1/30/23 - Donuts and Winter blast


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cold and colder with the wind chill, 14, this morning. No walk for me today. I don't know how the streets or
sidewalk are if stuff fell over night. Yucky stuff in forecast for this afternoon.

All schools in area are doing remote learning today so I won't have to worry about Fenix. I'll be finishing up on
some paperwork and work on studies.

I hope everyone will be safe whatever you're doing today. If you're in northern Texas, be careful during the
winter storm.
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43 in NY right now, with temps falling tomorrow. Saturday is predicted to be 18 before wind chill factor.

Kat - Sorry about your cold temps and glad you can stay in and do what you need to do.

Good morning everyone. Snowing here after freezing rain during the night. Everything is coated in ice. I had a hard time getting my car doors open this morning.

No school today so will try to find something to do at the office other than cleaning. I'm in no mood to do that.

kat, that was a wise choice not to walk in the dark this morning.

Wilde Woman, Our weather will reach you tonight or tomorrow. I hope you don't get the freezing rain before the snow.
18 below zero this morning. It seems it snowed some during the night. Put the fireplace on first thing as inside the house itself is 67. Got a call last night that a good friend here is now in hospice care. She has been ill, but had been still getting around, but now is becoming confused, not always comprehending simple conversations. Upsetting.
I have several errands but am not going to try going out.
My outside sensor for indoor weather station is snow covered , is reporting outdoors of 10. LOL, knew it had to be wrong. Don't want to open the sliding patio door and brush it off .......just too cold out there, don't want to let more cold into the house.
Wilde Woman, these may be my favorite of your flower pictures so far. I'm pretty sure it's the most colorful thing I will see all day, and maybe for a while. Thank you for the morning cheer. Enjoy your moderate temperatures while they last.

Kris, ugh, looking forward to ice is not a laughing matter. I hope you don't have to get out and drive in it.

Poirot, it's bad when your weather station says 10* and you are certain it's reporting way high. I'm with you. No way would I open patio doors to brush off the snow. I'm sorry about your friend. It's a sad situation.

Thinking of COOKIE'S MOM and her husband.

Squirrel, now is when I really wish you were retired. I cringe just thinking about trying to get into a car with frozen door handles. It hasn't happened to me in a long while. I hope it never does again but I know it could. I know you can start your car from inside and clear the windshields but I guess it doesn't get warm enough to reach the door handles.

Kat, I'm sure glad you didn't walk this morning and that you don't have to walk Fenix today.

"If you're in northern Texas..." That would be me. When I got up this morning the weather service was saying it was 22* for my area but my outside thermometer was on 16*, so whatever, it was cold, but the ground was still clear at that point and ice was just beginning to form on the hand rails going down my back steps, so I went on and put feed out for the birds. Now there must be a small bit of snow or sleet mixed with the ice because I can see it forming on the ground and other surfaces.
I'm glad my niece reminded me yesterday that she gave me a bird waterer with a heater in it last year. I got it out of storage yesterday and hooked it up. My prayer is that the ice and wind don't get to be too much for the power lines to stay intact. I need to cook up some things today so I'd best get at it.
Good morning.... logged in and got the summary done before coming here..... the HOA's gardeners are mowing the lawn next door. Their mowers annoy Vinnie and his annoyance annoys HB so I'm wearing noise cancelling headphones still, even though the show has stopped.

The high country aka Flagstaff has a good chance for snow the next couple of days we get the wind and cooler temps.... not the extremes that y'all are dealing with.

Prayers for Cookie's Mom and her husband.

Good Monday to all.....
WOW! The weather everywhere is ridiculous! I read where Minnesota was supposed to have a wind chill today of MINUS 50*! Sounds impossible.

When I woke this morning it was 31 with 27 windchill. Now it is 33* with 22* windchill. Wind is picking up and it is very cloudy. Just returned from Dental Appointment and running numerous errands. I may have one more this afternoon if she is able to get to her office. I received the final piece of info for tax return in the mail Friday. I want to get it to my accountant. It will be the first time in my life that everything is ready before the end of January. Of course it will probably take a long time before I get it back but that's okay. She doesn't charge me much because we sent so many of our clients to her when we closed our business about 10 years ago. She didn't want to charge me at all but I refused that offer. However, I do have everything in order when she gets it. The forms have changed so much, it is worth it to have her finish it.

I think I hear hot chocolate with marshmallows calling my name. If you want to join me, come on down! There's plenty available. I can always put
a larger pot on.

God Bless You All! I hope to be back on later after I do some reading and studying.
Kris - ice storms are so horrible.....hope you can stay in.
rs......surprised you have to work at all if schools are closed, weather so bad.....

LOL, came here, got surprised, as I wrote, but evidently did not post it. Sheesh.
Well, sun came out, the 18 below zero morning temp has risen to 1 below. I do realize that those accustomed to higher temps really feel cold when the temp drop is way below normal. Take care everyone. sweaters, warm jackets, etc.

I honestly get a kick at Hallmark movies, characters supposedly outside mid-winter, and supposedly up very north, but jackets/coats open, not buttoned or zipped, no gloves, scarves, caps, no wind of course, and NO BOOTS, but gals walking, running outside in 4-6" heels. Asinine. The other annoying thing is how characters will pick up their coats/jackets, and not put them on before leaving the place. NO ONE does that. LOL
The icy stuff has arrived. Hopefully, power, etc. will stay on.

nanah, I'll have some hot chocolate where I am, but thanks for the invite.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the nice weather while you can.

rs, be careful on the way home.

OC, the birds at my house will just have to be happy with they have. I'm sure by the end of
tomorrow what is outside will be gone.
Hey everyone, just got back from surgeon who informs that the aneurysm is a bit larger, but is NOT moving. He wants us to have another XRAY very soon, and just live out our lives. But my husband also has a problem with his legs, that may require some work. He has an appt in 3 weeks to have the first test to see how badly the blood is flowing to his legs and feet. We are so very grateful today, all in all, this was not the outcome we feared, but while it is still obvious he has a long way to go to get back to some good health. Thanks for the nice thoughts, and the prayers, I know that they were heard. :clap:
The ice before lunch didn't last long. It started sleeting less than 30 minutes ago. The driveways
and street is covered. I'll be stuck at home for awhile. Today was trash day and they didn't come,
but mail was delivered before the sleet started.
Thank you all so much, I am feeling the love. We are doing ok, and are cautiously optimistic. Hard to be brave sometimes, but I am keeping my big
girl panties on here. Thanks again y'all.

Hey everyone, just got back from surgeon who informs that the aneurysm is a bit larger, but is NOT moving. He wants us to have another XRAY very soon, and just live out our lives. But my husband also has a problem with his legs, that may require some work. He has an appt in 3 weeks to have the first test to see how badly the blood is flowing to his legs and feet. We are so very grateful today, all in all, this was not the outcome we feared, but while it is still obvious he has a long way to go to get back to some good health. Thanks for the nice thoughts, and the prayers, I know that they were heard. :clap:
I know it was not the BEST news, but he appears to have been honest! I am always thankful when doctors are "upfront" about prognosis, etc. But, although he probably meant the comment "just live out our lives" as encouragement, it is good advice for all of us. We don't know when our last day on earth will be, but we can LIVE what life we DO have. If you think about, what would we do if we KNEW today was our last day. May God continue to be with you and your HB! Love and Prayers