11/11/23 - Donuts and Veterans Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning. Steady rain and blustery winds here. Heavy wind started yesterday afternoon. My son-in-law got the decking attached at least enough to keep it from blowing away. That should hold it for now. By-the-way, that crew he brought with him yesterday morning was his old scout troop. LOL.
At some point during the night, the power clicked off and then back on again. It was enough of a disruption to wake up my printer when the power came back on. The printer then printed out a document that had been in the queue for about a month!! What makes that particularly remarkable is that there are several items in that queue because my computer and printer have been refusing to talk to one another. I wish I knew what magic electrical jolt caused the printer to actually print one of the waiting docs.
Good morning. Steady rain and blustery winds here. Heavy wind started yesterday afternoon. My son-in-law got the decking attached at least enough to keep it from blowing away. That should hold it for now. By-the-way, that crew he brought with him yesterday morning was his old scout troop. LOL.
At some point during the night, the power clicked off and then back on again. It was enough of a disruption to wake up my printer when the power came back on. The printer then printed out a document that had been in the queue for about a month!! What makes that particularly remarkable is that there are several items in that queue because my computer and printer have been refusing to talk to one another. I wish I knew what magic electrical jolt caused the printer to actually print one of the waiting docs.
Lil0: Sometimes power outages reset equipment. My trusty answering machine (connected to what was once my landline but now is hooked up to a modem) stopped working for no apparent reason. But after a local power outage, it was resurrected!
Good Morning...... a slow day here in the middle of the country...... we have another band concert to attend tonight, this one is the best of the best of the neighboring high schools. Don't know what to expect, but it should be great......
Started a project yesterday and finished it the same day..... had too finish as a bunch of stuff ended up on my bed and I wasn't sleeping on the couch for the night.... I removed a table from my bedroom and replaced it with a set of shelves.... my plants which have all moved indoors due to our night time lows being too low for them.... were crowded beyond belief now they have room to breath.... now to go to a nursery and pick up the trays so they can have space....
we shall see how that works.... I've already put some pillows and sheets on the top of the shelving unit freeing space in my closet.... I gave a way so much stuff when I moved and I have way too much special stuff still..... sheesh.....

Good Saturday to all.....
A partly sunny day here. No walk this morning since it's Sat.

I called Walgreens yesterday about a Covid shot. The woman said they had them, but she forgot
something. She didn't tell me I needed an appointment. I had to wait a few minutes to find out
I needed one. I stopped at a pharmacy after working at the small library. They aren't carrying
Covid shots, but the one in town is. Maybe one day I swing by and get one. I want to get one
on a day when I can stay home the next day. There's always Thanksgiving week.

I'll be inside this afternoon catching up on cleaning and studying.

Lil0 and Wilde Woman, sometimes electronics have a mind of their own. My printer acts up
sometimes and I have to restart computer.

robin, I hope the plants like living in the house.

I hope everyone has a lovely rest of the day.
Robin, I think you and your plants will enjoy the new arrangement. Awhile back I got a clothes hanging rack with 2 racks and 2 shelves. Freed up some space in my one small closet. I like it.

Kat, I'm sorry you got the run around on the shot.

Lil0, my printer has been doing a similar thing for months. I put something in and it may be days or longer before it decides to print it. So nice your son-in-law is there to help with the shed!

I'm grateful for all who've served in the military, my relatives and others.

A quiet, cloudy day here. Sun came out for just a little while in the middle of the day, otherwise, completely overcast. I got to keep my curtains open. I need to get up and move around. I'm always sleepy. I've been waking up between 3 and 5 a.m. for a while now. Sometimes I finally doze for a while, sometimes not.