1/16/23 - Donuts and Martin Luther King Day

Good morning everybody. It started off at 17°, but is supposed to get up to 40° today. That'll bring some monsoon rain over night. You know I'm not a happy camper about that. I want snow! We had a blizzard at this time last year with everything shut down due to heavy snow and high winds.

Finishing up a bit of cleaning that I didn't get done yesterday. Also made pasta salad for my lunches at school this week. I haven't made it out to get the newspaper out of the paper box by the road yet because I'm watching the last of The Walking Dead, season 11, on Netflix.
It's another windy day here. It will be close to 70.

My Friday the 13 problem is now fixed. To make a long story short, I bought a modem so I wouldn't pay
Cox each month. It didn't connect since modem company wanted info first. Then send me a text message.
Which I don't do. My friend came today. She finished up another project while I was on the phone. So, now the
modem is going. I have to go to Cox Friday to take other back modem and have them fix my bill that they messed up.

rs, sorry you're getting rain and not snow. Enjoy your day off.

Remember no mail today.
Good morning all, gloomy, cloudy, overcast, you name it. AND it is 38°, AND it rained (negating the supposed "snow showers". There is tons of snow everwhere, especially on the roofs, and sure do not need rain on it all. ICE is just not something one wants to deal with, whether driving, or walking. I don't think so far it rained much, as with the warmer temps, the snow is melting a bit as well. However, there ARE raindrops on the window. Am stayin in, of course, you all keep safe. (we still have 2 ft. of snow on the roofs.)
34 and sunny in NY, very little wind after two very gusty days.

redsquirrel - Maybe the heavy rain will not be as bad as predicted. The pasta salad sounds delicious.

Kat - Glad your modem issue has been resolved. Enjoy the warmer temps.

Poirot - Best to stay in with that messy weather you have.

Happy start of the week to all!

Ah the saga continues.... this morning at 9 am a new air conditioner was dropped in our driveway..... I'm not blocked in the garage....... The landlord arrived at 11:30 to speak with the vendor regarding installation but all we have is a soggy box..... cause it's RAINING...... we had 3 days of rain forecast-ed yesterday was a bust.... just enough to make your car look icky..... today however it's raining just like they said it would be..... bleck...

Hope all have a good Monday.....
Well, tried to get help with my landline phone problem.....no luck. No idea if perhaps it is because of holiday....no one around. It is wierdest thing. I deleted the announcement on there, intending to change it. Well, that announcement deleted all right, but the very first one still appears. So I opted for the auto one, you know, the one that is used if you have no outgoing announcement. So I call my landline with my cell phone. The land line speaker is playing the auto one, but in my cell phone, I am hearing that old old first one (when hubby was alive). I have deleted all announcements, all messages, etc. but it is still going on. I don't know what to do anymore. Sheesh. Do I have to get a new phone? Egads.
Have done it....have followed their steps exactly......over half dozen times now.
Is the A/C in the attic or on the roof? Will this make the furnace work?
yIKES! Quite a show for the neighborhood, I bet.
When hubby was installing these, they were always on the ground right next to the house. (When I moved here, that is where it was located here).
Love the "umbrella" they rigged up.
robin, I'm glad it's working. My A/C is on the side of the house. Some homes have the
unit in the attic.
So what is the "gaping hole" for? I mean would rain/dust not enter the house thru it?
the unit feeds the duct work it's a hole on the roof I guess, I've never been up there when the unit's not attached.
All A/C units are on the roof here in AZ. In CA I could have had one put on a had to be poured concrete slab in the back yard but for some reason they put it on the roof. I'm just really happy the Christmas lights came down Sunday those would have made it just so much more "festive" we have a new drainage pipe too down the back of the house. We will attach a hose to it and put it on some of the in ground plants to get them extra water in the summer when the A/C is on.
So I call my landline with my cell phone. The land line speaker is playing the auto one, but in my cell phone, I am hearing that old old first one (when hubby was alive). I have deleted all announcements, all messages, etc. but it is still going on.
Poirot, I don't mean to be unsympathetic to your problem but I couldn't help it....this made me laugh. It made me think of the Twilight Zone. I hope you can get some help with it tomorrow.

Robin, I laughed again at your comment about how the Christmas lights would have made the installation of the A /C unit so much more festive. I was interested in your pictures. My daughter-in-law is from El Paso and she's told me that the air conditioners there are on top of the houses and I hadn't seen that because they are on the ground here, as Poirot said.

Kat, the arrival of the purple finches isn't funny but it sure is a surprise! I killed a wasp inside my house today. It was in the 70s* here, and windy.
Poirot: What kind of iPhone do you have? I have Apple so I called their support tech (and demanded a PERSON) for the same problem. They did a "share screen" process and stayed with me until it was solved.

Also, depending on your Landline provider. Bell serves us. When our line was out more than working, I called numerous times. The repairman said our underground lines were all rotted out in our area and needed to be replaced. When I called and demanded to talk with a PERSON WHO COULD ACTUALLY HELP ME, I received this response. They are no longer replacing underground or above ground wiring. When it goes out, they only offer "digital". In other words they offer you a new cell phone as a landline. I was sent a Samsung Galaxy that we could never get to work. Yes, it would have been cheaper but made no sense to have 2 cell phones. I just sent back everything and closed my landline account. I found out most companies are doing this because most people have cell phones which causes the companies to loose money. Good luck!