1/18/25 - Donuts and Winnie the Pooh Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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awwww, that is so cute!

Not so cute outside here......snowed during the night, plus only 5° this morning.........but yayyy, the sun is shining. My bank called at 8 a.m. telling me something is changed on my account, more info on the online account. Went there.......no message, etc. Was in the bank yesterday..........LOL, might refer to the canceling of an automatic payment???? Who knows? I had gotten a new plan from my health ins. company, and the bank paid both old premium and the new one this month......which was something my son helped rectify, No idea if that is what the call was about (you know you can't ask questions of a recorded message). So, it will have to wait til Tuesday. Bank closed Monday.......and you really cannot get anything fixed on a Saturday.......EVER.
Poirot, the torment seems endless in this world of electronics! I hope this latest thing won't be too hard to get straightened out, once you can get to the bank in person or call them directly on Tuesday. I'm so grateful to be able to do such business in a small town where the people in the bank know and recognize me.

Kat, cute picture of Pooh and friends. I still have a little book about Christopher Robin, which I used to read to my kids. I think adults enjoy it more than kids do.

It's sunny here but cold with a north wind, high will be in the 40s*.

Poirot, ya, that's frustrating when you need/want to get something done at a business but unable to to do so because of business hours. Are banks typically closed on Mondays in your state? We have one bank in Canada that is open on Saturdays for basic banking needs however for anything more complex the paperwork can be completed but not processed until Monday.

OC, I'd take those temperatures today.

Kat, you reminded me of a Canadian Heritage Minute commercial about Winnie the Pooh. I'll post it below.

Today, I'll be attending my aunt's funeral who passed just before Christmas then tonight we reserved a table at a local pub with some friends to watch a band.

Have a nice day and stay safe.
It was 40 degrees at 5 this morning. I walked at 6:15. It was 36. I probably won't get to walk
on Sunday. It's sunny, windy and 35 now. Temps are going to drop all afternoon. Low tonight
s/b 11, but it could be lower.

After I got home the 2nd time, I put birdseed out. I haven't put any out since last week when
the black birds came by. The birds are enjoying their lunch.

Muzza, thanks for posting the video.

Poirot, I hope all goes well when you call the bank on Tuesday.

OC, enjoy your day.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Guess we are taking a nosedive into several days of the high being below zero, and the lows wayyyyy below zero. it dropped to 1 above this morning, currently is 4°. Tonight it falls to 13 below they say. And then stay with highs below zero for the next several days, and the lows....egads, in the minus 25 range. Sure hope they can repair the fireplace come Monday......but doubt it. Gonna be so cold the propane may not move. This morning even with the thermostat set at 74.........it was 68 in the house. I put the oven on, (electric stove) which has helped . I keep opening the oven door for a couple minutes to let some hot air out........every 1/2 hour or so. Would not have to if fireplace worked. But pilot is out, my son son tried to get it going, but told him don't fool with it, as whatever is wrong, with the pilot out and not wanting to relight.....we have to wait.
And now a funny story.......My son called me this morning.....asking if I knew anyone with this Italian last name. Yep, in my youth, the family owned the local candy store. LOL, my son went to get some bait this morning (he is staying in our cabin out at the lake) & the fellow began talking of Chicago, & my old neighborhood for some reason, and his grandfather who lived there. Evidently, when he asked my son where he was staying, & my son mentioned the resort name, this guy knew it, and said his grandfather knew the couple who built it, even mentioned the street I grew up on. So I told him that yes, that grandfather & I grew up on the street, the grandfather used to vacation up here (not at my place) but when he discovered I was here, he stopped in. And the next time I drove down to Chicago, my best friend & I, along with that grandfather & his best friend (who lived next door to me back then) all 4 had lunch together, lots of memories as kids, was fun.....All 3 of them have since passed away. Odd to run into childhood friends 400 miles from where you all grew up. But sure was nice!
Good morning....it's chilly out.... well for me it's down right frigid outside.... I still have to get to the post office and grocery store.... today is the "best" day temp wise to do this. Monday we will have to go out to a doctor appointment... otherwise I'd camp out here for the week.... I have books.....

Happy Saturday to all.....
Poirot, I loved hearing your story about the friends from long ago. Gives you something pleasant to think about for a while too. I sure wish they'd get your fireplace fixed. The propane not moving reminded me of when I went to high school in town. Big, old rock 3- level building on top of a hill. It had radiators, which is something you didn't see in houses around here. Sometimes in extra cold weather they'd have to turn out school because the propane couldn't make it up the hill to the school.

Robin, I wish nobody had to go out in the frigid temperatures--regardless of what each one of us considers to be frigid.

Muzz, interesting story about Christopher Robin and Pooh. I'd never heard that.

Kat, I bet the birds would like getting fed during this coming cold spell. The ones here have been extra active and hungry since our last spell a couple of weeks ago. The goldfinches finally made it here for their winter visit, and yesterday I saw mallards on the tank.

I'm waiting for my niece to pick me up to feed cows.
Just remember, all, no mail on Monday, it's a holiday, P.O. will be closed. banks, etc. Glad stores and other businesses will be open. I am expecting something via the mail, and if it doesn't get here today,...............sheesh, will be Tuesday! or later, lol, who knows these days.
Boy, haven';t seen any birds at all, nor any thing else.....rabbits, deer, etc. My neighbor next door used to put out birdseed all the time, but they are gone for a while,,,,,,,,,and it is soooo cold, am sure all the wildlife is hiding somewhere.
most of us have heard of the Righteous Brothers....Bobby Hatfield & Bill Medley. And while they had a big hit with You've Lost That Lovin Feeling......they both had single hits alone..........Bobby Hatfield with Unchained Melody, and Bill Medley....yes he was the voice for singing Time of My Life in that movie Dirty Dancing!!
Bobby Hatfield has passed away, Bill Medley still performs.