That's a long time for a bruise, Poirot. Maybe from some of your medications?
The day got away from me. I didn't get up until 8:15 this morning. The morning disappeared before I knew it. This afternoon we fed cows. Then I cooked some glop for my supper and it was pretty awful. Made my stomach queasy to eat it so I ate a piece of cake from the freezer (my husband's nephew sent me a coffee cake from Boston Cakes for Christmas--so good). That made my stomach feel better. Haha. No, really, it did.......
The weather was nice today, in the 50s*, partly sunny. By Friday it will get into the low70s* (but still below freezing each night) but the wind is supposed to blow. Then that same cold front that some of you mentioned will arrive here too, on Saturday, getting much worse by Monday.