1/15/24 - Donuts & Martin Luther King day


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Dec 29, 2012
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Currently it is 11 below zero.......and our expected high is 1 below. The fireplace is on, and the electric heater. It is just ..............not gonna say another word. Am sure it is awful for everone. Gonna go make some hot coffee or tea.
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27 in NY, still considered balmy to many, I am sure. Am working today, we don't get this holiday, but will listen to 'I Have A Dream" later today, which I do every year on the day.

Kat: Thank you for posting that meaningful image.

Poirot - Sending you virtual warmth. I have too much hot air for one person, anyway.

Hi all - long time no see. I haven't been around for a while - just busy with life. Its 20 here with a feels like of 0. Brrrrrrr

Just been working hard. Last year was super busy and we finally hired another audiologist so the burden was eased a bit thankfully. Now I am dealing with elderly dachsies - one will be 17 in April and the other is 15.5. They still seem to be doing ok. Am going on a quilt retreat in about 10 days, looking forward to that.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to check in more.
It's 17° here. Snow all night and most of the morning. Have 3+ inches. Going to slow down and start again later this afternoon thru Tuesday morning. Forecast is 5+. It's a dry snow, so no snowmen. The main road by my house LOOKS clear, but I have no plans to find out. Everyone stay warm and safe.
Waiting on my brother to bring propane. In bed, electric blanket on with layers of covers. Electric heater on. As soon as I have propane trailer heater goes on. I am going to play lots of pogo games. Badge event with lots of Pogis to be won for getting power's as you progress through levels of the constellation
It’s 19° here in the Burgh. Knock on wood, we’re somehow missing most of this storm mess. Had a thin layer of snow yesterday but nothing major, just cold. Thankful for a day off before our second semester begins tomorrow. Being able to do today’s write-up made me think a little more about MLK than I probably would have otherwise (though I’m going to have my high school choir students sight read “We Shall Overcome” tomorrow!).

Today was also the day when I got my permanent implants put in so I can finally chew normally again (the temps didn’t have molars to keep people on the softer foods diet while gums recover). Feeling like I should order a plate of nachos from Door Dash or something to watch the Steelers game that was rescheduled for today due to Buffalo getting slammed with snow.

Hope everyone who is in the path of this storm and freezing temps is able to stay warm and safe!
Good morning..... counting down the hours till Wednesday when we will be FINALLY above freezing.... at 33 then it drops back into the 20's but for one glorious day we will be above freezing...... May I say I do not like winter when it is like this.... I prefer winter in the desert......

My sister called, the one whose having memory issues.... she saw all the news coverage, can't miss it honestly, for Iowa today and wanted to know how much snow we had. I explained kindly that I don't live in Iowa, it's cold but I don't have any new snow on the ground and what I have is now more like icebergs..... But it was cold and windy.... we did have that..... she went to have her morning coffee flavored milk.... I swear half the cup is milk the other coffee.....

Off to do fun things like laundry..... tomorrow is vacuuming.... woo hooo.....
Did laundry yesterday!!! So we have blue sky today, and sunshine!!! However, not gonna help the frigid temps.........We are up to 3 below but that will be about it. Stayin' in, dressing warm, don't know why the house gets so cold at night when the temp is set at 74! It never reaches there in this kind of weather. Guess I have to join OC and begin work on the tax stuff.
It’s 19° here in the Burgh.

Currently 14° north of you in Mercer County!
It was still 3° with windchill of -11° at 9:00 this morning.

Having a lazy day here. I'm waiting for my Amazon delivery before going outside. I still need to clean 4 inches of snow off the car. Plus the garbage bin needs to be brought back up to the house. We get fined if it sits out at the road overnight after garbage collection.

Stay safe everyone!
It was 0 degrees when I got up this morning. Minus 7 with wind chill. It's 12 now and partly sunny. I'm going out
later to push off some snow on driveway. It's dry and it should be easy. I won't be out long. It will help with the
melting if some gone. School closed again Tuesday so no walking the dog. My cat spent longer outside this morning.

This morning, I studied and spent time going through my flash drives. I have several with little stuff here and there.
I moved things around and have empty ones. I need to clean up computer next and get things off that are duplicates.
I have lots of music that needs organized. Then save stuff that's current before anything happens.

Poirot, I hope you've warmed up since this morning.

dachsie, nice seeing you this morning.

ShaunP enjoy eating food again.

robin, enjoy your inside chores.

rf, I hope your brother arrived with your propane and you're getting warm.

rs, I hope Amazon arrived with your package.

I hope everyone is able to stay in during the holiday.
Waiting for my niece to pick me up to feed cows. Official low this morning was 8*. My thermometer was lower so I don't know. Either way, wind chill was below zero. May reach 20* today but wind getting up again.

