12/1/21 - Donuts and December is here!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Happy December, everyone!

I hope all of you are having a great day, staying safe and well. I'm here at work but I'd rather be sleeping, haha. Baby girl kept me up all night with heartburn. Someone should tell her that mommy is supposed to get to sleep while she's on the inside, seeing as once she is born, sleep is thrown completely out the window. Looking forward to a nap after work, for sure!

We decorated our Christmas tree last night, and talked about how it was our last Christmas as a family of 4....next year, sweet baby Ember will be here and it will be our first Christmas as a family of 5. 5?! That still sounds crazy to me.

My oldest is on a nationals volleyball team, (yes, huge age gap haha) and she is counting down the days to her first time getting to play in a big nationals tournament in Washington DC (which is in January). And our other daughter is counting down the days to her first band concert (she is incredibly talented on the French Horn!). This mama heart is a mess of emotions. I'm super proud of my 3 girls, yes even the one that her only job is to be healthy and kick mommy every now and then to let me know she's doing ok in there. ::sigh:: those kicks bring a sigh of relief, but sometimes they hurt...a blessing and a curse!
Kind of like this show...haha, a blessing in that it brought me all of you online friends and a curse in that we have to watch this possession mess. hahahahaha.

Take care all and have a great December!
Dayslady your heart and home is full of love..... it is nice to hear from you. Good to know baby is doing well and what babies like to do.....

Yesterday was supposed to be busier than it turned out to be.... HB got a nose bleed so half the days chores were put off as he didn't want others to see his nose plug.... then later he realized they wouldn't because of his mask...... so he went out and completed the shopping without the beast and me....
Today is a PT day.... then I'm going to put lights on the outside tree......

We are supposed to be in the 80°s today..... normal is 69°..... nighttime lows are still in the 50, it's really nice.... but so not normal.....

Good Wednesday to all.....
Woke up to 55 this morning, high is in the lower 70’s - not at all our December usual, but I won’t complain.

No major decorations here because we are surprising the girls with Christmas out of town and we won’t be home for two weeks of December.

Dayslady - I’ll say it again - three girls are the best! Sounds like your holidays will be super special.

Robin - hope PT goes well.

Happy Wednesday everyone
Good afternoon to you all, I lost internet yesterday, so have been without it for day and half. Tech just here, and said he just pulled out the power cord and reinserted it. Told him I did that to no avail 1/2 dozen times with absolutely not a flicker of power back. Wish I knew what he did. besides that. Personally, maybe when he checked the outside this a.m. He might have moved or adjusted something..... But when I came back from dr. visit, there was NO internet, then he comes in, was here maybe 10 min. as he tested lines, he said there was no service........then a few minutes later said he just pulled the power cord out, reinserted and VOILA! weird.
Good afternoon. Another sunny, warm day. It was in the 50s when I walked early this morning.

I went to the two church libraries today I stopped at a grocery store on the way home. I found some items I can't
get at Walmart. I took care of dog before I had lunch. I won't have to take care of him tomorrow.

DaysLady, I'm glad Ember is doing well even though she's keeping you awake.

robin, I hope PT went well today.

Kris sounds like your family will have an interesting Christmas.

Poirot, I'm glad you got your internet back.

Wishing everyone a fantastic rest of the day.
A quick check in for now. Busy day in my southern county. Then hurried back for a 3:00 supervisors' zoom meeting / training that just ended. GRRR We're all in the same freaking building and eat lunch together so why couldn't we meet together in the huge board room that is only used once every quarter?!?!?!? It would've been easier to see others' screen shares on the big screen in there.

Time to clock out, and submit my electronic timesheet. I need to stop at Aldi on the way. Thank goodness Aldi is a half block from the office, and less than a mile from home.

DaysLady, hugs and much love being sent your way. The rosary continues to be said for you and Ember.
Dayslady, thanks for that update. I was wondering about you and the baby yesterday.

I went to town today--grocery store and drug store. Got food at a burger place and ate in the car. The wait was excessively long. Then there was some confusion at the drug store. I was gone longer than I'd expected. Didn't sleep well last night and missed my nap today so now I'm struggling to stay awake. Must get up and move around. Maybe find something to eat.
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. This pregnancy has been a challenge, as I have to give myself a shot every night in the stomach, and first I had to overcome an overwhelming fear of needles. My husband was super patient with me while I cried the first week- but here I am, 26 weeks tomorrow and I'm a pro at giving myself a shot and no tears! And, I'd do anything to get Ember here healthy and safely. She's measuring perfectly and growing and shows so much sass on ultrasound that nurses and doctors ask me when my next one is so they can see her, too. She's quite the little personality already, playing "whack a mole" with heart monitors and making nurses laugh. My favorite moments were this past week, when hubby and my girls got to feel her kick for the first time. The look on their faces made me emotional. Super excited to add this little girl to our family. She is already so loved.