1/6/25 - Donuts and it's cold outside

Kat- How perfect! I hope you are staying warm.

29 here and snowing pretty hard. I know many of us will be dealing with snow this week so sending warm wishes to all to be safe and cozy and careful out there.

I know the weather is still up top on people's minds today so I'll begin with asking how everyone is doing and wishing all of you the best under whatever conditions you have. Indianapolis was the focus where I watched news this morning but the snow and ice are sweeping across a large area. Here is my part of Texas we got into the upper teens last night, will be in the 30s* for daytime and 20s* for nights throughout the remainder of the week. I'm hoping the daytime highs of around 37* will keep things from freezing up--pipes to the house and water in the tanks (ponds). So far it's dry, today, sunny, but we have chances of snow on Thursday.

This is not a Rants and Raves site but I'm going to rant anyway. Hefty has always been my favorite brand of Zip Lock bags but I'll be checking out some other brands now because they have reduced the size quite noticeably. What disturbs me most is that they are still labeled as gallon size but they hold only about half of what they always did before now! Grrrr.

I just now got a strange call. The lady on the other end said she just got a call from this number. I realize it could have been a scammer but from her voice and her conversation I was pretty sure it was an elder lady and she was troubled that she'd gotten this call she couldn't identify. She told me the name that came up on her caller ID and it was my deceased husband's name. I assured her my phone had not been touched or used at all today. I could only guess that someone is using my number but if so, it's the first time I've ever had this one happen. (I'm talking about a land line phone and I think hers was also a land line).
Just read recently, that somehow, some scammers are able to get other numbers to appear as the number that is calling, and a fake name as well. The lady should report it to her phone company, that is fraud of course. Might be a good idea to call yours to report the fraud attempt/ (Tell your son, he might be able to take care of it for you)
It was 17 when I woke up this morning. It's 24 now with sunshine. There were snow
flurries when I was out this morning.

When I went to bed, I looked outside the back and saw white stuff. I woke up this morning
and it was just a dusting compared to what other people have gotten the past few days.
I was able to get to church this morning without any trouble. I plan to be home until
Thurs except when I get a haircut tomorrow.

I put extra birdseed outside yesterday. Most of it is gone. I won't be putting any out today.

Wilde Woman, I hope you can stay home the next few days.

robin, I hope all is well at your house.

OC, that's terrible about the change in the size of the bags and the box still has the old size on it.

I hope everyone is staying warm and cozy.
Also, check online on what to do. There is a federal fraud agency you could contact......but, notifying your own police would be a good start...they could tell you what to do.......
Afternoon.... I woke this morning with an extreme sore throat and exploding head.... it's been slow moving..... When I took the BEAST out at 7 am it was now get this.... it was 1° out with a wind chill feels like of negative numbers....luckily he was quick on his business..... I went back to bed and slept till after 9 am.......
I've called myself or so you'd believe if you saw my caller ID. I didn't answer. My Dad passed in 2016, he was in conversations with a scammer to get money, you know invest A and get B+++ back.... the caller kept calling after dad's passing.... even after being told dad had passed and we wanted nothing to do with him.... So after calling weekly and my stepmother hanging up on him, he called again and because she's blind she fumbled and when she answered she had pushed record so she had a recording of this man threatening her with rape and death if she didn't put my dad on the phone. His threats went on for 3 minutes before she could hang up. She was so shaken, as anyone would be. I took the recording to the Police and they didn't do a damn thing since it was an illegal recording she didn't ask him or tell him she was recording him. She didn't know even know she was recording..... I mentioned she was a 90+ year old blind woman who needs to feel safe and this guy was an obvious threat. They still did nothing. He still calls about once a month..... she just hangs up
Just mentioning it because maybe things have changed but don't get your hopes up for anything to happen.....

It's now an amazing 12° out..... I may try to bake the ick out of me.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Happy Monday all.....
robin, sorry to hear you're sick. When I have a cold in winter, I put the electric blanket on full heat.
I always wear a sleep hat in bed to keep my head warm.
We are 20° and the sun is out again. Not much snow left.....but, weather people claim that will be changing beginning Wed. for the following week, flurries every day. Well, they say snow, but if every day, it means (usually) just flurries.......but it will whiten up the ground for sure.
It's warmed up a bit here.

Breaking news today was that our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is resigning. That's great news for most people. He wasn't much of a leader.
Robin, that's terrible about the threatening calls to your stepmother! My sister used to have her phone number changed when she got calls she didn't like. She always got unlisted numbers.

Poirot, I don't even have a police department. I might call my telephone coop but I doubt there's anything anyone can or will do. My daughter got a text message from my niece the other day and my niece had not even touched her phone. My niece also gets e-mails from mee all the time, which I did not send. I asked my son about it and he didn't think there was much I could do about it. I also get e-mails from people I know but I know they wouldn't be sending me e-mails. I just delete them and don't open. I usually don't answer my phone either, when I don't recognize the number. Don't know why I did today.

Mrs. Clean, I hope your next election goes well.

Kat, you must keep your heat turned way down at night. I used to dress that way for bed (and also used electric blanket) back when we didn't have much heat in our house. I don't keep my house that cold anymore but the most helpful thing I've found for staying warm in bed is to put a travel pillow up next to me on each side. Wish I'd thought of that 40 years ago!

A little before dark today I saw the most interesting airplane trail ever. The sky was clear and this big white trail went all the way across the entire sky from east to west--almost from one horizon to the other. It looked like a gigantic bridge that went up from one end and down to the other. My thought was that it looked like it went all the way from Dallas to Amarillo! The sky was so clear I could still see the plane, though it was very far away. The only other thing I saw in the sky was the sliver of the moon, about halfway across. I went outside and looked at this bright white "bridge" for a while.
lol............and my heat is set at 73! and don't change it. heck, when temps drop to single didgets or below zero...i wakw up to 68, cold floors, doorknobs, window panes......etc.
I think this will be a week of crazy.

Woke up yesterday to 27 degrees, by 9:30 it was in the 50’s hit 63 by 11 and down to 22 this morning. Our high today was 38. Low temps the rest of the week and supposed to get a winter snowstorm Thursday and Friday with “heavy snow” which means we will get nothing or have a blizzard.

Girls go back to school tomorrow - they aren’t looking forward to it
Thanks for posting the weather info. I just checked my weather forecast. This morning, it said snow late
Friday and early Sat. Now it's Thurs night. I'll have to go shopping Thurs AM before going to the
little library.
why not shop Wednesday? you wouldn't have to worry about going early to little library
Wed is too early since I shop on Sat. I can go to store around 8 and get to library a
little later than usual. I usually get there around 9. I'll keep an eye on the forecast since
it might change. Forecast has 6 inches of snow by the end of Friday.
Kris, your weather sounds about the same as mine.

They're saying we could get over 7 inches of snow on Thursday.

Kat and Poirot, I never put my heat below 70* I turn it down to 71* at night but up higher in the day. I don't think I'd ever get out of bed if I knew I'd have to be cold in my house all day. I remember decades ago when water spilled on our bathroom floor turned to ice!