1/7/2025 - Donuts and it's Tuesday


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning.... I have a cold and somewhere during the night my voice left me....
Still have the icy driveway so can't leave cause can't get back....but I have tea and I have honey..... so I'll be good.....
and I have the BEAST who is currently sleeping sounding on my lap.

Happy Tuesday to all....
It was 21 when I woke up. It was 19 for awhile after I got up. It's 24 and cloudy now.

A busy morning. I posted summary early since I didn't walk early. I had a hair cut and
took the last of the church's recycling to the recycle center.

Before lunch, I walked two times around. I needed to do that even though it was 21. I
wore my new ski mask and the coat with the furry edged hood. My hands were getting
cold on the way home and I wore two pairs of gloves. I'll be inside the rest of the day.

robin, sorry to hear you have a cold. Take care.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Robin, colds really are miserable. I hope you get over yours quickly and that the honey will offer some relief in the meantime. I also hope the Beast's "dog sense" will kick in and he'll be extra nice to you.

Kat, oh my, walking at 21*..... you and President Truman. I read one time that he took his morning walk no matter what the weather. Sounds like you're well prepared with proper clothing. Hope you're happy with your haircut.

It was somewhere in the 20s* this morning. I have two outside thermometers and I check two different ones online. Each one of the four always tells something different so I never know which one to believe. Guess it doesn't really matter. High is supposed to be 37*. It was 34* last time I checked. Conflicting predictions are appearing about snow amounts for Thursday but I'm guessing it won't be anywhere near the 7" I saw earlier. Regardless of the snow amount, I will be happy if we just don't get any ice with it. But as the Texas saying goes....What are the odds?
It was cold last night
Not too bad today
It's my day off...reliable folks working today nt worried about a call in.
Went to IHOP for pancakes the HEB t get refill on my inhaler
My electric went out for about 12 hours overnight. (Rare where I live.) I had heat but my biggest problem was sleeping as I have to have the tv on or something. I can't sleep if it's quiet. I don't like "house" noises. Finally went out today (not my car, snowplow piled snow up in front of it). Grocery was fiercely trying to restock. More snow (hopefully not ice) expected over the weekend. At least being retired I don't have to worry about getting to work. Thoughts and prayers to those who do have to get out.

Sorry, I just realized I hijacked this post. It was supposed to be on the one I wrote a couple of days ago.
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Here's info about the storm that is coming

Nameless, I'm glad you were able to get out and do shopping.

rf, I'm glad you had your day off.

OC, they keep changing how much snow I'm suppose to get. I could wake up Friday AM
with a lot of white stuff or nothing at all.
My area is light blue so light snow. The daily forecast for Thurs says snow starts around noon. That is
why I'm shopping early and library later in the AM. I'm busy Wed and no time to shop and one week
my milk went bad earlier than it should have.

Nameless, I hope you don't get ice.
Thanks for the info, Kat. That map, like others I've seen, puts me in the "ify" zone.

Sexton, I'm glad you got to have the day off and go eat pancakes today. Can't remember when I've had pancakes. Sounds so good.

Nameless, I'm hoping with you for no ice. My "local" tv guy says we'll get some sleet though.
OH, My gosh, that is rare for you folks down south. We have cold, and more cold, and then even more.