be getting the warmer winds from B.C. to warm us up here.

I've been watching the Baltimore accident and so sad for everyone involved and those who lost their lives.

OC, sorry your daughter is unable to make it for the long weekend. Glad you'll have your son and family with you.

Lil0, thank you for the information regarding the casting call. I saw this on the news this morning and lately have been thinking about wanting to do some extra work so I may show up to this open call. I'll keep you posted.

I'm working today but being that it is year end in the government all work is finished for the fiscal year and have a pretty relaxed day. I'm off tomorrow and back to work on Tuesday next week so lots of time to get our house clean and start prepping for dinner on Sunday. Between my parents, 3 sisters and their kids and respective significant others, it's looking like we'll be 21 people. YIKES!!!! We are cooking up two pork roasts for two different kinds of pulled pork, Canadian Winter Molasses Baked Beans in the slow cooker and a new coleslaw salad. We'll likely try to hit Mount Royal University to watch my youngest nephew compete in a volleyball tournament. After this weekend, we have arule of no company or guests next weekend. Next weekend is ours. LOL!

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone. It finally quit raining here. The pumps ran all night, but cleared the rain water from the old coal cellar ( 6 inches below the rest of the basement) so it never got high enough to reach the basement floor. My yard is still a very soggy mess.

Taking a break from reviewing the clearances that are due / past due. A lady at one of our eastern agencies has been ignoring my calls and emails. Turned her over to HR this morning to let them deal with her.

Muzzaman - That's a lot of people for Easter dinner. Will your fur baby be ok with that many people at your house?
I second Lil0 about the casting call. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun for you.
OK, now I need that baked beans recipe.

I hope Poirot isn't snowed / iced in.
Good late morning....still looking for an Easter dinner.... maybe a pork roast.... hummmmm but the bean recipe is now needed here too...... I'll third the casting call that does sound like something you might be able to fit into your schedule....
We have sun and it is "supposed" to be warmer today and lots warmer as the week moves on so excited to be able to open the house up.....I love roasted Brussels sprouts and broccoli but do not love their clingy odor for days... and annoying I'm the only one who can smell them since COVID took HB's sense of smell....

Plans made, tickets purchased we are going to Dallas for the Eclipse event on April 8th..... alas Vinnie can't go so he will remain in Wichita....

Happy Wednesday......
Robin, as a kid I hated Brussel Sprouts and my uncle taught us as kids that they are actually called Barful Sprouts and the only way to them was to cut one in half and swallow it down with milk. Now, as an adult I love them and like to saute them with bacon and onion.

RS, glad the water didn't get your floors. Water damage can sure run up a tab.

I cannot seem to find the one I've made in the past but this one is very similar. I also soak my beans over night and add some cumin and cayenne pepper to my beans or some hot sauce. Also, I usually double my recipe.
  • 3 cups soaked dried navy beans (about 1 1/2 cups dried)
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 6 strips bacon chopped
  • 1 1/3 cup tomato juice
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons fancy molasses
  • 4 teaspoons sodium-reduced soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon each garlic powder and dry mustard
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

In slow cooker, stir together beans, onion, bacon, tomato juice, brown sugar, tomato paste, molasses, soy sauce, garlic powder, mustard, salt and pepper; cover and cook on low until thick enough to mound on spoon, 5 to 6 hours. (Make-ahead: Let cool completely; refrigerate in airtight container for up to 5 days. Reheat before serving.)

mornin' all.......yes, am snowed in, but good, and was so happy to see the sun this a.m. However, it left, and it is snowing .......AGAIN! Temp was 15 during the night, up to 25 now at 10:30. All the trees, bushes, branches, roofs, just name it........covered. Have not been out of the house since last Thursday.......and it is worse out there now than it was then. LOL got plowed and shoveled, but tis all covered up again. did not think this was gonna continue Wed, too. Hope Thursday brings some relief. :) Have a good day.
It's sunny this afternoon and in the 50s. It was in the 20s when I walked this morning, but no wind.

I went to the accountant's office this morning and I got my brother's tax returns. I went to Bible
study and skipped the lecture since it's online too. I knew I had to get the return this week.

rs, I'm glad your basement didn't flood.

robin, I hope your trip to Texas goes well.

Muzzaman, enjoy Easter with your family and friends. I would just have the pork roast the way it is.
Good luck on the casting call.

Poirot, I hope you can leave home soon.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon.
I'm looking at the forecast for April 8 in my area. It's suppose to rain all day. Maybe it will
change before the eclipse.
Poirot, when I first looked at your temperature numbers I thought it was wind speed. That would be normal for here but I can't imagine having those temperatures for this time of year. However, this morning I did hear that we had 100* on this date some years back. Ugh to either way!

Kat, it's nice you have some flexibility on the Bible lectures. Glad you got your brother's tax returns. You'll be relieved to get all the tax things tied up.

Muzz, I don't like to cook but I'm sure tempted to make those beans. If I do, I'll put small serving sizes in the freezer. They sound so good. Not many people use molasses anymore but I still like it.

Wow, Robin, I didn't know Dallas was far enough east to get a good view of the eclipse. I hope nobody ends up with cloudy skies on that day, after all the effort being put into catching a view.

Squirrel, yea for your pump doing its job and keeping things dry for you. It would be nice if you had a way to pump water out of your soggy yard. What a hassle to deal with people who won't respond to messages! Glad you were able to get her out of your hands and into HR.

Oops, Kat, I just saw your later post about the rain on eclipse day. Hope it changes.

A long day here, as expected. We went to the city for my skin checkup. The doctor found two spots of concern. Was going to do a biopsy on both but cut one off and said it wasn't what she'd thought, was of no concern, so biopsy on only one. Both places on the same arm.

We did a few other things. Ate at a Jack-in-the-Box. There wasn't anything wrong with it but still fairly disgusting to me. We usually go to a real restaurant, like Cracker Barrel or Cheddars, when we go to that city, but we were trying to fit several things into the day and it was across town so we went for something quick. We tried Texas Roadhouse but they didn't open until 3:00 p.m. I don't know about the rest of the country but eating places here have been cutting their hours. Out in these smaller towns some of them even open only 4 or 5 days a week. I guess they're doing everything they can to hold on.