10/17/20 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday Lil0

Happy Birthday to you, Lilo! You're one very special lady and it has been a joy to get to know you more each year on the Salem Spectator!
May your celebration be filled with love, joy, and great birthday surprises!lilo.gif
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6 a.m. - Dark, clear 31°
7 a.m. - getting light and SNOWING...big fluffy flakes, trees are flocked...
8:30 a.m. - snow has become very fine
9 a.m. - stopped - 38°
10 a.m. - melting all over, 40°

Yep, you don't like the weather..just wait a while in Wisconsin. LOLOL
Robin & Noel....see last post I made on yesterday's donut thread
I'm having a Winnie the Pooh windy day. I walked after I did my errands. Before
lunch, I started raking. It's supposed to rain late Sunday into Mon so I wanted
to get leaves out of the ditch. I raked after lunch too. I'm in for the day. I
got enough arm stretching exercise.

No cold weather in forecast for the next two weeks. Maybe the daisy buds
will bloom. One is trying very hard.

Lil0, I hope you're having a nice day even though you may not be celebrating
like you wanted to.

Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of the weekend.
Sorry I'm late wishing you a happy birthday, Lil0. I hope it is going to your liking. These 5 and 10 year milestones get to be a shock indeed.

I've had a busy couple of days. Yesterday I went to the Walmart town, 40 miles away, and visited with a friend from high school days. She and her husband moved to Arizona (between Phoenix and Flagstaff) about a year ago but have not yet sold their house here. They come back from time to time to see after things.

Today I had to go back to that same town to get my truck out of the shop. My niece went along to drive my truck back, while I drove my car. Her grandson went along with us to another town, where she got her truck out of a shop there and he drove it back to her house, while she and I went on our way. It all seemed a bit complicated when we were planning it but it worked out perfectly. Lol.
Good evening everyone,

Happy birthday Lil0, don't think I can post a cake photo with my phone.

We're having a lazy Saturday here, but I did get the grocery shopping done. I was excited to find beautiful local heads of cauliflower and the biggest cucumbers I've ever seen.

Hope you all had a wonderful day.
Good evening.
I just got home from a block party down at the end of the street in celebration of my birthday!! What a hoot! We all stayed out in my daughter's driveway -- wearing masks -- and ducking under the awning when it rained briefly. Neighbors got to meet neighbors. Great fun.