3/19/23 - Donuts & Prancing Deer!

(Removed bad video)

saw this commercial and it reminded me of a small grey and white poodle I know......
Yesterday if you could find a wind free spot is wasn't bad..... of course you can't find a wind free spot.....I headed out and got to the parking lot only to rapidly return to the hotel room to change into something warmer..... I need to live in Salem.....

We are having a good time visiting here. The teen grandchildren of course have very full lives but we see them at meals..... makes sense as I remember....

No idea what is in store for us weather wise today.....

Have a wonderful Sunday....
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34 sunny degrees in NY.

Robin - Appreciate your trying to post that video!

Poirot - Glad you have the sunshine despite the cold temps.

Everyone please have a wonderful day!

It's sunny today. It's going to be in the 40s this afternoon.

robin, that's a cute commercial with the dogs parking in the garage. I like the Subaru ad with the kids going to
the game field.

Lil0, I'm glad you saw the deer this morning. Is your roommate still staying with you?

Poirot and Wilde Woman enjoy the sunshine.

rs, I hope all is well with you.

I hope everyone will have relaxing rest of the day.
ooh, lucky you! Don't see the deer much any more, used to all the time at the lake. Of course, lots of other wild animals there as well, including huge brown bears. But I'd love to see the deer again. Enjoy them while they are around, Lil0.
Hello. In the 40s* with a north wind today. Took me all afternoon to get warmed up, after getting out to go to church this morning. Our efforts yesterday to fix the hole in the fence were in vain. My renegades were back in the neighbor's pasture this morning. Same ones every time. About half a dozen, plus their calves.
It was in the early 50s this morning and sunny. I sang at our local Methodist Church this morning (after going to coffee hour and Bible Study at our Lutheran Church). The Lord was definitely with me while singing evidently. First time in many years that I sang a solo in church. It was "Because He Lives". This song is the one I sang after much encouragement from a friend after my almost suicide attempt many years ago. It means so much to me. They want me to come back and sing for them again SOON.

It is now 58 outside. OH, I HAVE TO TELL YOU......yesterday, I actually finished 8 loads of wash, cleaned 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and office, living room, kitchen and dining area and finally the Family Room, walk-in pantry and laundry. All in ONE day. That included straightening, vacuuming and mopping! Not bad for an old woman. This afternoon, I managed to get a walk in; only about 1000 steps. Considering how little I have been able to walk in recent months, I am at an average of almost 7000 steps per day. Still not sleeping well though.

Just in case I don't get to post tomorrow, please say a prayer for me on Tuesday when I see the eye specialist for my floaters and possible early stages of detached retina. It scares me, but I know HE is with me.

It looks like all are staying busy so take time for a rest and a Blessed Rest of the Day!
Wow, Nanahl, I got tired just reading about your cleaning accomplishments...good for you!

Sending you prayers and good thoughts now for your Tuesday appointment.