2/20/23 - Donuts and President's Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good chilly morning....Once upon a time, long ago, kids got off school on Feb. 12th for Lincoln's birthday, and Feb. 22 for Washington's birthday. Used to look forward to it, different days of the week. One of those was a half day, but still was pretty nice. Especially honoring two great presidents. Then someone got the bright idea of making ALL holidays on a Monday, like Columbus day, Memorial Day, Veterans' Day. Glad Congress made sure it always enjoyed the 3 day weekends but there was such a huge uproar about the 4th of July....it was made the exception, and stays on the 4th. Memorial Day is still celebrated on May 30th in many places, as THAT is Memorial Day (despite it's change to last Monday in May in '73 after being May 30th since 1868.
Glad I grew up before Congress decided it was more important for them to have 3 day holiday weekends than to honor the various reasons for National holidays on specific dates. Off the rant now.

No sun today, cold & dreary here. Bad night's sleep, should say lack of as awake most of the night. Take care, enjoy the day. A new week begins. ..........
47 and raining in NY. Dreary, chilly day. Watching "M*A*S*H" marathon on TVLand and glad to have the day off. We were given this holiday back after not having it off for many years. No idea why.

Kat - Thank you for starting the board nice and early today. Have a nice day.

Poirot - I hear you about the holidays and actual observances. Sorry you did not have a restful sleep.

Everyone enjoy the start of the week.


Good morning.... good thing I had a good night's sleep or you wouldn't have the summary.... what a terrible show....
Heading to the bank today to get cash for tomorrow's afternoon flight.... Haven't been on a plane since March of 2020, if things work out as in the plane is on time it will be shorter than the 6 hour drive, at least easier and cheaper.

Nice day today but tomorrow is supposed to be cooler and then cold (for the desert) till the weekend.

Enjoy the day.....
It's a beautiful spring day here. It's sunny to partly cloudy and close to 70. I went out and raked the backyard.
A lot of stuff blew in since I raked last. It's a lot better. I plan to rake in another area tomorrow. Wed rain.

robin, is your bank open today since a holiday? Have a fun trip at Disneyland.

Wilde Woman, I hope you enjoyed your day off.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
SNOWING! began around noon, blowing snow, swirling around, very fine. It now is big snowflakes, glad I did grocery shopping yesterday after church. Really coming down. We stayed in low 20s, and how fun as the forecast is saying snow every day this week. After all, gotta give us back the little bit that might have melted when the sun came out, plus more, as after all, gotta get the shoveling exercise! :sarcasm:

Yep, the huge pines are getting decorated again....and the forecast keeps changing as to wind, snow accumulations and all the rest of the miserable winter stuff. LOL the highs are dropping every day, and that promise of no more below zero was a lie. Night especially.
Hello everyone.

A quick check-in before pain meds knock me out again.

Some of you already know this from Facebook:

My left foot snapped Saturday morning as I pivoted to turn away from my dresser when putting away laundry.
2 fractures in 5th metatarsal, 2 fractures in ankle, and ligaments are torn from ankle. Of course none could be clean breaks that could be set.
Urgent care put on a self- fitting splint from under my toes to the back of my knee. Then wrapped it all with what seemed like a mile of soft material and velcro elastic bandages.

I see the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get in the hospital quickly.
Squirrel, I did see your post on Facebook about your injury but I'm glad you updated us here. I'd been wondering how you are doing. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hoping and praying for the best treatment and an uncomplicated recovery for you.

My two cousins and one's husband arrived at noon with fried chicken. My niece stopped in and had a short visit and a bite to eat with us. After she left, the rest of us went to town and drove around in the cemetery before they went back to Fort Worth. The weather was warm, in the 70s*, cloudy and breezy. Not bad.