I'll check back later to read and comment. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.
Sexton, I hope you have your propane heat back on by now. My son and his family left Texas just in time to barely miss getting caught in this storm. Their camper home doesn't do so well in extreme cold. They got caught in south Texas in that horrible storm we had 2 or 3 years ago. Since then they've tried to avoid that kind of situation.

Dachsie, it's great your elderly dogs have someone like you to care so well for them. A quilt retreat sounds fun. I love quilts but never learned to make them.

ShaunP, the implants are wonderful. One of my sons got them some years ago.

Robin, I can appreciate your sister's taste for coffee. I don't tolerate coffee well and drink it only on very rare occasions, but when I do I literally drink it 1/2 coffee and 1/2 half and half. Wish I could drink it everyday!

Poirot, my house is not getting as warm as I have the thermostats set either, especially the sunroom, which is all big windows on three sides. I've kept it shut off from the rest of the house for the duration of this cold spell. But the sun was finally out here today too and that helped with things, even though the temperature stayed well below freezing. (Got to 20* for a little while).

Squirrel, I guess charging for leaving the bins out is the only way some people would ever move them. I've never had to deal with pickups but I'm guessing I might sometimes forget to move one in--even if I knew I had to pay a fine.

Kat, it's nice you didn't have to walk the dog, after spending time outside removing snow. Hope you got your computer cleaned up.

Wilde Woman, I for one, do not consider 27* balmy. Hey, it's still freezing! But I'm glad it wasn't any worse for you.

Nameless, I'm glad you were able to stay in and not test those roads. Hope you're enjoying your day.

Feeding the cows was uneventful and went more quickly than usual. My niece's cows were close to her house so she fed them on her way over here. She has a watering tub with a heater so she'd already filled it. Her heifers and mine are together in the pasture surrounding my house. They were at the remaining part of the big bale of hay that had been put out for them a couple of days ago, so not hard to find. It appears the sunshine has helped soften the edge of the tank (pond) water near my house enough for them to get a drink out of it. The rest of my cattle were in a pasture 3 miles away but they were all together and not far from a tank over there. That tank also had thin ice around the edges. Since we have only one more day to go of this, it looks like they'll be able to make it okay.
OC, I'm glad feeding went smoothly today.

Even the thought of coffee diluted so much with milk doesn't sound so good to me. I can't stand the smell or taste of coffee. Tea is a different story ... nice and hot with sugar or sweet iced tea any time of the day.

I was only out in the cold for 15 minutes today. The car's remote start only runs 15 minutes so I knew I had to come in when it shut off. In that time, I got the newspaper from the box, brought up the garbage bin, cleaned the car, and filled the bird feeders. I was more than ready to come in by then.

While waiting for the Steelers/Bills game to start, I started watching Agatha Christie's ABC Murders on Amazon Prime. I had never read that book, and was surprised that Hercule Poirot is retired when the series / book takes place in 1933. He also has flashbacks that show what happened to him in 1914 Belgium and how he arrived in England.

So I wouldn't fall asleep while watching the show, I took down the Christmas tree. The tree, ornaments, wreaths, and all but 2 of my ceramic Christmas trees (7 altogether of different sizes) are now put away upstairs. I just couldn't make another trip upstairs to take up the last 2 since they're each 15 inches tall...one is green and white with a gold star on top, the other is red and white with a candy mint on top. Yep, I was stupid by doing the steps so many times especially since I have to come down backwards. (At least I no longer have to come down on my rear end.) Now I'm on the couch with ice on my foot and ankle.
Squirrel, you sure had a full day. I hope you didn't overdo it with the stairs. I wish I could drink tea. I grew up drinking it and stopped in mid-life, when I realized it was contributing to my headaches, and also I had tested allergic to it a couple of times. Every once in a while I'll still drink a little bit at a restaurant. Iced tea is like the official drink in Texas, year round. There are many who claim it has to be "sweet tea" and they make a big deal of saying you aren't really Texan if you don't drink it sweet. But there are plenty of us "several-generation" Texans who prefer it unsweetened. I like it unsweetened and with lemon. But it is true that most people here don't drink hot tea. I imagine there are some but I can't say that I remember ever knowing any of them. I was surprised to see people drinking hot tea when I moved to Pennsylvania. Especially if you ordered tea in a restaurant and didn't specify, it would be brought to you hot! I hope you get a good night's rest and enjoy your nice, hot cup of tea in the morning. :)
RS, I hope your foot and ankle will be alright.

Kat, I'm sure you give lots of love to your cat. I lost my 19 year old baby last year and it still hurts.

OC, Canadians usually drink just normal hot tea and we call sweet tea iced tea

Hope everyone has a good night