Robin, that's terrible about the threatening calls to your stepmother! My sister used to have her phone number changed when she got calls she didn't like. She always got unlisted numbers.
Poirot, I don't even have a police department. I might call my telephone coop but I doubt there's anything anyone can or will do. My daughter got a text message from my niece the other day and my niece had not even touched her phone. My niece also gets e-mails from mee all the time, which I did not send. I asked my son about it and he didn't think there was much I could do about it. I also get e-mails from people I know but I know they wouldn't be sending me e-mails. I just delete them and don't open. I usually don't answer my phone either, when I don't recognize the number. Don't know why I did today.
Mrs. Clean, I hope your next election goes well.
Kat, you must keep your heat turned way down at night. I used to dress that way for bed (and also used electric blanket) back when we didn't have much heat in our house. I don't keep my house that cold anymore but the most helpful thing I've found for staying warm in bed is to put a travel pillow up next to me on each side. Wish I'd thought of that 40 years ago!
A little before dark today I saw the most interesting airplane trail ever. The sky was clear and this big white trail went all the way across the entire sky from east to west--almost from one horizon to the other. It looked like a gigantic bridge that went up from one end and down to the other. My thought was that it looked like it went all the way from Dallas to Amarillo! The sky was so clear I could still see the plane, though it was very far away. The only other thing I saw in the sky was the sliver of the moon, about halfway across. I went outside and looked at this bright white "bridge" for a while.