12/23/2024 - Donuts & Wacky Dreams!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good grief!! Last night I dreamed that cavemen walked among us and that one of them was Sammie's current boyfriend! I can usually get a sense of what triggered a dream, but I have NO clue on this one! The dream wasn't about cavemen or Sammie. They just randomly showed up in a story line that had nothing to do with them. :rotfl:
lol.......ONE wonders where the heck some dreams come from........had one last week that was so intense, it woke me up and I was disoriented for a couple seconds.....oh, am in my bedroom .....I said aloud as I looked around.

And here we are, gonna be in the mid-high 30s all week.........so weird. Warnings out about ice storm maybe, but if not, melting snow will ,make things sneakily slippery. Dang it.

Stay safe, happy holidays
Lil0, thanks for the laugh. Are you sure there aren't cavemen walking among us? I see some pretty weird things going on in the world today. I'm blaming things I see on the news for some of my crazy dreams. :eek:

Sexton, you may be better off not remembering some dreams. I hope your week is as good as it can be and better than you might expect. I was thinking of you and remembering your situation this morning. God bless!

Poirot, I guess there's just no getting around the awful cold weather and the conditions it brings for you. You no doubt know how to manage in it better than most of us will ever know. Wishing you a good day with warmth in your own spot.

I was awake before 7:00 this morning. Takes me most of the morning to get the basics settled out and start to feel alive. I'm not sure of a direction for the rest of the day. Need to talk to my niece. It was cloudy and windy, 55* when I got up. Sun is trying to overcome the clouds now so that will help with the drearies. I'll check back later.
Sometimes I forget that many of you live in warmer climates...........lol. Actually, up here, 30s at end of Dec. is "a heat wave". Snow melts, or it rains, not really pleasant at all. I think Muzza would probably agree. We should be in the 20s or teens. the nasty below zero comes in January, tho a thaw, too. My wedding day (very end of Jan.) there were puddles everywhere, my best friend bridesmaid fell in one, had to get out of the bridesmaid dress, change to street clothes, she was SO MAD. (someone taking her pic was try to focus her camera, kept telling her to step back a step or two, then again, and bam.......right into the puddle she goes.
Sunny and 17 here. Yesterday and today, brutal. Temps will be warmer after today, they say.

I did see two pigeons on the terrace ledge today. They were fighting over a scarf.

Everyone enjoy your cold or warm day, whichever it is.

It was in the 40s when we walked this morning. It's cloudy and in the low 50s now. Rain expected after 7.

I woke up early this morning. I went back to sleep for awhile and in the dream I had two accidents.
I decided to get up at 4:30.

I'm waiting on my son. I found an email after walking they weren't coming. When I got back from church,
he wrote they might be coming. It's past my lunch time. I wrote again about their status. They were
an hour or so away.

Lil0, you had a strange dream.

Poirot, I hope you won't have to go out with it being slippery outside.

OC, I hope you got things going.

rf, enjoy your nice weather.

Wilde Woman, stay in with the cold weather.

Wishing everyone a pleasant afternoon.
regarding wacky dreams, shortly before this trip, I had a dream where I was in a big room Train station? Bus Station? School? I had to find door 14 why door 14? it was a dream, I went around checking door numbers never able to find 14 then Xander showed up weird I thought what's he doing here? But he knew where door 14 was so I followed him. We went down a corridor and Vinnie woke me up..... I remembered it because normally I have these types of having to get somewhere where but not able to get there and my mom is where ever I'm trying to go, she passed in 1998 so it's so frustrating to not get to her.... but she wasn't in this dream and Xander was....

6 lanes of almost moving traffic today in Los Angeles...... fun drive......

77 when we left Phoenix this morning....
Hope seeing the ornaments wasn't too painful for you, sexton. I know what you mean. Living in the house I grew up in, I see memories from the past all the time.

Kat, I hope your son got there--and everybody got to eat before too late.

Wilde Woman, I'm wondering what the pigeon winner did with the scarf. The pictures you posted are so pretty!

Poirot, if what happened to your best friend at your wedding had happened in today's world, cell phones would be recording the whole thing and the videos would be going viral. It wasn't funny for her but it would be funny for others to watch.

Robin, glad you made it to Santa Monica.

I had a busy day after all. I went to two different towns in opposite directions and took care of some things that needed doing. It took me all afternoon. The weather turned out to be nice, got to be around 73*. Will get down to 50s* tonight.
OC, they arrived before 2. We ate at Red Lobster. They stayed a few minutes at my
house before going to the hotel. My house isn't big enough for visitors.

robin, a lot of my dreams I'm going somewhere and never get there.