2/3/23 - Donuts and a Warming Day


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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South Central Texas
It is FRIDAY and another day of COLD! But, it is warmer than yesterday! Two degrees warmer! At least it's a start. Supposed to be in the 40s-50s tomorrow and Sunny. I'll believe it when I see it!

Will be doing lots of things today that I normally do on Saturday. I have the workshop tomorrow.

I am looking out the window as the sun attempts to come up. Not as cloudy as it had been. Fortunately it won't affect my day one way or the other. I'm washing clothes, cleaning various places in the house, setting up calendar for next week, studying, identifying and marking more old pictures I found, and a myriad of other things. Not much energy yet but Hoping that coffee will help.

May you all have a great and blessed Friday. Hope to back on during one of my breaks today.
Bitterly cold in NY with 24 degrees, but with wind chill, single digits! Tomorrow to be the same, but sunny, no precip of any kind.

Nanahl - Glad you have warmer temps and hope that you accomplish all your tasks.

Wishing all a wonderful end of the week!

Love the flowers (blue is my fav color....lol) 12 below this morning....sun came out, yayyyyy. should get up to about 4 today. But into the 20s tomorrow & Sunday! Sure will be welcome!
Sure do want to get into a car wash, but coming out.......any water that was not dried freezes immedicately......so if I can, maybe do one just a couple blocks from home, go straight there after, into the garage, and hopefully, be able to get out of the car. Horrible when the handles and locks freeze them shut. But the car is really filthy, all the salt, snow, etc. etc. maybe I can just try to get the windows clean while in the garage?? (Windex)We'll see.
Good Morning..... I'm going to my granddaughter's birthday party Saturday..... should be fun...... it's a Frozen themed party..... LOL luckily I have a snowman tee I wear at Christmas so I can go as Olaf......she's 3.... can you believe that she's 3.......

We had a beautiful day yesterday weather wise and this weekend is a Chamber of Commerce weekend..... should also be beauitful for the Super Bowl next weekend and the golf tournament this coming week. The one with the herds of drunk people walking everywhere.....

the neighbor I helped in December gave me her poinsettia plant to keep and have blooms set next year.... has anyone been successful with that challenge? any clues would be great....

Have a fantastic weekend....
So far I have been able to keep my poinsettias alive! I give about a cup of water 2-3 times a week. They are where light can hit them most of the day but not NEXT to the window where they get TOO cold. They are still as beautiful as the day we picked them up on Christmas Eve. I've been able, over the years, to keep them alive fore months inside, but the minute I plant them outside, they die. I used to have two poinsettia bushes outside that stood about 4 feet high and measure 5 ft around. They were gorgeous for about 10 years before they froze in an unexpected freeze one time.
Hello. I was about to post earlier but got a phone call. Now my dinner (lunch) is warmed up so I need to eat. I'm so happy to see the sunshine today. It was in the mid-20s this morning but is warming up to the 40s. I was shocked yesterday when I looked out at my rain gauge it it has over an inch in it! I had no idea the amount of ice and sleet we had could amount to that much.

Robin, it IS hard to believe your granddaughter is 3!! Sounds like a fun birthday event.

Nana, it sounds like it's colder down there than here.

Poirot, I can't imagine trying to get a car washed in your weather conditions! Horrifying to think of being in your garage and "locked" inside your car, with frozen door handles. Be safe!

Wilde Woman, hunker down and stay warm if you can. I had a note from my husband's nephew a couple of days ago. He lives in the Boston area. They were bracing for what is to come.
It's sunny and in the 40s today. Hopefully, all the ice will melt today.

I went to town this morning. My subdivision still has ice, but the main roads are clear. Hopefully,
I can walk tomorrow.

It's church library week and I went there this morning. I drove to the small library where I volunteer before I
came home. I had items due and they've been closed all week.

Cookies Mom, thanks for the update on your husband. Great news he's eating.

nanahl, I hope you got all your chores done today.

Wilde Woman, stay safe with the cold temps.

Poirot, I hope you were able to get to the car wash today.

robin, I'm glad your neighbor gave you thank you gift. Good luck keeping it alive. Enjoy the party. Any
word from landlord?

OC, enjoy the sunshine.

I hope everyone has a great afternoon and weekend.
Am still thinking he is either still deciding whether to try to sell.....thus you won't hear anything until he has a buyer. I got surprised when my house was sold, as the buyer wanted immediate possession, & we did not even have a place to go! So when we were able to find this place, had to move right away (luckily, this place was empty) so we found movers (this is small town ) and got moved out on a Tues., with the new owners arriving on Friday. House was clean, but I managed to get a couple of gals to wash the walls, which was all that had to be done. I made a few trips earlier to bring the clothes hanging in the closets, etc. to the new place, so only had furniture to move.
Anyway, it was all very fast, unexpected.
Hope you have it much easier, Robin. Have you decided yet if you will try and stay in AZ.......or go to Kansas City?? And......heck, landlord might not sell for 2 yrs. LOL