12/15/23 - Donuts and National Cupcake Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I just found it's cupcake day

It's cloudy today. The rain in forecast keeps getting pushed back. Will it rain or not?

It was in the 50s when I walked at 7 this morning. My friend came out with her dogs.
I don't see her on cold mornings.

I finally worked on Christmas cards. I still have a few more to get ready to mail. I took
time and cleaned off my laptop screen. It was full of spots. I read to use static free
cloth. If that doesn't help, use isopropyl alcohol. It's clean now. I have to go to the
pharmacy before I work on my studies. I kept getting circuits are busy when I tried to
call there, but I was able to call my friend on her cell phone.

I hope everyone will have a swell rest of the day and nice weekend.
rained here all a.m., still off and on. more to come they say. waiting for a gal to bring new meds, different & stronger anti biotic, who knows. waking too early, then falling asleep early and in that cycle. My younger son was planning to drive up here tonite, but that rain will get icy when the temp drops. Staying in......it does get boring with no one else here, except the boring TV. LOLOL No desire to go anywhere anyway. So many complaining about long checkout lines,,,frustrating when you only have a few things. Never missed an episode of Days since I began watching years ago until this past week, and a couple days last week. I hate the streaming. I do NOT WANT TO WATCH sitting at my computer. Ugh. Gloomy & cloudy out all day.........comes with December rains I guess.
Take care, enjoy your weekend.....decorating, shopping, etc. :)
Poirot, the next time someone from your family comes by ask them to fix your TV to get
Peacock. I'm sure you have a long to do list. If I lived closer, I would fix it for you.
oooo cuppie cakes..... I love cupcakes..... good day to celebrate.....
HB is off picking up grandson after wrestling practice.... no school they both got to sleep in......
It was raining this morning.... still very wet out with threatening skies..... so perhaps more rain today.... but it's 48 out so little chance of the icky stuff.....
So much to do and so little desire to do it even though I want the job done....sigh....

Good to Friday to all....
Hello all and Happy Friday!!
Poirot, good to see you post, hope you are on the mend!
I had the same issue, only had Peacock on my tablet, and didn't watch the show for almost a year..then a friend told me about a Roku...it is a little device that plugs into the TV and brings the streaming services to the TV. They are listed for $24 at Wal-Mart and Amazon..it also comes with the "Roku Channel" that has lots of free TV offered, no subscription cost to use the device... Depending on the ports/plug-ins you have on your TV, you may need an adapter. Hope that helps.
gary's girl, my son might be able to set me up when he gets here, WalMart is just down the road.....however we are getting more rain, then maybe snow. Fingers crossed. He's leaving Sunday, thanx for the advice
You are very welcome!!
Ugh..I dread the snow and ice. Hope he is able to make the trip and the weather cooperates. It has been unseasonably warm here..58 now..
Take good care! Keeping you, along with RS, in my thoughts and prayers, hoping you both continue on the road recovery, it's no fun when you don't feel good.
Lil0 did you get you technical issues straightened out?
Yep. Everything is fine today. I learned that there was a massive solar flare yesterday that caused all kinds of electrical issues! I just mentioned this to the cashier at the hardware store and she said, "Oh that explains it!" And went on to site all the issues she had had to deal with. Clearly, it was pretty widespread. Duh.
Now I need a cupcake!

Siege is home from college - she ended the semester with 4A’s and 1 B. But mostly super proud of this final of hers (Drawing)


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I tried the pharmacy this afternoon and I got through. Unsure what the problem was.

Kris, that's great news Siege. Beautiful drawing.

robin, is your rain over? Rain arrived here early this afternoon.
well, my satellite is back up and working.... I had put off calling the park.... turns out my entire side was out
Stormy weather moving into tonight....wee hours of the morning
Kris, thanks for sharing the picture. It's beautiful!

Glad everybody's electronics are back working.

Sorry I've been mostly absent. Haven't been able to get anything accomplished lately. I was in the kitchen most of today without anything spectacular to show for it. I had just over an inch of rain last night and didn't even know it had rained until I looked at my gauge this morning.