1/29/2023 - Donuts and Fresh Oranges


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
My neighbor brought over freshly picked oranges from his tree... Heaven in a small package.....
We are warming up... at least for today.... high 60's but, but, but.... we will be back into 50's by Tuesday..... Please remind me in July or August when I'm whining about the warmth (aka hellish heat) that I was cold in January.....

I plan on sitting inside this afternoon, watching the 49er game and texted with my son..... other than that no plans.....

I hope everyone has a great Sunday.....
Emvy you, truly, as I would be in heaven with your "cold". 9 below zero this a.m. has warmed up to 1 below zero at noon! The sun is out, but must be having an off day, as sure has not warmed up much. Attended church online this a.m. The thermostat inside is set to 73, but........only 67 in the house this a.m. put the fireplace and the space heater on, is finally up to 74 inside. Shut them off.
One can get frost bit in just a couple minutes.

Have a really good day, whatever you do today. Take care, Blessings.
It is 70* here with rain off and on. We had our semi-annual meeting after church today with a meal. When I took first load out to the car after, it was not raining. Went in to get second load and.......that's right........it was pouring. I had left my umbrella in the car five minutes earlier. I ate too much at the dinner so now suffering with heartburn! I KNOW better but.......

Other than doing a few things first, I am going to enjoy Football this afternoon. My favorites are Eagles and Bengals to win. However I think the Chiefs will beat the Bengals. Wild Card weekend, I picked 5 of the 6 winners. In Division games, I picked 3 of the 4. Hopefully, I picked both of the winners in Conference Play. My favorites to play in the Super Bowl were Dallas Cowboys vs Buffalo Bills but that ain't going to happen. Now I am predicting a Chiefs vs Eagles Super Bowl. These are not necessarily my favorites, just my picks to win.

Have a great and blessed day!
It's cloudy today with dropping temps since this morning. It's going to be in the 20s
Monday morning, but will feel like the teens. Snow possible Monday afternoon. Snow
possible Tues. Wed looks good. Ice Thurs AM. I hope not.

I may watch skating this afternoon.

robin, enjoy the oranges.

Kris, I understand the weather changes. Too much up and down this year.

Poirot, sorry you were chilly this morning. It takes awhile for my house warm up since heat
down at night. I usually wear my bathrobe over my clothes on the colder days.

nanahl, feel better this afternoon and enjoy the game.

I hope everyone has a restful rest of the day.
Everyone is experiencing such different temps and weather conditions.

NY was overcast today, chilly and windy in the mid-40s-lower 50s, but I don't mind grey skies and took a walk.
The stores are rushing the season again. Not only is Valentine's Day stuff everywhere, St. Patrick's Day and Easter, too! To think I used to like marshmallow peeps, but that ended years ago. But I WILL admit that I buy myself a chocolate bunny every year.

Wishing all a lovely Sunday evening.

Robin, I need the same reminder about weather. I've been sitting here with a cover over me this afternoon. Oh Squirrel is going to love that squirrel with the clown face. We all know how she loves clowns! :sarcasm:

Wilde Woman, what a gorgeous sky! I don't think I ever liked marshmallow peeps but that chocolate bunny does sound good. I heard on the news that this past year had the lowest amount of snowfall in NYC since the 1970s.

Nana, it's a good thing you were at 70* if you were having rain. Much as we need rain here, I don't look forward to the next 3-4 days of possibilities with temperatures in the teens and 20s and wintry mix.

Kat, once again you and I have similar forecasts. They're talking rain/sleet/snow/ice, all with wind, of course, so chill factors lower than actual temperatures.

Kris, it's good you can go with the flow. I hope this round of winter isn't severe for you.

Poirot, times like this is when gas heat would be so much better than electric. It just seems to keep things warmer. It's sad to think you can't even keep the inside of your house above 70*.

On the way home from church this morning it was 30* I was thinking what a difference between now and a day or two ago when it was 70*. Wind was blowing both days but a huge difference in how it felt.
OC - Yes, it is so vibrant, the yellow/orange combo.

It is true about our having no snow, just hope we don't get slammed with a blizzard after a dry spell. But more rain than usual, it seems.

The Godiva chocolate bunny is amazing, but any milk chocolate bunny will do. Except white chocolate, it is too sweet. I can get a good one at the dollar store (though more than a dollar). I also like Reese's peanut butter eggs.

Time for me to come and ask for prayers again. Poor husband had a routine series of x-rays to check on his aneurysm a couple of weeks ago, and alas it is much bigger and moving. We have an appt early tomorrow morning with the surgeon, and at this point are praying for the procedure that goes up in the groin area, and NOT the major surgery. He is 82 years old and his heart is not good, he lives with the benefit of oxygen 24/7. It has been a very hard month and we are not out of the woods yet. I thank you all for your past courtesies, and prayers, and am humbly asking for more of the same. Blessings to you all, please stay safe, and hug someone you love today.....as a matter of fact hug someone you don't even like today. .:hug:
Cookies mom sorry to hear about your husband. I'll say a special prayer for him.

We miss you
NOOOOOO! The person who put food in that clown mask is diabolical! But that squirrel did look pretty funny.

COOKIES MOM, prayers going up for your husband and his surgical team.

This has been a weird weather week going from 0° and blizzard conditions to 40s and rain. Then cold with snow again tomorrow. My asthma and arthritic conditions kept me in bed most of the weekend.

I did manage to go out to get laundry done. A young fellow ( in his late 20s) who is a disabilities aide at a local school does his clothes at the same time. Whenever he sees me moving slow, he insists on getting my clothes out of the car for me. He also helps load and unload the machines if I'm having trouble.

We've become friends over the past year, and he needs someone to talk to. He had to leave seminary in Michigan when his mother became very ill and needed help with his younger brother. He has now been accepted to continue his path to the priesthood by the Diocese of Pittsburgh. There is one catch...he has to wait until the current seminarians reach the level of study that he is at before he can join them.
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Time for me to come and ask for prayers again. Poor husband had a routine series of x-rays to check on his aneurysm a couple of weeks ago, and alas it is much bigger and moving. We have an appt early tomorrow morning with the surgeon, and at this point are praying for the procedure that goes up in the groin area, and NOT the major surgery. He is 82 years old and his heart is not good, he lives with the benefit of oxygen 24/7. It has been a very hard month and we are not out of the woods yet. I thank you all for your past courtesies, and prayers, and am humbly asking for more of the same. Blessings to you all, please stay safe, and hug someone you love today.....as a matter of fact hug someone you don't even like today. .:hug:
Prayers are flying that God keeps his arms around your shoulders.
COOKIES MOM - Prayers going up for your wonderful husband. We will be strong for and with you. You are cherished.
