2/12/2023 - Donuts and Lincoln's Birthday


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
At least when I went to school the 12th of February was celebrated as Lincoln's birthday.
HB had a great birthday dinner, shrimp from the barbie, salad, broccoli and his brownies...... His daughter wasn't able to call, her ex dropped by and hung around hoping for an invite to dinner. They will talk today......

More puttering today I will have the game on..... don't care who wins.... just want a good game not a blow out....

Have a peaceful Sunday.....
Robin, thank you for remembering today was Lincoln's birthday. We used to get off school on this day, sometimes just a half day, that is until they decided to combine Lincoln & Washington, and just a "presidents" day. Glad I was done with school by then. Sunny and 41 here.....long lines still at the car wash spots. Back from church now, Sunday paper for me. Take care all.
Sunny today and close to 60.

I'm going to watch a Hallmark movie I got at the library and PBS shows instead of football.

robin, I'm glad HB had a good birthday.

Poirot, I'm glad you're having nice weather.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
I also forgot it was Lincoln's birthday, thanks, Robin. We do get off Presidents Day, a week from tomorrow.

43 and raining/dreary in NY. Catching up on network and PBS shows.

Robin - Sounds like HB had a wonderful birthday dinner.

Poirot- Enjoy relaxing with the Sunday paper.

Kat - Nice weather for you. Have a good time watching your movie, and I see you are also a PBS fan.

Sunday is a day of rest, so hope everyone is doing just that!

Good afternoon everyone.

It has been a killer weekend with my bedroom still torn apart. I finally ordered a new hybrid mattress (6 " inner spring coils with 2 " of foam) and a new ved frame. Of course, Amazon delivered the extremely heavy boxes much much earlier than expected so my frame (in 2 pieces) box springs and mattress were still in my tiny living room waiting for pickup.

The new-to-me Amazon driver took pity on an older woman, and asked if I wanted the boxes brought in. The only thing he could do was lift them over the old ones, but then I couldn't get to the boxes.

The people I was donating my old bed set to had to come from about 45 minutes away. Then called to ask if I could hold them until he got off work...was offered overtime. I just couldn't say no since it is a struggling family who just took in the abused niece whom they needed the bed for.

It was after 8:00 pm before they were here and gone. Then after 10:00 when I finished putting the frame together and taking the plastic off the tightly rolled mattress
It was amazing to watch that vacuum sealed mattress start to take shape when it hit the air. I'm sleeping on the couch for a bit since it takes the mattress up to 72 hours forcthe coils to expand and the foam regain the thickness it should be.

Wow! I just realized that I'm babbling. I better try to take a nap.

Happy Belated Birthday to HB.
Sunday is a day of rest, so hope everyone is doing just that!
Unfortunately it is NOT a good day for me. Scout Sunday at Church was Awesome. I even wore my Wood Badge regalia! However, since then has been a horror story. When I bought my new iPhone, I was told everything was a go. However, when I went to check emails, none were there, even the ones I had saved. Needless to say, I was furious. I just finished talking to AT&T with NO success. Then I spoke with Apple with NO success! We tried everything! I usually LOVE my Apple products but not this one--yet. Tomorrow I will drive 20 miles to the place who has my email account and see what THEY can do. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. Thank goodness church was awesome. I am just so tired of dealing with all the bureaucracy. They want to sell, sell, sell but not support, support, support. It has happened so many times since HB died.

Ok, off my rant. I do pray that all of you are having a Blessed Day!
Nana, that kind of stuff is the most frustrating! Hope you can get it fixed tomorrow.

Squirrel, I'll be interested to hear how you like your new mattress. I ordered a rolled-up one for a twin cot one time but I've never slept on it myself.

Wilde Woman it was nice you had some shows to watch on your dreary day. Hope you are enjoying them.

Kat, Hallmark sounds much better than football to me.

Robin, thanks for reminding us of Lincoln's birthday. He and Washington both get lost and forgotten these days, in the combo day off. I didn't know whether to laugh or what, as I read about HB's daughter's ex visiting and hoping for a dinner invitation.

Poirot, besides honoring our early presidents, we also had a big picture of Washington hanging on the wall in the school room. I bet you--or some of you out there--did too.

I guess the Super Bowl is in progress by now. I've been doing some things in the kitchen all afternoon. Cleaning out food scraps, cooking some vegetables, peeling, slicing, etc. Now I've got to finish hanging curtains from yesterday. I did get them all washed yesterday, and most of them back up, but I was worn out by about 9:00 o'clock and had to quit.

It was a beautiful day here. Got to 71* and sunny with a bit of a breeze.
Always been a favorite of mine. It says SO much when you really listen. Thank you. I did see it at Super Bowl.