1/24/2023 - Donuts and Birthdays

Happy, Happy Birthday, Nanahl, and Happy 3rd Birthday, Vinnie!


Ooh...fancy cakes and birthday wishes already. I'm adding my good wishes to Nana for a beautiful and blessed day. I hope your family makes you feel specially loved and appreciated today.

Vinnie, you cute little rascal, maybe your mommy will play ball with you today, just for something different on your birthday. :rotfl:

I thought I'd stop in here early (for me) today, to say there is something strange on the ground outside my house. There are funny little puddles all over the ground. Seriously though, I'm so excited that I've had over half an inch of rain! We're not expecting large amounts but I think it will come down to some degree and in some form for the rest of the day. Possible snow by 1:00 p.m. but that isn't looking very likely, as the temperature is 40* right now and isn't going to get that low until at least overnight, and by then the precipitation will be clearing out.
I woke before 5 and decided to stay up since it was summary day. I had to do something
special for Sunday school class. Another class member and I were going to do it Wed, but
changed to this morning because of forecast.

I'm still waiting on the white stuff. Some areas south of me is getting some.

OC, I'm glad you got rain.

robin, are you doing anything special for Vinnie today?

I hope everyone is doing well.
Happy Birthday @Nanahl !

big day coming up one week from tomorrow... National Signing Day!! And what's so special about this year??? MY BABY WILL BE ON THE STAGE!! She will sign her commitment to her college of choice on Wednesday, February 1st and I cannot wait. I'm so proud of her. She worked her tail off and recevied 11 offers to play volleyball in college! She is an outside hitter and middle blocker. This mama is super super proud!

but as excited as I am for her...my mama heart is breaking that she is moving to an entire different state to go to school in the fall. I will never be ready.

And her two sisters-- one starts high school in the fall and loves all things band. and the baby can walk and talk wears her hair in piggy tails.

Time is a thief, y'all, and it won't be slowing down any time soon.
Dayslady, congratulations to your daughter on all her achievements! I can't believe your little one is already walking and talking. You're right about time passing and you can never get prepared for how much faster it passes as your get older. All you can do is make the most of each day, which you seem to be doing. Enjoy!

It's snowing here now, coming down pretty hard, but not sticking except in some dead grass and weeds. It's still 39* so the snow is very wet. Kat, I think this is the same system you're expecting so it might take a while for it to get there. However, I'm on the southwestern edge of it so the main part of it is already up in Oklahoma and may not take that long to reach you.
Snow started about 30 minutes after I posted. It's been heavy sticking on the ground and some on the
street. It will probably snow all night. The temp should stay in the low 30s.

I put birdseed out a few days ago so the birds will be happy.
Thank you all for the Birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day! All I did was play for nursing home devotions and binge on several TV shows I recorded. All my family texted me early this morning before they left for work all over the county. My middle son is planning to take me to lunch his next day off. The others were here for Game Day on Sunday.

I had other things planned today but it was raining cats and dogs! Thank GOD! I have 1.8" in the rain gauge at the moment, but no rain since noon. My yard had pools of water everywhere. I wish I knew how to do pictures because I took a video of some of it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VINNIE! Glad we share the same day, although probably not the same year. :)

Have a Blessed Evening all of you!
We’ve had sleet off and on today. Supposed to turn to snow in a couple hours. Temp keeps dropping. We will see. We are right in the edge between the 1-3 and 4-8 inch boundaries