2/4/23 - Donuts and walking


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloudy and in the 40s, but with the wind it feels like it's in the 30s. Sun should be out this afternoon.

After my morning errands, I walked. The last time I walked was last Sat. I got two miles in. I hope I can
walk before going to Sunday school tomorrow. It will be dark, but I missed 5 days of walking and rain
coming this week.

I hope everyone will have a fantastic day.
Hi everyone!

kat, glad you were able to get a walk in this morning.

After days of rain and clouds it’s finally sunny here. Of course it’s 33 degrees right now but it’s still better than rain.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Holy cow, it was actually ABOVE zero this a.m. (4 above) but is climbing up to early-20s, in fact, is actually 20 right now! There is a week sun, but...it's tryin'.
Did laundry earlier this week, except for towels, which will do today. Since I took a shower, just waiting for the hot water to heat back up. LOL Meanwhile, will pay a few bills, and want to get out to the store later this afternoon. Gonna have to make a list, for sure. LOL Am out or almost out of too many things.
Glad you finally got out for a walk, Kat.
Good to see that sun, right, Red? Hope it sticks around here, and for you as well.
Want to laugh, local weather guessers say, come Monday, snow AND rain......isn't that just dandy? That is what comes when all next week, we get highs in 20s, and even one or two 30s. Probably will then plunge back down again. Sigghhhhh. (just don't want rain atop all this snow. That means big, huge ice.
Oh yuck, Poirot, that would be the worst. I think it would take a lot of rain and a bit warmer temperatures for all of your snow to get melted, and even then, where's the rain going to go? Your ground would be so saturated. Hope you get your errands done.

Kat, it does take some time to gain back what we lose when we skip exercising but you are in good shape so it shouldn't take you very long. I quit walking on my stepper for awhile and then I was noticing it was harder for me to get up out of chairs so I'm back to it and trying stick with it. It didn't take long for me to see improvement.

IamRed, it's good to see you. Glad you are hovering above freezing and not below it.

My niece had the cube cart at her house so she fed her cows first thing and then discovered the cart was empty. She picked me up and we went and got a refill and fed my cows. Now I've had lunch and I'm falling asleep.
NY started out at 7 degrees at 7:30 am, now it is 21 degrees at almost 3:30 pm. At least it is sunny out, quite gorgeous, actually. I did not venture far from home. Tomorrow will be much warmer.

Kat - Impressed by your 2-mile walk.

lamRed - Nice that you have sun after a stretch of rain.

Poirot - Enjoy your "heat wave."

OC - Hope you will get a good nap in.

Everyone have a nice Saturday afternoon.

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I learned something today on the radio. The station plays John Tesh hints, etc. The one today
was getting sleepy in the afternoons. He mentioned people working, but anyone can do. If
you start nodding off, lean back with your eyes to the ceiling. It makes the blood flow to your
head. I was getting drowsy after lunch and tried it. I leaned back less than 30 seconds. I was
awake and still am.

Great seeing today, red

Poirot, I hope you got your errands done today.

OC, glad the cows are fed.

Wilde Woman, I'm glad it's warming up where you are.